
  • 网络bank branch
  1. 商业银行分支机构的绩效考核&平衡计分卡的视角

    Commercial bank branch 's performance examination & from the angle of balance score card

  2. 调查还发现,由于越来越多的顾客选择在网上或通过电话进行交易,银行分支机构的重要性正在下降。

    It also found that the Bank branch was declining in importance as more customers chose to transact online or by telephone .

  3. 跨国银行分支机构分别监管法律制度初探&兼论WTO与我国跨国银行监管法律制度的完善

    Brief Research on Legal System of Separate Supervision on Branches of Multinational Banks

  4. 关于商业银行分支机构提高经济增加值(EVA)的探讨

    On Enhancing EVA by Branches of Commercial Banks

  5. 针对中国商业银行分支机构众多的特点,将X效率引入绩效评价指标中,有利于研究分析银行分支机构的经营状况,为其制定正确的发展战略。

    Since most Chinese banks have many branches , adding X-Efficiency into the performance evaluation indicators can help to analyze the operating status of branches and make appropriate development strategy .

  6. 香港金管局(hkma)正在讨论中的其它建议包括,将银行分支机构中的吸储活动与投资销售活动分离开来。

    Other proposals from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority under discussion include the separation of deposit-taking activities from investment-selling activities in bank branches .

  7. 在智能银行分支机构中,申请并发放一张信用卡只需要45分钟。除此以外,花旗亚洲业务还在研发一种新型自动柜员机(ATM),内部高级人士将它称为新一代ATM。

    Alongside the smart branches , where a new credit card can be applied for and issued in just 45 minutes , the Asian arm has also been developing what senior insiders have described as a new generation of ATMs .

  8. 这场危机及其发现雷曼兄弟的英国分公司不受美联储的监管,AIG通过位于伦敦的法国银行分支机构安排了许多信贷衍生品交易表明,这类机构让美国鞭长莫及。

    This crisis , with its discoveries that the UK arm of Lehman Brothers was beyond the reach of the Fed , and that AIG booked many credit derivatives trades through a London-based French banking subsidiary , showed that such institutions have outgrown the US .

  9. 在英国,仍然有1万家银行分支机构。

    Banks still have about 10000 branches in the UK .

  10. 最后一部分提出商业银行分支机构实施经济资本管理、转变业务增长模式的原则和方法。

    The last part brings out the principles and methods of capital management .

  11. 非洲大陆很多国家非常贫穷,承担不起昂贵的银行分支机构和基础设施。

    Much of the continent is too poor to sustain costly branches and infrastructure .

  12. 还有一些在限制经营范围内营业的外资银行分支机构和代表处。

    There are also branches or representative offices of foreign banks with limited activities .

  13. 对股份制改革的国有商业银行分支机构的监管措施及建议

    The Measure and Advice On Control Branch of National Commercial Bank After Reform of Stock System

  14. 但截至目前,它只吸引了少量的银行分支机构和私人股本公司。

    So far it has attracted just a sprinkling of bank branches and private equity firms .

  15. 但是,投资银行家掌控的金融集团旗下的零售银行分支机构,会与传统保守的零售银行一样吗?

    But would the retail banking subsidiaries of a financial conglomerate controlled by investment bankers resemble a traditional conservative retail bank ?

  16. 本《通知》所称外国银行分支机构是指外国银行分行和支行;

    The term " foreign banks'branch institutions " as mentioned in the present " Notice " shall refer to foreign banks'branches and sub-branches ;

  17. 香港的银行分支机构提供专业顾问,其设计往往像富丽堂皇的酒店大堂,并且配备了交互式电视幕墙。

    Bank branches in Hong Kong gave access to specialist advisers and were often designed like stylish hotel lobbies with interactive TV walls .

  18. 由于本土银行分支机构位于美国储蓄保险的保护伞下,取得零售金融服务的执照必须通过更高的门槛。

    A licence for a retail operation must pass a higher threshold since local branches will be covered by America 's deposit-insurance umbrella .

  19. 通过上述研究,为国内商业银行分支机构建立起了一套完整的中小企业信贷业务风险控制体系。

    Through the above study , it establishes a set of complete risk control system of SMSE 's credit business for our commercial banks .

  20. 同城清算指人民银行分支机构组织同一城市范围内各银行机构办理的跨行票据交换及资金清算业务。

    Intra-City Clearing is note exchange and capital clearing business organized by branches of PBC , which spans multiple banks within the same city .

  21. 仅巴尔干地区的繁荣对希腊而言也是利好:平均一周就有一家由希腊人在相邻的巴尔干国家开设一家银行分支机构。

    A mini-boom in the Balkans is helping : a Greek bank opens a new branch in a neighbouring Balkan country almost every week .

  22. 世界杯的门票在超市和银行分支机构以及一些专门的柜台里进行销售,但使用的都是国际足联的网络系统。

    The tickets were on sale at supermarkets and bank branches as well as special counters but all relied on Fifa 's computer system .

  23. 商业银行分支机构管理体制扁平化研究&工商银行济宁市分行开展穿透式绩效考评的实践与思考

    Flattening of Management System by Branches of Commercial Banks & Practice of and though on Jining Branch , ICBC to conduct " penetrated " performance evaluation

  24. 由此,在对商业银行分支机构进行选址时,经营面积、人口和可支配收入都是需要重点考虑的因素。

    Thus , when selecting the location of the commercial bank branches , operating area , population and disposable income are needed to be taken into account .

  25. 瑞士因其银行分支机构和呼叫中心的杰出表现而成为亚军。通常情况下,在它们的呼叫中心,一位职员会从头到尾处理顾客的问询。

    Switzerland came second with strong performances in branches and in call centres where typically one member of staff will handle a query from start to finish .

  26. 他此前一直在升级亚洲业务,在公司全面改造IT系统后,推出了以电视墙和触摸屏为卖点的智能银行分支机构。

    He has been updating its operations in Asia with smart banking branches boasting video walls and touchscreen sales points , made possible by an overhaul of its IT systems .

  27. 商业银行分支机构在同业短期拆借市场拆入拆出资金的数额由其总行规定。

    The amount of the funds borrowed or lent through the inter-bank short-term lending market by the branches of a commercial bank shall be decided by the head office thereof .

  28. 银行分支机构的数量一直在增加,目前全台湾共有3276家,此外信用合作社、邮政储蓄系统和外资银行名下还有约2600家。

    The number of bank branches has continued to increase . Taiwan has 3276 , plus about 2600 branches run by credit co-operatives , the postal savings system and foreign banks .

  29. 对于中部地区股份制商业银行分支机构而言,策略风险、信用风险和操作风险构成运营中的核心风险。

    Among the all risks , the strategic risk , credit risk and operational risk constitute the core risk of the operating process to the branches of central joint-stock commercial banks .

  30. 本文正是基于上述目的,在借鉴和吸收国内外风险评价体系研究、实践的基础上,对构成金融组织体系的个体即商业银行分支机构的风险评价体系进行研究、探索。

    It is drawn on the research and practice of the risk estimating systems both home and abroad and tries to make a further study on that of the branches of Commercial Bank .