
  • 网络Bank Street
  1. 在银行街下车在那里换乘10路公共汽车。

    Jump out at the Bank street and get a10 bus there .

  2. 她在拐入银行街的时候看见了我们。

    As she turned the corner into bank street , she saw us .

  3. 就在市中心的银行街。

    It 's right in downtown on Bank Street .

  4. 热心人士报警说有人在银行街一所住宅的走廊里喊救命

    A caller reported that someone was on a porch yelling " help " from a residence on Bank Street

  5. 你只要一直向前走,到了银行街便转右,再走两个街口,右面便是巴士总站。

    Go straight ahead until you come to Bank Then you 'll see the bus terminal on your right .

  6. 通过颐园街排水工程中过银行街双排顶管施工实例,阐述了双排顶管法适用条件。特别情况下特殊处理。

    By exemplifying , the authors present the applicable conditions of two lined top pipes and its special disposal under the special conditions .

  7. 银行在街的哪一边?

    A : Which side of the street is it on ?

  8. 银行在街拐角处。

    The bank is just at the corner of the street .

  9. 生意人将停在银行前面街上的一辆劳斯莱斯的钥匙交给他。

    So the businessman handed over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank .

  10. 银行就在街对过。

    The bank is just across the street .

  11. 一个银行经理在街上跳舞,那是颇失身分的!

    Dancing in the street is rather infra dig for a bank manager !

  12. 都是因为那些鬼鬼祟祟偷偷摸摸的勾当,你们也知道,这些勾当都是政府,银行和华尔街的人干的

    the ganeyvish schticklich coming from the governments and the , you know , the bankers and the Wall Street . You know it .

  13. 数十年来,亚洲各银行一直为华尔街所着迷,但一次又一次,它们将自己打造成美国顶级参与者的尝试都以失败而告终,或是像野村(Nomura)那样,以退出收场。

    For decades , Asian banks have been obsessed by Wall Street , but time and again their attempts to establish themselves as top-tier players in the US have sputtered or , as in Nomura 's case , ended in retreat .

  14. 对于客户而言,由打造一新的专业性精品银行构成的华尔街将变得更健康。

    A refashioned Wall Street of specialist boutiques would be healthier for customers .

  15. 今天发生惨剧银行劫案祸延街上。

    Tragedy in the neighborhood today . a bank robbery spilled out into the street .

  16. 现在,这家拥有145年历史的老字号投资银行成了华尔街的新闻焦点。

    Right now , the fabled 145-year old investment bank is leading the news on Wall Street .

  17. 如今,全球市值最大的3家银行均为中资银行。华尔街、伦敦和苏黎世的金融巨擎们遭遇挫折,无论它们现在试图提供什么,北京都兴味索然。

    Today the three largest banks in the world by market capitalisation are all Chinese and there is little appetite in Beijing for whatever the humbled giants of Wall Street , London and Zurich are trying to offer .

  18. 塔夫脱认为,受到气候影响的社会历史还影响了现代企业文化,令加拿大的银行比其他地方的银行比如华尔街更务实的、更有集体主义精神。

    And that climate-induced social history influenced the modern corporate culture , Taft suggests , making Canadian banks more imbued with a pragmatic , collective spirit than those of , say , Wall Street .

  19. 美国将有足够的信心相信,由德国主导对一家全球性银行进行处置时,不会查封该银行在华尔街的业务。

    The US would be confident enough in a German-led resolution of a global bank not to seize its Wall Street operation .