
  1. 据奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克通报道,此前该市市长接受NPR新闻的采访时表示,他已得到确切消息,宗教极端组织放火烧了这些文件。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports the city 's mayor had earlier told NPR he 'd received credible accounts said the Jihads had set fire to the documents .

  2. 伊斯兰的伊拉克和叙利亚极端组织ISIS一直争夺伊拉克政府,而且试图掌握这个国家更多的权力和地区。

    The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria known as ISIS has been fighting the Iraqi government and trying to seize more power in the country and the region .

  3. 恐怖袭击事件可能令巴基斯坦感到难堪,因为近来武装分子在该国北部斯瓦特(Swat)山谷接连遭受打击,巴基斯坦政府因此声称自己正赢得针对伊斯兰极端组织的斗争。

    It is likely to embarrass Pakistan after a recent series of setbacks for the militants in the northern Swat valley led the government to claim it was winning the battle against the Islamist group .

  4. 2014年的调查集中在马廷和穆莱·默罕穆德·阿布萨哈(MonerMohammadAbusalha)可能存在的关系上。阿布萨哈是佛罗里达的美国公民,他前往叙利亚,成为了一个极端组织的人体自杀炸弹。

    The 2014 investigation centered on a possible link between Mr. Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abusalha , an American from Florida who became a suicide bomber for an extremist group in Syria .

  5. 想通过阿萨德找到对付极端组织的办法。

    Using Assad as an appeal to extremist groups .

  6. 克莱门:近几年法国参与了对抗北非极端组织的行动。

    KELEMEN : France has fought extremist groups in North Africa in recent years .

  7. 一个被叫做阿尔沙巴布的伊斯兰极端组织是这次袭击事件的元凶。

    An extremist Islamic group called al Shabab says it 's responsible for this attack .

  8. 极端组织的支持对这候选人来说是帮了倒忙。

    The support of the Radical group was the kiss of death to the candidate .

  9. 我认为现在非常清楚地是,极端组织将取得这个战场上赢得胜利。

    I think it 's very clear that the extremist groups are winning on the battlefield .

  10. 今年来自欧洲刑警组织的一份报告表示,去年,极左派极端组织在欧洲实施了45次袭击。

    A report this year from Europol said extreme left-wing groups forty-five attacks in Europe last year .

  11. 上月末,美、两军粉碎了一个叫圣军的什叶派极端组织。

    Late last month , American and Iraqi troops smashed a Shia cult called the Soldiers of Heaven .

  12. 它还将给西方大国敲响警钟,这些国家一直在向巴基斯坦政府施压,要求其应对伊斯兰极端组织的威胁。

    It will also alarm western powers that have been applying pressure on Islamabad to deal with the Islamist threat .

  13. 极端组织领导人在一条音频中要求全部穆斯林参与进来,不论国籍。

    In an audio tape , the group 's leader is exhorting Muslims regardless of their nationalities to take part .

  14. 随着叙利亚内战战火跨越边境,受战争洗礼的极端组织攻击美国的能力也在增强。

    As the Syrian civil war spills across borders , the capacity of battle-hardened extremist groups to come after us only increases .

  15. 现在,欧盟的刑事情报机构欧洲刑警组织正在对北欧的非伊斯兰极端组织进行一次特别调查。

    Now the European Union 's criminal intelligence agency , Europol , is launching a special investigation into non-Islamist extremism in Scandinavia .

  16. 警方追踪了这两名男子和其他怀疑与极端组织之间的网络信息交换之后逮捕了这两人。

    Police arrested the pair after following Internet exchanges between the two men and other people believed to have links to extremist groups .

  17. 但有观点认为,相对于巴政府,这些党派与一些更极端组织有着更好的接触。

    But there is a feeling that these parties have better outreach to some of the more extreme groups than the government has .

  18. 所以我们的许多模型要检测的第一件事是:这个账号是否与暴力极端组织有联系?

    So a lot of our models are based around , number one : Is this account associated with a violent extremist group ?

  19. 我们对于暴力极端组织制定了规则,而我们的大部分工作和服务条款是研究用户行为,而非网站内容。

    So we have policies around violent extremist groups , and the majority of our work and our terms of service works on conduct , not content .

  20. 然而,各类极端组织实施的恐怖暴力行动对全球社会造成了极大的危害,构成了非传统安全威胁的一个重要组成部分。

    Nevertheless , the various terrorists ' violent actions launched by extremist organizations have greatly endangered international community , which composes an important part of non-traditional threat .

  21. 他是个黑人英雄,尊重各个民族,但不同于一些极端组织,而采用正确形式捍卫民族尊严!

    He is a hero of the black people and respected all races , unlike some extremist groups , he used the correct methods to safeguard racial dignity .

  22. 帕克表示,军情五处认为,自2013年10月以来,有20多起由叙利亚极端组织指挥或煽动的针对西方目标的恐怖主义阴谋。

    Mr Parker said MI5 believed there had been more than 20 terrorist plots either directed or provoked by extremist groups in Syria against western targets since October 2013 .

  23. 美国助理国务卿包润石表示,他和巴基斯坦官员的交谈集中在如何说服更多人加入对抗激进分子和极端组织的问题。

    Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher said his conversations with Pakistani officials had focused on efforts to convince more people to join the fight against militants and extremist groups .

  24. 西格尔:极端组织似乎赢得了内战的胜利,就是说这些反对阿萨德政权的组织胜利了。

    SIEGEL : The extremist groups appear to be winning the civil war within the civil war , that is , the groups that are opposed to the Assad regime .

  25. 第二章对现阶段中东地区崇尚恐怖暴力活动的极端组织进行了分析介绍,并概括出了现阶段中东恐怖主义所具有的一些特点。

    I introduce the main extremist organizations which are likely to use the violence currently . And then I summarized a number of characteristics of the Terrorism in the Middle-East nowadays .

  26. 三月,联合国安理会一致通过了一项决议,谴责极端组织破坏文化古迹的行为,并警告说这类行为是战争罪行。

    In March , the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the illegal destruction of heritage sites by extremist groups , warning that such acts could constitute war crimes .

  27. 这是两人的第一次碰面,副总统在上月的一次讲话中宣称安卡拉通过允许外国战士从土耳其进入叙利亚帮助促进极端组织的兴起。

    This is their first meeting since the vice president alleged in a speech last month that Ankara helped facilitate the rise of the extremist group by allowing foreign fighters to cross into Syria from Turkey .

  28. 他表示,中国将严惩暴力犯罪活动,开展打击暴力恐怖团伙和极端组织专项行动,加大追逃力度。

    He said China will impose severe punishment on those taking part in violent crimes , adding the country will step up the actions to crack down upon terrorist groups and extremist organizations and track the wanted .

  29. 尼日利亚令宣布与极端组织“博科圣地”停火令所有人大吃一惊,现在距离停火已经过去了近两周的时间,军方表示停火协议将加快四月份被绑架的200名女学生的释放进程。

    It has been almost two weeks now since Nigeria 's surprising announcement of a cease-fire with the extremist group Boko Haram , a deal that the military said would lead to the speedy release of more than 200 schoolgirls that the group abducted in April .

  30. 实际上阿萨德政权利用空袭极端组织的行动加强了对更温和反对派的袭击,他们一直把这些反对派看作是对他们政权存亡的最大威胁,因为他们知道西方国家永远不会支持伊斯兰极端分子占领像大马士革这样重要的首都,

    They 've actually taken advantage of the airstrikes against the extremist groups to intensify their attacks against the more moderate rebels who they see as a bigger threat to their existence because they know that the West will never countenance an Islamic extremist takeover of an important capital like Damascus ,