
  • 网络Channel depth;waterway depth
  1. 进出港航道水深将达10m以上,与上下游航道衔接自然,对船舶航行和进出港作业十分有利。

    When the harbor basin links up with the upper and lower reaches quite smoothly and the navigation channel water depth is over 10m , entrance and exit for ships would be very convenient .

  2. 支流汇入与河口段航道水深的关系&以赣江为例

    The Relation between Tributary Inflow and Channel Depth of Stream Inlet

  3. 航道水深对海运发展的制约

    Effect of Water Depth of Port Channels on Shipping Development

  4. 内河航道水深测量中提高水位改正精度的实践

    Some Notes in Sounding Precision Improving in Hydrographic Surveying of Inland Waterway

  5. 航道水深实时监控系统的原理及实现方法

    The Principal and Accomplishing Method of Real-time Supervise System of Channel Depth

  6. 基于双基地声纳的港口航道水深实时监测系统

    Real-time monitoring system of water depth based on bistatic sonar in harbor channel

  7. 从《内河通航标准》看某些特殊限制性航道水深的确定

    Consideration of depth definition of special restricted channel from navigation standard of inland waterway

  8. 吃水随航道水深变化时的船型论证方法

    Study on Demonstration Method of a Ship When its Draft Constrained by Route Water Depth

  9. 浅海航道水深实时监测方法研究

    Research on real-time method to monitor the water depth in the channel of shallow sea

  10. 在拦门沙有8公里长的航道水深不足,1984年进行了疏浚。

    There was a section of 8 km whose water depth could not satisfy navigation .

  11. 研制了一套基于双基地声呐实现港口航道水深实时监测的实用化系统。

    A practical system based on bistatic sonar is developed for realizing the real-time monitoring of water depth .

  12. 在10万t级航道水深测量中,可用验潮站的潮位进行订正。

    So the tide level of the tidal station can be used for measuring the water depth of the 100 000 tonnage channel .

  13. 对多期航道水深测量资料进行动态分析,建成航道水深数据库。

    A dynamic analysis was also applied to the water depth using multi temporal channel maps and a database of water depth of the Lower Yangtze River was also set up .

  14. 针对目前港口航道水深实时监测的需求和所存在的问题,提出了一种基于双基地声呐的港口航道水深实时监测方法。

    Aiming at the current requirements and existing problems for realizing the real-time monitoring of water depth in port channel , a novel method based on bistatic sonar is put forward .

  15. 系统安装简单,实时性好,尤其对狭窄航道水深的实时监测具有很高的应用价值和广泛的应用前景。

    Furthermore , simple installation and better real-time performance enable the system to possess high application value and broad application prospect for the real-time monitoring of water depth in narrow channel .

  16. 随着现代船舶的高速化与大型化,航道水深相对变小,航道宽度相对变窄,使内河航道成为浅窄航道。

    With the speed and scale of modern ships getting higher and larger , the depth turns shallow and the width turns narrow correspondingly , which made the sea-route be the restricted water .

  17. 推荐方案沿程流速、流态分布合理,基本能维持航道水深并满足设计船型的航行条件,可供类似河口治理参考。

    The local movable-bed test results show that the flow velocity and flow state along the channel of the recommended plan are reasonable and can basically maintain the channel water depth and satisfy the sailing conditions for designed ships .

  18. 许多港口的进出港航道水深不能全天候满足大型深吃水船的航行要求,船舶需要利用潮汐分时段乘潮进出港。

    The depth of many ports ' channel for ship to enter / leave harbor can not meet the need of deep-draft ships all day , so some ships need to use the sub-period tide to enter / leave the port .

  19. 淤积在断面上的分布也不均匀,泥沙淤积对河口地区的港口及航道水深有一定影响。入海航道由于局部浅段的存在,致使航道水深严重不足,制约了港口的发展。

    The water depth of navigation at the port will be affected by the sediment deposition . The shallow water area in an estuary , where the depth of flow is insufficient for navigation , restricts the development of the port .

  20. 通过对影响水深测量因素的分析,并结合内河航道水深测量的特点及生产实践,阐述了在内河航道水深测量中提高水位改正精度的方法和体会。

    The article introduced our methods and experience of sounding precision improving in hydrographic surveying of inland waterway , based on analysis of elements which affect the work of hydrographic surveying , and on the characteristics and practice of hydrographic survey of inland waterway in our Surveying Party .

  21. 航道工程水深数据三角化及边界生成算法的改进

    An Improved Delaunay Triangulation and Boundary Generation of Water Depth Data Set

  22. 划水时手指张角的变化对游泳推进力影响的数值模拟航道工程水深数据三角化及边界生成算法的改进

    Numerical Simulation of Influence of Variation of Fingers Flare Angle on Propulsion in Pull ; An Improved Delaunay Triangulation and Boundary Generation of Water Depth Data Set

  23. 该项目的目的是研制一种小型无人潜水器,对该公司下辖的出海航道的水深情况进行实时监测。

    The aim of the project is to develop a kind of unmanned underwater vehicle which is used to monitor the depth of the fairways under the jurisdiction of the company timely .

  24. 进港航道自然水深除部分航段外都在-30米以上,25万吨级以下的大轮可自由进出港,25万吨级至30万吨级超大型巨轮可以候潮进出港。

    The depth of fairway is more than 30 meters except some areas and 250,000-ton VLCC can access the port at any time . The 250,000 to 300,000 ton ULCC can access the port in flood tide .

  25. 为了适应船舶大型化的要求,港池和航道的维护水深逐渐加大,疏浚维护工程费用相应提高。

    In order to accommodate the enlargement of ship , the maintenance depth of the harbour basin and navigation channel were increased gradually .

  26. 对于超大型船舶来说,此种航道不仅受到水深的限制,同时还受到航道宽度的限制。

    For large ship , this channel is limited not only by the depth of the channel , but also by the channel width .

  27. 航道数字定位与水深记录系统

    Hydrographic Digital Positioning and Depth Recording System

  28. 在此基础上实现了航道等级分析、水深分析和挖方计算等应用。

    Basing this model , many further application can be realized , such as waterway classification analysis , water deep analysis and dig area calculation .

  29. 阐述在港口工程设计中乘潮延时与航道、港池水深的关系,提出了两点建议。

    The relations between tide rising duration and water depth of channel and basin are described in the paper and two proposals are also raised in it .

  30. 世界各国纷纷着手用各种工程措施对拦门沙航道进行整治,以增加航道水深,提高航道通过能力,改善安全航行条件。

    In order to increase the channel depth , enhance the channel capacity and improve its safety conditions , countries all over the world have taken all kinds of engineering measures on the regulation of the bar shoal .