
  • 网络spacecraft;spaceship;space shuttle;space ship
  1. 亚特兰蒂斯航天飞船的全体工作人员再次为发射做准备。

    The crew of the space shuttle Atlantis is again preparing for launch .

  2. 甚至是航天飞船上的宇航员也加入了这项活动

    Even the astronauts on the space shuttle .

  3. 1985年的今天,美国副总统乔治·H·W·布什宣布新汉普郡老师克里斯蒂娜·麦克奥莉芙将成为首位登上航天飞船的在校老师。

    1985-US Vice President George H.W.Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle .

  4. 将逆向软件和专业CAD软件结合起来是针对复杂曲面模型重建的有效方法,以神舟五号载人航天飞船缓冲减震垫设计为实例,探求了复杂曲面重建规律。

    Let the reverse software be combined with the specialized CAD software is an effective method for complicated surface model reconstruction . Take the design of buffer shock absorption pad of SHENZHOU ⅴ manned space airship as a living example the law of complicated surface reconstruction was explored .

  5. 航天飞船座椅着陆缓冲系统的力学模型

    Dynamic model of seat - buffer landing system for manned spacecraft

  6. 中国载人航天飞船起步的战略思考

    The Strategic Thoughts With Spacecraft as Starting Points to Achieve Manned Space in China

  7. 星期一晚些时候发现号航天飞船将与国际空间站对接。

    The space shuttle Discovery will dock with the international space station later monday .

  8. 我们发射的又不是航天飞船

    We 're not launching a space shuttle .

  9. 一枚土星号火箭把阿波罗航天飞船送入空中。

    A Saturn rocket hurled apollo aloft .

  10. 国际航天飞船上的宇航员也参加了

    The international space shuttle got involved .

  11. 等等,他只为自己保留了载人航天飞船和重型运载火箭。

    N.Babakin ; and so on , keeping manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicles for himself .

  12. 这本新书是关于神舟11号载人航天飞船是如何升入太空的。

    The new book is about how Shenzhou 11 manned spaceship was sent up into space .

  13. 他关于载人航天飞船如何发射的解析完全正确。

    What he explained about how to launch the first manned spaceship was right on the money .

  14. 神舟十号在2013年6月发射,成为中国首艘应用型航天飞船。

    Shenzhou-10 was launched in June 2013 , when it became China 's first applicantion-oriented space flight .

  15. 至此,美国开始了超越航天飞船和月球防寒靴的新技术的研发工程。

    From the beginning , the purpose for the new branch extended beyond space ships and moon boots .

  16. 最近这些天无人驾驶的心宿二火箭和维珍银河航天飞船都发生了灾难性事故。

    In recent days both the unmanned Antares rocket and the Virgin Galactic space plane had catastrophic failures .

  17. 处女银河公司亚轨道航天飞船,预想图,预计两年后进行商业飞行。

    Virgin Galactic 's suborbital vehicle , portrayed in this rendering , could be ready commercially in two years .

  18. “如果你乘航天飞船进入太空,你必须调整自己,以适应失重状态。”

    " If you travel into space in a spaceship , you must adjust ( yourself ) to weightlessness . "

  19. 中国第三次载人航天飞船于周四晚9:10发射,将执行最雄伟也是最冒险的使命:太空行走。

    China 's third manned spacecraft lifted off at9:10 pm on Thursday to fulfill its most ambitious and risky mission : spacewalk .

  20. 由于中国的航天飞船仿照俄罗斯的对接装置,所以中国航天飞船可以与国际空间站相兼容。

    Because China 's space vehicles use docking mechanisms that appear modeled after Russia 's , they should be compatible with the ISS .

  21. 它看起来像“一只停在那里的航天飞船,其实可能是世界上最好的办公室”乔布斯说。

    It looks like " a spaceship just landed there , and may be the best office in the world " Jobs said .

  22. 他组建了一系列本国的火箭空间体系科研队伍,并亲自带领着一支载人航天飞船与重型运载火箭开发小组。

    He created a number of native teams within the rocket-space complex , heading up the manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicle development group himself .

  23. 它的成功发射及回收也让中国在2003年年末成功发射了第一艘载人航天飞船,载人航天飞船的发射是中国航天工业的重大里程碑。

    Its successful launch and return led to China 's first manned space launch later in 2003 , a major milestone in the country 's space industry .

  24. 因为我发现我在地球号航天飞船上必须接受的这些人们都似乎不太有和我相同的观点。

    Because I find that the people I 'm stuck with here on this little spaceship Earth don 't seem to have the same view of anything .

  25. 太空行走被视为迈向包括轨道中两艘航天飞船对接和最终在太空站工作等任务的一步。

    The space walk is seen as a step towards missions that would involve docking two spacecraft in orbit and , eventually , work on a space station .

  26. 杨利伟同时宣布,中国开始初步准备人类登月计划,该计划包括一艘载人航天飞船,一台推进车,以及一台登月车。

    Yang also announced that China is making preliminary preparations for a manned lunar landing mission , which a manned spaceship , a propulsion vehicle and a lunar lander .

  27. 鸭式飞机的水平安定面和升降舵:从一架飞行器伸出的一个短的翼状控制平面,如航天飞船的机身,被安在飞机翼前方,作为水平稳定器。

    A short , winglike control surface projecting from the fuselage of an aircraft , such as a space shuttle , mounted forward of the main wing and serving as a horizontal stabilizer .

  28. 这艘航天飞船成功实现了与在轨空间模块天宫一号的对接,天宫一号在神州八号发射前两个月升空,并且会在接下来的时间里与神州九号和十号实现对接。

    The spacecraft successfully docked with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space module , which was launched less than two months prior and then went on to dock with both the Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10 in following years .

  29. 从神州航天飞船以前苏联联盟号为模板的绝对复古外形,以及决定在本周的飞行中使用俄罗斯航天服来看,中国航天工程的重要部件明显依赖于俄罗斯的专业技术。

    Reliance on Russian expertise for important components of its programme is also clear in the decidedly retro look of the Shenzhou spacecraft , which is modelled on the Soviet Soyuz , and the decision to take a Russian spacesuit on this week 's flight .

  30. 采用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)法,计算了航天服及飞船处于各种相对位置时,航天服对飞船的红外辐射角系数;航天服相对于地球位于各种位置时,航天服对地球的红外辐射角系数;

    By Monte Carlo method , the reflection and infrared radiation angle factors are calculated between spacesuit and spacecraft or earth when spacesuit is located at any position relative to the spacecraft or the earth .