
jī shēn
  • fuselage;body;frame
机身 [jī shēn]
  • [fuselage] 飞机的中间机体部分,用于装载空勤人员、旅客或货物

机身[jī shēn]
  1. 问题原来是飞机机身出现金属疲劳。

    The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage .

  2. 由于存在某种程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了。

    The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability .

  3. 这架飞机的翼展长34英尺,机身长22英尺。

    The plane had a wing span of 34ft and a length of 22ft .

  4. 基于ANSYS的C型液压机机身有限元分析

    The fem analysis of a C - type hydraulic press frame based on ANSYS

  5. 摩擦压力机机身铸钢件铸造工艺CAD生产总结

    The Production Summarize for Casting Technique CAD of Steel Casting of Friction Press Frame

  6. 利用ANSYS软件对高速压力机组合机身进行优化设计。

    With using ANSYS , design optimization was developed to the high-speed press frame .

  7. 不同截面机身的RCS及气动特性研究

    An approach to RCS stealth-aerodynamic characteristics of different cross section fuselages

  8. 与过去电池可拆卸的手机不同,Note7电池与机身一体的设计意味着,反复修改将不仅拖沓而且成本巨大。

    Unlike past phones which had removable power packs , the Note 7 " s integrated design means that repeated modifications would be cumbersome and costly .

  9. 某型歼击机XX升机身副油箱尾锥振动故障分析研究

    The structural vibration breakdown analysis research on the Fighter-XX centerline drop tank 's tail cone

  10. FAASTC批准的的在机翼撑杆或机身上安装的吊舱。

    STC FAA-approved mounting system installs on wing strut or under belly .

  11. 一位知情人士说,低价iPhone可能与标准版相似,只是采用了一个不同的、更便宜的机身。

    The cheaper phone could resemble the standard iPhone , with a different , less-expensive body , one of the people said .

  12. 苹果公司创始人在琢磨着如何让iPod的机身更纤薄,电池续航能力更长。

    The Apple founder was mulling how to make the iPod slimmer and its battery last longer .

  13. 应用FLOQUET理论分析直升机旋翼-机身耦合动不稳定性

    An application of Floquet theory to analyse helicopter rotor-fuselage coupling dynamic instability

  14. 机身正面设有两个摄像头,背面还设有一个一千两百万像素摄像头;另外还集成了15流明亮度DLP投影机。

    It otherwise has dual front cameras , a12-megapixel camera on the back and a15 lumens DLP pico-projector .

  15. iPhone5除机身更加轻薄外,还拥有10厘米的超大屏显示5列图标。

    Besides being thinner and lighter , the iPhone 5 has a bigger 10 centimetre screen , enabling a 5th row of icons to be displayed on the homepage .

  16. 在ANSYS中进行隐式分析,利用拉杆预压缩方法施加机身预紧载荷;在LS-DYNA中进行预紧状态下显式动力学分析。

    Implicit analysis has been conducted in ANSYS for application of pretension loading , and explicit dynamic analysis of the pre-tighten status has been achieved in LS-DYNA .

  17. 全新iPadAir2(新产品中最值得注意的一款)的屏幕色彩和对比度有所提升,机身更加轻薄,还拥有苹果的指纹扫描技术。

    The new iPad Air 2 ( the most notable model of the new crop ) offers a display with improved color and contrast , a slimmer profile , and Apple 's fingerprint scanning technology .

  18. 黑莓bold重4.8盎司,机身正面主要被qwerty键盘占据,带有刻纹的按键大得出奇。

    The front of the BlackBerry Bold , which weighs 4.8oz , is dominated by the QWERTY keyboard with surprisingly large sculptured keys .

  19. 新款MacBookPro笔记本电脑的一系列升级最为耀眼。它拥有更加纤薄的机身,还配备了最新版iPhone和iPad上使用的“RetinaDisplay”显示屏。

    A new MacBook Pro notebook , touting thinner casing and the same " Retina Display " screen used in the latest iPhones and iPad , led a series of upgrades .

  20. 为使静力压桩机在工作过程中能够实现实时自动保持机身水平与水平升降,设计了一种基于PLC的压桩机电液自动调平系统。

    To achieve real time automatic levelling and vertical rise up and fall down of the static pile driver ′ s case , an electro hydraulic levelling system is designed for the static pile driver based on PLC .

  21. 迄今最薄的ipod,优美的融合了亮丽的2英寸显示屏及赏心悦目的曲线铝合玻璃机身。

    So far the thinnest iPod , beautiful blend of bright 2-inch screen and a pleasure to look at the curve of aluminum fuselage of glass together .

  22. 机身的右侧则具备一个标准尺寸的SIM卡插槽,和它一起藏在弧形盖子内的则是另一个工程开发用的端口。同一侧还具备另一个USB2.0端口。

    Meanwhile , on the other side there 's a covered full-sized SIM card slot and a dev port , and another USB2.0 port .

  23. 为验证计算方法的合理性,以ROBIN机身为算例,分别对孤立旋翼和旋翼/机身模型进行了模拟,并与实验结果进行了比较分析。

    In order to verify the reasonableness of method , the isolated rotor and rotor / fuselage of the ROBIN are simulated . Then the results are compared with the experimental datas .

  24. LV12条形码扫描仪机身重量约。

    LV12 barcode scanner Body weight Approx.

  25. 现在苹果可能终于找到解决方案了,正准备应用到价格低廉的iPhone上,这款iPhone机身薄、缺口更小,还会在OLED屏幕下面安装一个指纹识别器。

    Now however the company may have finally found a solution and is preparing to use it on an affordable iPhone with thin bezels , smaller notch and a fingerprint reader sitting under the OLED screen .

  26. 本文扼要介绍了“改进的”满应力设计方法(FSD)在机身结构设计中的应用。

    This paper presents briefly the application of the " improved " fully stressed design ( FSD ) method to fuselage structure design .

  27. A319飞机后机身意外损伤及修理

    A-319 Aircraft Rear Fuselage Sudden Damage and Repair

  28. Stratolaunch是由诺斯洛普·格鲁门公司的子公司ScaledComposites公司(美国一家航空公司)建造的,它被设计用于搭载多达3枚火箭升空,然后栓于机身上的负载火箭会脱落,点火,并被发射到太空。

    Built by Scaled Composites , a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman , Stratolaunch was designed to carry as many as three rockets tethered to its belly into the skies ; the rockets would then drop , ignite and shoot off into space with their payloads .

  29. 机身采用SUA304材料制作,美观大方、使用方便。

    Airframe adopt SUA304 material is made , beautiful and easy to use .

  30. 传说中的十周年版iPhone8,将会采用5.8寸OLED材质屏幕,并采用强化玻璃机身,苹果8系列与上代外观并没有太大的变化,可以说还是保持了苹果7系列的外观.

    The new handset is made from glass with a stainless steel band around the edge , and features a cutting-edge 5.8-inch OLED display that covers almost the entire front of the phone - so it looks like nothing before .