
jī xiè ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué
  • mechanical engineering
  1. 与此同时,最受德国男性欢迎的热门专业第二名是机械工程学,而男性对工程学的兴趣不止于此。

    Meanwhile , German men choose Mechanical Engineering as their second favorite , and this is just the beginning of their interest in engineering .

  2. meiwantan在进入伦敦商学院以前拥有机械工程学学位,专业是食品工程。

    Mei Wan Tan joined lbs with a mechanical engineering degree , specialising in food engineering .

  3. 英文名叫Charley的宋林1985年从大学毕业获得机械工程学学位后加盟华润集团。

    Mr. Song , known as Charley , joined China Resources after earning a mechanical engineering degree in college in 1985 .

  4. 斯蒂文斯理工学院机械工程学系的大二学生克莱尔・格里芬(ClaireGriffin)解释道:“对于已经有房子的人来说,这是能用来提高房子节能效率的最有创新性、最简便的东西之一。”

    This is one of the most innovative things and one of the easiest things somebody who already owns a house can do to make it more energy efficient , ' explained Claire Griffin , a Stevens sophomore studying mechanical engineering .

  5. 斯蒂文斯理工学院机械工程学系的大二学生克莱尔&12539;格里芬(ClaireGriffin)解释道:对于已经有房子的人来说,这是能用来提高房子节能效率的最有创新性、最简便的东西之一。

    ' This is one of the most innovative things and one of the easiest things somebody who already owns a house can do to make it more energy efficient , ' explained Claire Griffin , a Stevens sophomore studying mechanical engineering .

  6. 中山先生精通机械工程学的里里外外。

    Mr. Nakayama knows the ins and outs of mechanical engineering .

  7. 机械工程学基础教学改革与实践

    On the Basic Teaching Reform and Practice of Mechanics Engineering

  8. 这同其他工程学(例如机械工程学)所设计并构造的物理设备存在很大的不同。

    This is quite different from the physical devices that mechanical engineers design and construct , for example .

  9. 迎新营的目的是使新同学了解机械工程学系的就业前景及建立对大学的亲合力。

    This orientation camp aims at making new students understand their career prospect and establish loyalty to university .

  10. 根据产品全寿命的观点,提出构成机械工程学的3个主要学科体系。

    In according with viewpoint of total life of products , three central branches of mechanical engineering are presented .

  11. 本课程提供机械工程学系学生以下之知识:当固态工程材料承受固力或热力负载时所产生的各种反应;

    This course provides Mechanical Engineering students with an awareness of various responses exhibited by solid engineering materials when subjected to mechanical and thermal loadings ;

  12. 数控技术和机器人技术是工业现代化的基础和标志,两者都是集机械工程学、电子学、计算机科学、运动学、动力学和自动化控制为一体的综合性技术学科。

    CNC technology and robotics are the basis and symbol of industry modernization , which are the synthetical technique subject including mechanical engineering , electronics , computer science , kinematics and kinetics , automatization .

  13. 通过电机学、流体力学、机械工程学、材料学、自动控制学和医学等多学科的联合研发,探寻可长期植入的新型微型轴流血泵已成为当今国内外的研究热点。

    Through the joint research and development of electric machine , fluid mechanics , mechanical engineering , materials science , automatic control engineering , and medical science , exploring a new type of long term implantable miniature axial flow blood pump has become a hot topic in research .

  14. 机械制造系统工程学的体系结构

    The architecture of mechanical manufacturing system engineering

  15. 车身设计需要考虑机械工程、人机工程学和空气动力学三方面的制约。

    Car-body design is restricted to mechanical engineering , human factors and aerodynamics .

  16. 机械设计与人机工程学

    Mechanical design and man - machine engineering

  17. 关于现代机械工程设计发展特点和机械设计工程学体系的探讨

    Characteristics of the development on engineering design and exploration about the methodology of design engineering