
jī mì wén jiàn
  • classified papers;confidential papers;confidential document
  1. 这是一份机密文件。

    This is a confidential document .

  2. 那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。

    The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents

  3. 她从未参与过为任何人获取或复制机密文件之事。

    She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone .

  4. 机密文件遭截获并被破译。

    The secret documents were intercepted and decoded .

  5. 他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁。

    He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents .

  6. 在把机密文件交给新闻界之后,他就因严重渎职而被解职了。

    He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press

  7. 他把机密文件藏在家中,至少是违反了海军安全条例。

    His possession of classified documents in his home was , at the very least , a violation of Navy security regulations .

  8. 他不让秘书处理机密文件。

    He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters .

  9. n.碎纸机我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。

    shredder Our shredder is broken , so I 'll tear these confidential documents up manually .

  10. NSA泄密者爱德华?斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)称,微软方面的这些话“非同寻常”。斯诺登因泄露了成千上万份机密文件而被美国通缉。

    Edward Snowden , the NSA whistleblower who is wanted in the US for leaking thousands of classified documents , called Microsoft 's comments " extraordinary . "

  11. 仅此一点就让这个性情温顺的小个子男人不顾心中的恐惧,开始搞出机密文件——深信他是亲手在为吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)刺探情报。

    That 's all it took for the meek little man to ignore his fears and begin bringing out classified documents ─ all in the belief that he was personally spying for Jimmy Carter , God help him .

  12. 《纽约时报》获得的机密文件显示,运河管理局以1.58亿美元的价格购买了这些拖轮,运河管理者豪尔赫·L·基哈诺(JorgeL.Quijano)的儿子后来成了那家销售拖轮的公司的代表。

    Confidential documents obtained by The Times show that the canal authority bought the tugboats for $ 158 million from a company later represented by the son of Jorge L. Quijano , the canal 's administrator .

  13. 这些资料可能是包含有价值的公司机密文件。

    The data could include sensitive company documents containing valuable information .

  14. 他被控将机密文件交给敌人。

    He was accused of passing classified documents to the enemy .

  15. 她总将机密文件妥善封存起来。

    She would keep any sensitive documents under lock and key .

  16. 接近最机密文件和高级人员的。

    B : For approaching the top secrets and the top personnel .

  17. 最后一点,初创公司必须制作相应的商业机密文件,并严格保守这些秘密。

    Finally , startup companies must document and protect their trade secrets .

  18. 他把机密文件锁在文件柜里。

    He locked the confidential documents in his filing cabinet .

  19. 机密文件一般都在9号和12号服务器上。

    Classified material generally runs on servers nine and twelve .

  20. 闯进办公室去偷机密文件。

    Breaking into an office to steal secret files .

  21. 机密文件必须存放在保险箱中。

    Confidential documents must be kept in the safe .

  22. 如果你不是帮我父亲找机密文件。

    If you hadn 't been digging through classified files for my father .

  23. worst:最糟糕的shred:撕成碎片我当时正把机密文件切碎。

    I was shredding top-secret documents at that time .

  24. 这封电子邮件及或附件乃机密文件。

    This email and any attachments are confidential .

  25. 白宫发言人称,总统不会公开讨论机密文件。

    The White House spokesperson says the president won 't discuss classified documents publicly .

  26. 布兰顿曾经是一名记者,他认为政府的机密文件太多了。

    Blanton , a former journalist , thinks too much government material is classified .

  27. 他表示对此事件政府没有隐藏任何机密文件。

    He says from what he 's seen no classified information was just glossed .

  28. 他被判决犯有向外国机构泄露机密文件罪。

    He was found guilty of passing on secret papers to a foreign power .

  29. 多用于机密文件或物品,银行现金,服装,快递等包装。

    Can be used to pack cash , confidential documents or item , garments etc.

  30. 斯诺登最近曝出美国政府收集公民个人信息这一机密文件。

    He recently leaked secret documents on government efforts to collect information about American citizens .