
yì zhǎn
  • span;wingspan;tip-to-tip;windspread
翼展[yì zhǎn]
  1. 这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶,翼展2英寸。

    It is a very pretty butterfly , with a 2 inch wing span

  2. 这架飞机的翼展长34英尺,机身长22英尺。

    The plane had a wing span of 34ft and a length of 22ft .

  3. 这种鸟起飞时,翼展可达6英尺,很惊人。

    When the bird lifts off into flight , its wings unfold to an impressive six-foot span .

  4. 加州秃鹰是北美最大的鸟类,翼展可达3米。

    California condors are North America 's largest birds , with wind-length of up to 3 meters .

  5. BBC报道称,这种无人机装有4个电动螺旋桨,翼展长度约5英尺。

    The BBC said that the drone operated with four electric propellers and had a wingspan of around five feet .

  6. 轰炸机有翼展超过165米,在空中客车A380的两倍,所以它是很多的。

    The bomber has a wingspan of165m , over twice that of the Airbus A380 , so it is vast .

  7. 在常见的飞机中,双层客机空客A380的翼展近80米。

    Among commonly seen aircraft , the double-decker Airbus A380 's wings span 262 feet ( nearly 80 meters ) .

  8. 这个长达11.6米的X-47B翼展18.9米。

    The11.6 meter-long X-47B has a wingspan of18.9 meters .

  9. 利用STF元件(后掠梯形一旗形插入件)的自激振荡组件系统特性和有限翼展机翼特性进行了管内紊流强化换热的研究。

    STF ( Sweptback Trapezoid Flag ) type dynamic insert in the characters of self excitation oscillation and finite span wing is used to enhance the turbulent heat transfer .

  10. 目前已成功应用在翼展小于400mm微型飞行器的空速测量上。

    The micro airspeed meter has been successfully used on unmanned aerial vehicles with wingspans less than 400 mm .

  11. 它重701磅(32kg),翼展96英尺(29米),内部引擎是踩脚踏车的布赖恩·艾伦,他身材削瘦,被固定在里面,竭尽全力地踩脚踏板。

    It weighed70lb ( 32kg ), with a wingspan of96 feet ( 29 metres ), and the engine inside it was a lean , determined cyclistcalled Bryan Allen , pedalling for all he was worth .

  12. 你最好跟我解释一下翼展八英尺的东西是什么。

    You 'd best deliver me something with an eight-foot wingspan .

  13. 鸭翼展向吹气涡控技术增升特性研究

    A study on lift-enhancement with vortex control technique of canard-spanwise blowing

  14. 无限翼展后掠机翼的三元湍流边界层计算

    Calculation of three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer on an infinite swept wing

  15. 她的翼展是我的两倍。

    She has twice the wingspan that I do .

  16. 它们的翼展能达到6英尺。

    Their wingspan can reach a whopping six feet .

  17. 有五层楼那么高,翼展超过一个足球场。

    It is over five stories tall with a wingspan Ionger than a football fieid .

  18. 这架精致的锡制飞机翼展有18.9英寸,由电池驱动。

    It is a finely worked tin model with battery operation and a wingspan of18.9 inches .

  19. 母鸟要稍微高一些,且其翼展为1米半。

    The female bird is slightly taller and her wingspan measures a metre and a half .

  20. 翼展式厢式货车车厢骨架是重要的承载件,它的质量也占货车整车整备质量的三分之一左右。

    The skeleton of a wingspan van body is one of the most important components for a van .

  21. 太阳动力飞机不比一辆小汽车重,但有着波音747的翼展。

    Solar Impulse is no heavier than a car , but has the wingspan of a Boeing 747 .

  22. 此外,一般飞机安装了充气式机翼后,可让工程师将飞行时的翼展增加到两倍。

    Inflatable wings on otherwise normal airplanes would also allow engineers to double the craft 's wingspan in flight .

  23. 一种飞行机器人正在研发中,目前重量仅有2盎司多,翼展才刚刚一英寸多。

    A robotic fly is in development that currently weighs just over2oz and has a wingspan of just over1in .

  24. 实验模型有二两拉力螺旋桨,全翼展双缝襟翼偏转45°,并有高置的水平尾翼。

    The configuration has two tractor propellers , full-span double slotted flaps deflected 45 °, and a high tail .

  25. 这两种无人机的重量均小于55磅,长约4.5英尺,翼展约为9-10英尺。

    Both weigh less than 55 pounds , about 4.5 feet long , have wingspans of about 9-10 feet .

  26. 本文提供了亚音速升力面理论的一种新解法,可求解亚音速流中有限翼展机翼的载荷分布。

    A new method based on lifting-surface theory is presented determining the load distributions on finite wings in subsonic flows .

  27. AG600机长37米,翼展38.8米,最大起飞重量53.5吨。

    The 37-meter AG600 , with a wingspan of 38.8 meters , has a maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tons .

  28. 模型展宽比(翼展/洞宽)增大,迟滞环幅度增大,动态压力绝对值增大。

    The larger the wing model , the larger the hysteresis loop and the bigger the absolute value of unsteady pressure .

  29. 戴安娜·玛格雷:翼展非常大,有80米长,超过了250英尺,同一架新型超级大空中巴士的翼展相当。

    The wing span is vast , 80 meters , more than 250 feet , similar to the new super jumbo airbus .

  30. AG600两栖飞机长37米,翼展38.8米,尺寸与波音737相当。

    With a length of 37 meters and a wingspan of 38.8 meters , the AG600 is roughly the size of a Boeing 737 .