
yì jiān
  • wingtip
翼尖[yì jiān]
  1. 利用基于Biot-Savart定律的修正的马蹄涡模型(ModifiedHorseshoeVortexModel,MHVM)可以将长机的翼尖涡在僚机上产生的诱导速度写成两机之间相对距离和相对方位的函数。

    The velocities induced by the leader 's wingtip vortex on the following aircraft are written as a function of the relative separation in the three axial directions and also the relative orientation between the leader and the follower aircraft using a modified horseshoe vortex model based on Biot-Savart law .

  2. 通过有限元分析,翼尖扰度也满足变形要求。

    The wingtip deformation is also satisfied with the distortion .

  3. KJ8602A以在垂直尾翼顶端、两个翼尖和前机身下的几个外部安装天线为特征。

    The KJ8602A features several external antennae mounted on the vertical fin tip , both wingtips , and underneath the forward fuselage .

  4. 翼尖帆片的增升减阻研究

    The research of increased lift and reduced drag for wing-tip sails

  5. 翼尖连接机翼布局弹性气动力探讨

    The exploration of elastic aerodynamics for a joined wing configuration

  6. 翼尖形状对于鸟类飞行的能力影响很大。

    Wingtip shape has enormous implications for the flight of the aves .

  7. 显示的是波音787梦想飞机翼尖弯曲。

    Shown is the curved wingtip of the787 Dreamliner .

  8. 大后掠机翼翼尖导弹动力响应空测与数据分析

    Air surveying and data analysis for dynamic response of missiles at swept-back wing tip

  9. 鸡翼4只(鸡翼中段及翼尖);

    Middle sections and tips of4 chicken wings ;

  10. 通气孔通常在翼尖或尾部,这些通气孔可以保持压力恒定。

    Vents , usually at the wing tips or tail , keep the pressure constant .

  11. 我只要用翼尖俯冲就行了。

    I dive on the wingtips only .

  12. 虽然此鸟羽毛很脏且磨损,三级飞羽还是有颇宽的白色翼尖。

    Although they are very dirty and abraded , the tertials are rather broadly white-tipped .

  13. 运输类飞机翼尖装置综述

    An Overview on Wingtip Devices of Transport

  14. 无尾飞机翼尖失速问题研究

    Analysis of Wingtip Stalling for Tailless Aircraft

  15. 确定飞行器翼尖挠度和翼面刚度要求的方法

    A Method for Determining the Requirements of Wingtip Deflection and Wing Section Rigidity of Flight Vehicles

  16. 讨论了后掠角和尖削比这两个机翼外形参数对翼尖失速特性的影响。

    The influence of sweep angle and taper ratio on the characteristics of wingtip stalling is discussed .

  17. 基于正交设计的某型飞机翼尖小翼优化设计方法研究

    Study of Method of Design of Winglet on Wingtip of Certain Type of Plane Based on Perpendicular Design

  18. 飞机带翼尖弹着陆响应研究

    Aircraft Landing Response Analysis

  19. 尖形翼尖与圆形翼尖的形状差异对鸟类的飞行能力差异明显。

    The difference between point wingtip and roundness wingtip for the flight performance of the aves is so obvious .

  20. 它由机身、主翼、中翼、前翼、翼尖小翼、起落架以及发动机等部件组成。

    It consists of fuselage , canard , two main wings , wingtip-fin , landing gear and engine , etc.

  21. 翼尖涡沿着展向方向向外移动,机翼诱导阻力减小。

    Tip vortex goes downstream outward along the span direction , and the induced drag of the wing decreases .

  22. 鸣鹤和雪鹅都有白色的翅膀,但翼尖是黑色的,因此在狩猎季节里,要严格控制对它们的捕猎。

    Both whoopers and snow geese have white plumage with black wingtips , so the hunting season demands strict control .

  23. 他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。

    His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel . Loose bullets scatter to the ground . The bourbon bottle drops and shatters .

  24. 2当迎角达到20°后,翼根弯矩响应和翼尖加速度响应都急剧增加,抖振起始迎角约为20°;

    Both the root bending moment and tip acceleration response increase sharply when the angle of attack is higher than 20 degree ;

  25. 采用镜像法理想涡模型分析了地面效应对翼尖涡位置和气流下洗角的影响;

    Image method ideal vortex model is used for the analysis of how ground effect impacts wingtip vortex and airflow downwash angle .

  26. 设计了某运输机的翼尖帆片,计算了升力和阻力系数,其结果与风洞试验值基本一致。

    We design the wing-tip of the transporter and calculate the lift and drag coefficient , which approximately equals to the testing results .

  27. 针对某些非常复杂的几何部位,如襟翼舱网格、剪刀差以及翼尖端面处的网格等,本文采用点对点搭接的方式进行处理。

    For some specific complex geometry parts , such as scissor locations and wingtip faces etc. , point-to-point overset grid method is adopted .

  28. 这个现象的出现是由于翼尖涡和机翼上表面的二次分离涡相互作用,使翼尖涡发生失稳。

    This phenomenon is caused by interaction between the secondary separation vortices on the upper surface of the wing and the tip vortices .

  29. 考虑加装端板、襟翼偏转、外翼上反和带有翼尖小翼的气动性能,分析了布局型式和外形参数对地效翼气动性能的影响。

    The effects of layout and geometrical parameters on aerodynamic characteristics of wings with the endplates , flaps , dihedral and winglets were analyzed .

  30. 前掠机翼拥有许多优越的气动特性,如临界马赫数高、波阻小和翼尖失速度大等优点。

    Forward-swept wing has many advantages in aerodynamic characteristics , such as high critical Mach number , low wave drag and no wingtip stalling .