
yì lóng
  • pterosaur
翼龙[yì lóng]
  1. 当翼龙走路或静止时,第四指及其翼,只能向上翻转,成一个伸展且内翻的V型,在其身体两侧。

    When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary , the fourth finger , and with it the wing , could only turn upward in an extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal 's body .

  2. 辽宁西部翼龙类化石的首次发现

    Discovery of a new pterosaur from western liaoning , china

  3. 应急管理部表示,我国自主研发的翼龙-2H无人机飞行4.5小时抵达河南省巩义市米河镇。该镇是河南省受灾最严重的一个地区。

    A China-developed Wing Loong-2H unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) took a 4.5-hour flight to Mihe township in Gongyi city , one of the most seriously ravaged of Emergency Management said .

  4. 骷髅人,甚至还有恐怖的翼龙鬼。

    The skeleton men , and even the dreaded pterodactyl ghost .

  5. 翼龙足迹为四足行走,行迹宽。

    The pterosaur trackway is quadrupedal , with wide gauge .

  6. 翼龙钉刺可以在战斗中使用?噢也。新打法。

    Other note : Wyvern Sting may now be used in combat .

  7. 真正的翼龙鬼肯定是从这里进来的!

    The real pterodactyl ghost must have come through here !

  8. 但是谁能造出真的翼龙鬼呢?

    But who would be able to make a real pterodactyl ghost ?

  9. 这荧光很像是翼龙鳞上的。

    The glow is similar to the pterodactyl scale .

  10. 我来把这些闪光脚印与翼龙鳞做个对比。

    I 'll compare the glow of those footprints to the pterodactyl scale .

  11. 这些条件,引起了恐龙,翼龙,鳄鱼和早期。

    These conditions gave rise to the dinosaurs , pterosaurs , and early crocodilians .

  12. 已经灭绝的爬行动物包括:;恐龙;蛇颈龙;翼龙;鱼龙;槽齿龙。

    Extinct reptiles including : dinosaurs ; plesiosaurs ; pterosaurs ; ichthyosaurs ; thecodonts .

  13. 这对翼龙来说非常巨大。

    This is huge for a pterosaur .

  14. 这张图像是夜间飞行纤弱梳颌翼龙的骨骼标本。

    This image shows the skeleton of the nocturnal flyer Ctenochasma elegans , a pterosaur .

  15. 像他们的堂兄弟恐龙,翼龙站出来,作为一个进化的伟大的成功故事。

    Like their cousins the dinosaurs , pterosaurs stand out as one of evolution 's great success stories .

  16. 无齿翼龙是肉食动物。它们吃鱼,软体动物,螃蟹,昆虫,和动物死尸。

    The Pteranodon ate meat . They ate fish , mollusks , crabs , insects and dead animals .

  17. 环江翼龙化石的发现,是中国古动物学界,特别是翼龙研究学的一件大事。

    Huanjiang pterosaur fossils , ancient animals of China scholars , in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event .

  18. 第二种看来也不可能,因为大型翼龙不可能降在树上而不伤害它们的翅膀。

    The second hypothesis seems unlikely because large pterosaurs could not have landed in trees without damaging their wings .

  19. 无争议的在空气中,翼龙殖民地人民的所有大陆和形成了大量的形状和大小。

    Uncontested in the air , pterosaurs colonized all continents and evolved a vast array of shapes and sizes .

  20. 所以也许稍小的翼龙消逝是因为鸟这种新生物在生存竞争中战胜了它们。

    So perhaps the smaller pterodactyls had disappeared because the new kid in town , birds , were out-competing them .

  21. 翼龙类蛋化石没有显示硬壳结构,很可能同样为软壳蛋。

    The pterosaurian egg doesn ′ t show any structures of the hard shell , indicating that it may be soft-shelled too .

  22. 这些早期翼龙嘴里都长满了牙齿,通常来说,小的牙齿长在后面,大的牙齿长在前面。

    These early pterosaurs all had a mouth full of teeth , usually small at the back and larger at the front .

  23. 奇翼龙非常的与众不同,它有着与其他鸟类及近亲完全不同的翅膀。

    ' This dinosaur is totally different . It has totally different wings from all other birds and their close relatives . '

  24. 翼手龙任一种小型已灭绝的翼龙目的飞行爬行动物,它们绝大多数都没有尾巴,生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪之间的那段时期。

    Any of various small , mostly tailless , extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods .

  25. 第一种错误地设想翼龙的后爪象蝙蝠一样,钩子似的挂着为飞行做准备。

    The first wrongly assumes that the pterosaurs'hind feet resembled a bat 's and could serve as hooks by which the animal could hang in preparation for flight .

  26. 最近一些有又长又密且厚的毛发的翼龙化石的发现,终于明白无误地证明赫氏的观点是对的。

    The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long , dense , and relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct .

  27. 徐星教授及同事的研究分析结果发表在了《自然》期刊上,表明了奇翼龙可能能够像现代鼯鼠那样滑行。

    Analysis by Professor Xu and his colleagues , which is published in the journal Nature , suggest that it is likely the dinosaur glided , perhaps like modern flying squirrels .

  28. 台州翼龙绿色农产品有限公司简介浙江的东海之滨,美丽的城市临海,是中国沿海经济较发达的地区之一。

    Taizhou Pterodactyl Green Farm Produce co. , Ltd Brief Introduction The east seashore of Zhejiang , the beautiful city of Linhai , it is one of the areas with more developed coastal economy of China .

  29. 参与该项研究的山东临沂大学的郑晓廷教授说:奇翼龙生活在侏罗纪时代,所以它算是鸟类支系飞翔演化过程中的一个先锋。

    Professor Zheng Xiaoting , from Linyi University in Shandong who also took part in the study , said : ' Yi qi lived in the Jurassic , so it was a pioneer in the evolution of flight on the line to birds .

  30. “谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的打斗也成为俗套。

    ONE answer to the question , " What ate dinosaurs ? " is , obviously , " Other dinosaurs . " The ropod predators like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus loom large in the imagination of every lover of prehistoric monsters , and their animatronic fights with the likes of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus are the stuff of clich é .