
  • Fallen Angels;The Fallen Angel
  1. 鬼王米尔顿作品失乐园中堕落天使之一。

    One of the fallen angels in Milton 's Paradise Lost .

  2. 堕落天使,对不对?

    Sort of a fallen angel , aren 't you ?

  3. 他在社交界如鱼得水,而她则是“堕落天使”

    His status as a social king and she as a Fallen Angel

  4. 我又没有告诉你“堕落天使”的瓶子是亚伦设计的?

    Did I tell you that Allanne designed the Fallen Angel bottle ?

  5. 据称她就像是堕落天使

    She was supposed to have looked like a kind of debauched angel .

  6. 重拾画笔试了一个以后,进入正题了!-堕落天使。

    Restore the brush , try a later , enter the main subject of this ! - Fallen Angel .

  7. 从南方淑女到堕落天使&《喧哗与躁动》中凯蒂女性话语的缺失

    From " Southern Belle " to " Fallen Angel " & Missing of Women 's Discourse in The Sound and the Fury

  8. 他们个性相投相容,他在社交界如鱼得水,而她则是堕落天使一切都那么美好。

    Their personalities mixed and mingled , His status as a social king and she as a Fallen Angel Went so well with everything .

  9. 最终这个堕落的天使公开忏悔并回到了他天上的家园。

    Eventually the degraded angel returned to his heavenly home by public repentance .

  10. 想再次返回天堂却不能只因为他是一个堕落的天使,一切都充满了悲伤

    Only because he is a fallen angel , everything is full of sad

  11. 那些为撒但效劳的堕落的天使们,会以灵界使者的摸样,出现在人的面前。

    The fallen angels who do his bidding appear as messengers from the spirit world .

  12. 撒但亦有很多堕落的天使作他的爪牙。

    Satan also has a great number of fallen angels who are his messengers of evil .

  13. 不接受救主耶稣基督意味着你自己要承担你自己的罪孽,就要与神和天堂分离,进入到为魔鬼及堕落的天使所预备的地狱,那是一个可怕的地方。

    Not to believe and receive the Lord Jesus means you must take your own punishment for sin , and that is separation from God and His Heaven forever in a terrible place called Hell , prepared for the devil and his angels .

  14. 撒旦和他手下的那些堕落了的天使。

    Satan and his fallen angels .

  15. 他成为他自己堕落的影子,一个不被天堂也不被地狱信任的堕落天使。

    He became a corrupt shadow of his former self-a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell .