
  1. 威胁到全球性战略稳定的美国国家导弹防御计划(NMD)大概难免实施,眼下的技术障碍、欧洲盟国的不满以及俄罗斯和中国的反对不足以经久阻滞之。

    NMD program which threatens global strategic stability might be formally put into practice over technological obstacles and the oppositions from U.S.European allies , Russian , and China .

  2. 它是美国国家导弹防御计划的一个重要组成部分。

    It 's an important component of the NMD plan of USA.

  3. 俄罗斯独立军事分析人士费根霍纳说,俄罗斯的许多专家都认为,美国的导弹防御计划不会对俄罗斯的核军备造成威胁。

    Independent Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says many experts in Russia do not consider the proposal a threat to Russia 's nuclear arsenal .

  4. 中国多次表示反对美国的导弹防御系统计划。想劝说中国放弃对nmd坚定的反对立场是很困难的。

    China has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the United States ' plan for missile defense . Talking China out of its trenchant opposition to NMD is going to be tough .

  5. 那次和这次一样,赖斯和盖茨的会谈议程是讨论美国的导弹防御系统计划。

    Their agenda then , as now , was a discussion of America 's missile-defense system plans .

  6. 部长们还将针对于俄罗斯合作的新领域以及美国新的导弹防御计划进行讨论。

    The ministers will also hold talks on new areas of cooperation with Russia , and the new U.S. approach to missile defense .

  7. 克里姆林宫如今十分渴望得到世人的敬畏。其感到可以对那些外国能源公司采取高压手段,并且言而无信,就像美国单方面退出导弹防御计划。

    It feels it can strong-arm foreign energy companies , and object anew to things which Russia seemed to have accepted , like America 's missile-defence plans .

  8. 奥巴马总统宣布,将放弃在波兰和捷克共和国设立美国远程导弹防御系统的计划,取而代之的是一个多层次的区域系统,以对抗伊朗目前拥有的中程导弹。

    S.long-range missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic , in favor of a layered regional system aimed at countering the medium range missiles Iran currently has .

  9. 我知道俄罗斯反对美国在欧洲的导弹防御计划,我们的政府之所以这样做是为了保障美国,欧洲乃至世界的安全。

    I know Russia opposes the planed configuration for missile defense in Europe , and my administration is reviewing these plans to enhance the security of America , Europe and the world .

  10. 杜吉德说,新一届美国政府仍然支持导弹防御计划,前提是针对具体的威胁,而且防御系统技术行之有效,费用适当。

    Duguid also said the need for a missile-defense system would diminish if efforts by the United States , Russia and other major powers to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear weapons can show success .