
  • 网络Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency
  1. 他和美国中央情报局局长威廉j凯西相熟。

    He had a connection with CIA director William j.casey .

  2. 美国中央情报局局长帕内塔(LeonPanetta)周一在写给下属人员的一份备忘录中写道,报告中的很多指控都是过去的事情了。他说,司法部过去对这些材料的调查已经很详尽了。

    CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a memo to agency employees Monday that the allegations in the report are ' in many ways an old story . ' He said past Justice Department probes of the material were exhaustive .

  3. 约翰·布伦南已经宣誓就职成为美国中央情报局局长。

    John Brennan has been sworn in as the director of the CIA .

  4. 这桩丑闻迫使他不得不在11月9日辞去了美国中央情报局局长一职。

    The scandal forced him to resign as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) on Nov 9 .

  5. “但是,正如美国中央情报局局长帕内塔最近告诉国会,继续无人驾驶飞机的攻击是”唯一的城市。

    " But as CIA Director Leon Panetta recently told Congress , continued drone attacks are " the only game in town .

  6. 美国中央情报局局长海登将军在全国广播公司的“同媒体见面”节目中谈到了伊拉克人在巴士拉和其他地区进行的战斗。

    The Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency , Air Force General Michael Hayden , talked about the Iraqi 's offensive in Basra and elsewhere on NBC 's Meet the Press .

  7. 美国中央情报局局长帕内塔已经表示,一些导致本.拉登被击毙的情报是从遭受了所谓“强化审讯”的被拘押者那里获得的。

    CIA Director Leon Panetta has said some of the intelligence that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden came from detainees who were subject to so-called " enhanced interrogation " .

  8. 星期一,一名伊朗外交部发言人在德黑兰发表这一声明。一天前,美国中央情报局局长帕内塔断言,伊朗拥有足够的核燃料,可以在两年内制造两枚核武器。

    A spokesman made the statement in Tehran Monday & a day after CIA Director Leon Panetta 's assertion that Iran has enough fissile material to build two nuclear weapons within two years .

  9. 这位美国前中央情报局局长星期五在五角大楼宣誓就职。

    The former head of the Central Intelligence Agency was sworn in Friday at the Pentagon .

  10. (美国)中央情报局局长

    The Director of the CIA

  11. 这次演习将于本周三和周四在光环公司举办的年度反恐峰会时举行。美国前中央情报局局长迈克尔-海登也将参加这次安全会议。

    It will play out Wednesday and Thursday at Halo 's annual Counter-Terrorism Summit security conference , which will be attended by , among other people , former Central Intelligence Agency director Michael Hayden .

  12. 但是就像美国中央情报局(CIA)局长利昂帕内塔(LeonPanetta)近期在谈到塔利班行为时所说的:如果他们觉得自己正在取得胜利,为什么要进行有诚意的谈判呢?

    But as CIA director Leon Panetta said recently about Taliban behaviour , why would they negotiate in good faith , if they think they are winning ?