
  1. 非主流文化对美国政治制度的影响

    The Influence of the Subculture on the American Political System

  2. 这些问题就是他提出的关于美国政治制度的问题。

    These are his questions on the American political system .

  3. 论德莱塞小说的悲剧性&透视美国政治制度下的人际关系

    The Tragedy in Dreiser 's Novels The Perspective of the Human Relationship Under the American Political System

  4. 不了解政党政治情况,对美国政治制度所涉及的其他政治问题就不可能有全面透彻的认识。

    One would not have a thorough knowledge of other political problems that America 's political system involves without knowing its political parties .

  5. 同时,尽管美国政治制度自身也对其进行弥补,但不可能改变美国的本质。

    Meanwhile , despite the American political system itself to make up their , but can not change the nature of the United States .

  6. 美国的政治制度被金钱所支配。

    The American political system is overrun by money .

  7. 然而很快我就发现,他也并不认为美国的政治制度很好。

    Yet it soon becomes clear that he does not think much of the US political system either .

  8. 美国的政治制度赖以建立的基本理念是,权力来自被统治者的许可。

    The US political system is based on the idea that power derives from the consent of the governed .

  9. 简言之,其分权思想主要是在继承近代欧洲思想家洛克和孟德斯鸠的分权思想的基础上与美国社会政治制度的现实相结合的产物。

    In short , his thought is mainly the product that combines the thought of the modern European thinkers Locke and Montesquieu with the reality of the social and political system in the United States .

  10. 这是美国的重要政治制度。

    This is a major principle of the American governmental system .

  11. 这与利益集团参政、竞选经费增加以及美国独特的政治制度和政治文化密切相关。

    The development of PACs was attributable to the increasing participation by interest groups in politics , the ever-growing need for campaign funds in congressional elections , and the unique political system and political culture of the United States .

  12. 美国竞选财政制度是美国政治制度中争议最多的问题之一。

    The financial system for election campaign has long been a contentious issue in the political system of U.S.A.

  13. 但对于核衣壳如何获得被膜和囊膜,目前尚有争论。美国竞选财政制度是美国政治制度中争议最多的问题之一。

    How the nucleocapsids get teguments and envelope is still poorly understood and remains a contentious issue . The financial system for election campaign has long been a contentious issue in the political system of U.S.A.

  14. 因此,研究这一题目,不仅对研究美国历史特别是研究美国政治制度史具有深远的历史意义,而且也对研究当代美国政府与政治具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of this thesis is not only with profound significance to American history especially the history of American political system , but also with realistic significance to contemporary American government and American politics .

  15. 美国总统的否决权是美国政治制度的重要组成部分,它是美国严密制衡网络的重要一环,充分体现了美国政治制度的一项基本原则&制衡原则。

    The veto power is an important part of American political system , it forms a vital tache of narrow checks and balances system , and embodies a basic principle of American political system - checks and balances principle .

  16. 因而从一定程度上说,美国非主流文化的发展过程就是美国政治制度完善的过程。

    To certain extent , the development process of American subculture is the process to perfect the political system of America .

  17. 美国研究中几个值得关注的问题:美国帝国、政治制度与北美自由贸易区

    Some Issues in American Studies That Deserve Attention : the United States as an Empire , Political System , and North American Free Trade Area

  18. 最后一部分是探讨多米诺信念在美国的特殊性及其原因,试图从冷战的特殊背景和美国独特的政治制度和文化角度探其原因。

    And the final part explores the particularity of domino belief in America and tries to find out the causes by reviewing the special background of the Cold War and U.S. unique political institution .

  19. 而且,在美国金融体系部分由于宽松监管而陷于一团糟的时候,要对中国这样的国家推介美国政治制度的优越性,也变得更难了。

    And at a time when the US financial system is in tatters in part because of lax regulation , it becomes harder to lecture countries such as China on the superiority of the US political system .

  20. 在美国,《信条》同样发挥了不可忽视的作用,影响了整个北美大陆的宗教格局和社会生活;在美国政治制度和国家精神形成的过程中发挥了不可或缺的作用。

    In the United States , the confession is also playing a noticeable role , affecting the religious structure and social life of entire American continent , and bringing to bear an indispensable function in the American political system and the formation process of the national spirit .