
  • 网络United States Navy Fleet
  1. 包括两个或更多小舰中队的美国海军舰队。

    A United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships .

  2. 美国海军舰队参加了入侵行动。

    An armada of U.S. Navy ships participated in the invasion .

  3. 满载救助缅甸强热带风暴灾民的救援物资的美国海军舰队离开这个地区,因为缅甸政府拒绝他们的帮助。

    United States naval ships with relief supplies for cyclone victims in Burma are leaving the area , because the Burmese government refused their help .

  4. 加入到舰船中的是美国海军舰队称之为“大绿舰队”的战舰,它依靠像海藻,草及动物脂肪这样的可再生能源作为驱动燃料。

    Joining the vessels is what the U.S. Navy calls its Great Green Fleet of warships powered by fuel from renewable sources like algae , grass , and animal fat .

  5. 美国海军驱逐舰队根据最近通过的联合国安全理事会决议,从一个星期之前开始跟踪这艘可能运载违禁物品的北韩货船。

    Navy destroyer group began tracking the ship about a week ago under suspicion it may be carrying items banned under a recently passed United Nations Security Council Resolution .

  6. 巴林同时也是美国海军第五舰队的总部所在地。

    Bahrain is also home to the United State Navy 's Fifth Fleet .

  7. 美国海军第六舰队受命驶向南海。

    The Sixth Fleet of the United States Navy was ordered to the South Sea .

  8. 黎克柯是美国海军核子潜艇舰队的总设计师。

    He was deeply impacted by Admiral Hyman Rickover , the mastermind of the US nuclear submarine fleet .

  9. 美国海军第七舰队司令部驻扎在日本横须贺。

    The7th Fleet is the United States Navy 's permanent forward projection force based in Yokosuka in Japan .

  10. 美国海军第五舰队驻扎在那里,为伊拉克和阿富汗的美军提供支持。

    The U.S. Navy 's fifth fleet is based there , providing support to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  11. 美国海军第五舰队不愿评论为了保护军舰及其人员而增加了哪些安全措施。

    Fifth Fleet would not comment on what additional security measures are being taken to protect its ships and personnel .

  12. 国王希望这样的报道能有助于巴林这样一个战略地位重要的海湾小国的和谐。巴林不仅是西方的盟国,而且是美国海军第五舰队的驻扎地。

    He hopes that the report will provide a chance of reconciliation in this tiny but strategic Gulf state that is a Western ally and home to the American navy 's Fifth Fleet .

  13. 问:据报道,美国海军第七舰队司令托马斯近日表示欢迎日本将空中巡逻范围扩至南海,以便对中国不断壮大的舰队力量形成制衡。

    Q : Admiral Robert Thomas , Commander of the Seventh Fleet of the US navy welcomed a move by Japan to extend air patrols into the South China Sea as a counterweight to a growing fleet of Chinese vessels .

  14. 美国海军的精英机动舰队,名为蓝色天使,得名于1946年的一次旅途。

    The U.S. Navy 's elite flying squadron , The Blue Angels , received their name during a trip by the original flying team to New York in 1946 .

  15. 但多家私人股本集团在尽职调查过程中发现,ISS据信是美国司法部调查的对象,于是便纷纷退出竞购。调查针对的是ISS与驻扎在中东的美国海军第五舰队的服务合约。

    But several private equity groups dropped out of the bidding for the business after discovering during due diligence what they believe is an investigation by the DoJ over its contract to service the US navy 's Fifth Fleet in the Middle East .