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  • USGA;United States Golf Association
  1. 美国高尔夫球协会(USGA)还同意在巡回赛上使用该产品。

    It has also earned USGA approval , allowing it to be used in tournament play .

  2. 该样品归美国高尔夫球协会所有并用于参考目的。

    The sample becomes the property of the USGA for reference purposes .

  3. 球员对球杆是否合规心存疑虑时,应当咨询美国高尔夫球协会。

    A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the USGA .

  4. 美国高尔夫球协会规定,一人一次只能带14根高尔夫球杆。

    According to USGA rules , you can carry fourteen golf clubs in your bag at one time .

  5. 和往常一样,去年她成为美国职业高尔夫球协会锦标赛中最年轻的选手。

    The following year , Michelle competed in the Jennie K.Wilson Invitational , Hawaii . s most respected women . s amateur tournament .

  6. 美国男子职业高尔夫球运动员协会那你们班男生中谁最高?

    Professional Golfer 's Association of America Who is the tallest boy in your class ?

  7. 伍兹和艾琳于今年7月3日至4日签署了离婚协议书。当时正逢周末,美国AT&T高尔夫全国锦标赛在费城郊区举行,在这场比赛中,伍兹11年来首次未能在美国职业高尔夫球协会赛事上打破标准杆。

    The couple signed a on July 3 and July 4 , the weekend of the AT & T National outside Philadelphia , where Woods failed to in a PGA Tour event for the first time in 11 years .