
  • 网络american technology
  1. 在许多美国科技股境遇不佳的大环境下,Facebook的业绩提供了一个亮点。

    Facebook 's results offer a bright spot in a tumultuous climate for many American technology stocks .

  2. 俄罗斯日前指控美国科技巨头苹果公司在该国市场销售iPhone产品期间串谋定价。

    Russia has accused American technology giant Apple Inc. of allegedly fixing retail prices of its iPhones in the country .

  3. 例如,Fitbit(一家美国科技公司)在周一发布了其第一款智能手表,其卖点非常明确,那就是改善健康一作为一件“工具而非玩具”兜售。

    Fitbit , for example , released its first smartwatch Monday , selling with a clear purpose -- to improve your fitness -- and promoting it as a " tool , not a toy . "

  4. 美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。

    Danny Sullivan at search engine land counts the ways .

  5. 与此同时,美国科技平台企业和欧盟(EU)正围绕隐私较劲。

    Meanwhile , US technology platform companies and the European Union are engaged in an arms race around privacy .

  6. 美国科技博客“商业内幕人士”(BusinessInsider)猜测,作为回报,Zynga因此将可在Facebook上获得免费的广告位。

    The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .

  7. 谷歌是新的微软(Microsoft):一家因据称实力过大并不公正使用实力而被欧盟盯住不放的美国科技公司。

    Google is the new Microsoft : a US technology company pursued by the EU for allegedly being over-mighty and wielding power unfairly .

  8. 诺基亚的服务战略正遭到越来越严重的质疑,原因是该公司让美国科技公司苹果(apple)获得了巨大的先发优势。

    Nokia is suffering rising scepticism about its services strategy because it has let apple , the US technology company , secure a significant first-mover advantage .

  9. 史蒂芬·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)、拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)和马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)等美国科技行业的翘楚强调技术与产品高过一切。

    American tech leaders like Steven P. Jobs , Larry Page , and Mark Zuckerberg have emphasized technology and product above everything .

  10. 这家美国科技巨头在第三财季销售了4040万部苹果iPhone手机,略高于预估的4002万部。

    The US tech giant sold 40.4 million iPhones in its third quarter , slightly above forecasts of 40.02 million .

  11. 美国科技企业ipo市场便是如此,低迷多年,突然重焕生机。

    After years in the doldrums , the IPO market for technology firms has suddenly sprung to life again in America .

  12. 中国政府已禁止各部委和中央政府机关购买苹果(Apple)产品。目前一场由国家主导的针对美国科技公司的运动正在中国形成势头。

    China 's government has banned its ministries and federal agencies from buying Apple products , as a state-led campaign against US technology companies in China gathers momentum .

  13. 据美国科技博客Quartz上周报道,在周三开幕的达沃斯全球经济论坛(TheWorldEconomicForum)年会上,约80%的与会者都是首次参加。

    Last week , quartz reported that nearly 80 % of the people who attend the world economic forum annual meeting in Davos , which starts on Wednesday , are first-timers .

  14. 因此我们举办这些活动来帮助他们,为美国科技集团IBM在北京协调俱乐部活动的SummerZhang表示。

    So we hold these activities to help them , says Summer Zhang , who co-ordinates club activities at IBM , the US tech group in Beijing .

  15. 诺基亚(Nokia)誓言反击美国科技公司苹果(Apple),将生产出可以与该公司的iPhone有效竞争的手机。

    Nokia has pledged to strike back at Apple and produce mobile phones that will compete effectively with the US technology company 's iPhone .

  16. 法国检察官升级了欧洲方面针对美国科技巨头的打击面越来越大的税收战,对谷歌(Google)的巴黎办事处发起清晨突袭。

    French prosecutors have turned up the heat in the spreading European tax war against US technology giants , with an early-morning raid on Google 's Paris office .

  17. 美国科技分析师马克安德森(MarkAnderson)表示,人们很难想出中国有哪项突破性创新。

    It is hard to think of a breakthrough innovation that has come from it , says Mark Anderson , a US technology analyst .

  18. 在监管机构纷纷发难之际,Facebook并未坐以待毙,而是借鉴了其他美国科技公司的经验。

    Taking a page from the playbooks of other American tech companies , Facebook has not stood idle as regulators steadily lined up against it .

  19. 与此同时,借助声名大噪的iphone,美国科技公司苹果(apple)设定了将移动网络变成用户友好体验的新标准。

    Meanwhile , apple , the US technology company , set a new standard in turning the mobile Internet into a user-friendly experience with its much hyped iPhone .

  20. 然而,在去年12月,这位74岁的前军方工程师、中国最高级别的网络官员之一,悄然开始与一家代表美国科技实力的公司展开合作。这家公司就是IBM。

    Yet in December , the 74-year-old former military engineer , one of China 's top-ranking cyberofficials , quietly started working with a company synonymous with American technological prowess : IBM .

  21. 好吧,至少对于这位万分诚实而且滑稽的自我贬低的年轻学生来说是管用的。他的求职信被发布在美国科技博客BusinessInsider上,而且引发了无数投行老板的赞扬。

    Well , at least for the brutally honest and hilariously self-deprecating young student , whose cover letter publicized on Business Insider , has generated a ton of positive interest amongst investment banking bosses .

  22. 上个月,LendingClub与谷歌(Google)也达成了类似的合作关系,为这家美国科技业巨头的服务销售商提供了一个获得低成本融资的途径。

    Last month , the company formed a similar kind of partnership with Google , offering a way for businesses that resell the American technology giant 's services to gain low-cost financing .

  23. 6月10日至21日,美国科技巨头苹果公司从其官方app商城上下架了约58000款中国app,其中33.5%为棋牌类app。

    U.S. tech giant Apple removed around 58000 Chinese apps from the company 's official app store between June 10 and 21 , 33.5 percent of which were gaming apps .

  24. 美国科技博客FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒早已预见到了和解的结果,他说(和解)使两家公司的资源都摆脱了禁锢。

    According to FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller , who had predicted this outcome , it frees up resources for both companies .

  25. 唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司与美国科技巨头苹果公司,就iPad商标在中国的使用权纠纷已经陷入了长期的诉讼拉锯战。

    Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) and US technology giant Apple have been tangled in a lengthy dispute over the right to use the iPad trademark in China .

  26. 而评估美国科技产业活力的美联储(FederalReserveBank)的旧金山科技脉搏指数(SanFrancisco’sTechPulseIndex),已经接近过去11年来的顶峰(见图2)。

    and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 's Tech Pulse Index , which measures the vibrancy of America 's tech industry , is near its peak of 11 years ago ( see chart 2 ) .

  27. 但该公司在欧洲所面临的难题,只是亚马逊(Amazon)、Facebook和苹果等美国科技巨头,在这个由28个国家组成的政治联盟里,面临的诸多监管难题之一。

    But the pressure the company faces in Europe is just one of the regulatory problems that American tech giants like Amazon , Facebook and Apple are facing across the 28-member bloc .

  28. 谷歌一案受到数家美国科技公司的密切关注,尤其是微软(Microsoft)。微软正受到欧洲监管机构的调查,因为它以类似于谷歌的方式修改了隐私政策。

    The case is being watched closely by several US technology companies and in particular Microsoft , which is being investigated by European regulators for having changed its privacy policies in a similar way to Google .

  29. 多数硅谷融资公司集中在sandhillroad周围,靠近美国科技产业的核心地带,直到不久前,它们还只愿意支持本地企业家,或是鼓励外国企业家迁至加州。

    Clustered around sand hill road , close to the epicentre of the US technology industry , most Silicon Valley financiers until recently preferred to back only local entrepreneurs , or to encourage those from overseas to move to California .

  30. 甲骨文(Oracle)因旗下使用者众多的Java软件存在的安全漏洞而再次受挫。周一,这家美国科技企业与监管机构就后者提出的一项指控达成和解。这项指控称,甲骨文在Java软件的安全性问题上欺骗了电脑用户。

    Oracle has suffered another black eye over security flaws in its widely used Java software , as the US tech company on Monday settled a regulatory charge that it had deceived computer users about the safety of the software .