
  1. 他指控他蓄意散布虚假信息以玷污我的人格。

    He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character

  2. 请消费者警惕虚假信息及相关风险,以免造成损失。

    The general public should be alerted to the risks of fraudulent trial operations tickets to avoid any personal losses .

  3. Facebook周四表示,公司已经着手推进一系列试验性举措,旨在遏制其网站上虚假信息的传播。

    Facebook said Thursday it had begun a series of experiments to limit misinformation on its site .

  4. 2012年,做空机构香椽公司(CitronResearch)公布报告称,该公司没有清偿能力,指责恒大集团向投资商提供虚假信息。

    In 2012 , the short-seller Citron Research published a report saying the company was insolvent , accusing Evergrande of presenting fraudulent information to investors .

  5. 对于该套件应用的保护不力,也让用户容易受到虚假信息的影响,使得攻击者很快侵入手机或Windows系统的电脑。

    Poor protection of apps made with the kit also made users " susceptible " to fake updates that could give an attacker access to a phone or a Windows computer .

  6. 主要分析了策略投资的数学模型,以及策略投资在生产能力限制(Capacitylimitation)、研发竞争(R&Dcompetition)和故意的虚假信息投资(investmentindisinformation)方面的应用。

    And the studies cover mathematic models of strategic investment , as well as three applications in capacity limitation , R & D competition , and investment in disinformation .

  7. 鉴于Facebook在虚假信息传播方面扮演的角色所引发的争议,该公司要回避这种义务将变得越来越困难。

    Such obligations will become increasingly difficult for Facebook to brush aside in light of the controversy generated by its role in the spread of misinformation .

  8. 2005年,TheRiskAdvisoryGroup进行的另一项调查发现,在接受调查的履历中,有四分之一存在不准确或虚假信息,平均每份可疑的履历有3处矛盾的地方。

    Other research carried out for The Risk Advisory Group in 2005 found incorrect or false information in a quarter of CVs examined , with an average of three discrepancies on each of the suspect CVs .

  9. 在2001年试图获得欧洲货币联盟(emu)成员身份时,希腊提交了有关国内赤字的虚假信息。

    It presented faulty information about its deficits in 2001 when attempting to secure membership of the European Monetary Union .

  10. 2011年,多元印刷公司(DuoyuanPrinting,Inc.)因涉嫌制造虚假信息从纽约证券交易所(NYSE)退市。

    Duoyuan printing , Inc. ( Duoyuan printing ) was delisted from the NYSE in 2011 after the company crumbled under fraud allegations .

  11. 由于认为招股文件充斥着虚假信息,泰勒更喜欢投资于业绩纪录稳健的公司,而不愿投资IPO新股。

    A perception that there is a high level of false information in offer documents is the reason Mr Taylor prefers to invest in companies with solid track records rather than IPOs .

  12. 由于P2P网络环境的开放性,使得P2P流媒体系统也面临一些安全性问题。如一些节点散布虚假信息和恶意资源及节点间共谋问题。

    Due to the openness of the P2P network , the P2P streaming media system is also facing a number of security issues , such as , some nodes spread fake messages and malicious resources , collusion between nodes .

  13. 父亲RichardHeene可能因试图以虚假信息影响公职人员而认重罪。

    The father , Richard Heene is expected to plead guilty to a felony offense of attempting to influence a public servant .

  14. 在宪法法院做出这一裁决之前三天,韩国最高法院还曾建议对那些在竞选期间在网上和推特(Twitter)等社交媒体上散播关于政治人物虚假信息的人处以新惩罚措施。

    The ruling came just three days after South Korea 's Supreme Court recommended new penalties for people who spread false information online and on social media , such as Twitter , about politicians during an election campaign .

  15. 法国司法机关将对欧洲航空防务与航天公司(EADS)可能存在的内幕交易和散布虚假信息行为展开刑事调查。EADS是法-德两国合资的宇航集团。

    French judicial authorities are launching a criminal investigation into possible insider dealing and the dissemination of false information at EADS , the Franco-German aerospace group .

  16. 本文立足于中国现实,引入随机效用函数、二元离散选择模型、Logit二元选择模型等计量经济学模型,运用SPSS等统计分析软件,着重考察了影响上市公司虚假信息披露行为的内在因素。

    This article uses the quantitative analysis tools of SPSS to analyze the inherent reason causing the false information disclosure of listed company based on current situation with the function of utility , discrete choice model , Logit model , etc.

  17. 黑客于本周五盗取了纽约邮报及合众国际社(UPI)的推特账号,并发布了包括中美开战在内的虚假信息。

    Hackers took over Twitter accounts of the New York Post and United Press International on Friday , writing bogus messages , including about hostilities breaking out between the United States and China .

  18. 正当的远程工作确实存在,但据远程办公就业安置公司FlexJobs的CEO萨拉•萨顿•费尔说:“诈骗信息、虚假信息非常多,求职者很难找到真正的空缺职位”。

    Legitimate work-at-home jobs do exist , but " it can be really hard to find real openings with all the scams and bogus business opportunities out there , " notes Sara Sutton fell , CEO of flexjobs .

  19. 在声明中,他们的律师表示,母亲MayumiHeene将因向官方报道虚假信息而认罪。这是坏事。

    In the statement , their attorney says the mother , Mayumi Heene will plead guilty to false reporting to authorities . That is a misdemeanor .

  20. 虚假信息则会干扰破坏疾病的防控。

    False infor-mation can interfere and destruct disease prevention and control .

  21. 谁也不想因照搬虚假信息而让自己处于尴尬境地。

    No one wants to be embarrassed by regurgitating false information .

  22. 虚假信息往往被用来误导他人。

    Disinformation is often shared with the goal of misleading others .

  23. 上市公司虚假信息披露的制度环境分析

    Analysis of Institution Environment of False Information Disclosure by the Listed Companies

  24. 我国证券市场普遍存在虚假信息披露问题。

    Revealing false information is serious in Chinese stock market .

  25. 政策执行过程中虚假信息的阻滞及其消解分析

    Analysis of the Arrest and Resolution of False Information in Policy Execution

  26. 您提供了虚假信息和错误的个人资料。

    You submitted false full information and wrong personal data .

  27. 因此有必要从源头遏制这些虚假信息的传播。

    Therefore necessary to check the source of these false information dissemination .

  28. 董事对上市公司虚假信息披露的法律责任

    The Duty of Directors Exposing Fake Information of Listed Companies

  29. 有人甚至撒布虚假信息以制造交易机会。

    Some even spread false information to create trading opportunities .

  30. 虚假信息,假信息他们为破坏政治家们的名声故意散布假信息。

    disinformation They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians .