
  • 网络Virtualization Management;Virtual Management
  1. 因此,IVM为分区和虚拟化管理提供了一个简化的、经济的解决方案。

    Therefore , IVM provides a simplified , cost-effective solution for partitioning and virtualization management .

  2. WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance与其他虚拟化管理解决方案的最大不同在于该设备对它所分配的软件具有深入的了解。

    The biggest difference between the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance and other virtualization management solutions is that the appliance is deeply knowledgeable about the software it dispenses .

  3. 它们是使用虚拟化管理器管理程序的API,在部署时配置虚拟机中的新硬件。

    They use hypervisor-level APIs to configure new hardware in virtual machines during deployment .

  4. 虚拟化管理器版本映像包含了一些中间件产品(如预安装和预配置的WebsphereApplicationServer)以及一个操作系统(通常是Linux),它是专为虚拟环境而设计的。

    A hypervisor edition image consists of some middleware product such as WebSphere Application Server that is pre-installed and pre-configured , along with an operating system ( typically Linux ), and specifically designed for virtual environments .

  5. 要对IBM服务器进行分区,您可以使用硬件管理控制台(HMC)或者相对较新的、称为集成虚拟化管理器(IVM)的产品。

    To partition IBM servers , you can use either a Hardware Management Console ( HMC ) or a relatively new product called Integrated Virtualization Manager ( IVM ) .

  6. HP虚拟化管理器、HPCapacityAdvisor和虚拟机迁移(针对IVM)支持在中断服务的情况下将正在运行的VM及其应用程序移动到不同的VM主机。

    HP virtualization manager , HP Capacity Advisor , and Virtual Machine migration ( for IVM 's ) allow a running VM and its applications to be moved to a different VM host without service interruption .

  7. 也称之为虚拟化管理器、虚拟机监视器(VMM)或平台虚拟器&是一种只运行虚拟机的专用操作系统。

    - also known as a virtualization manager , virtual machine monitor ( VMM ), or platform virtualizer - is a specialized operating system that only runs virtual machines .

  8. 但最有趣的方法之一是一个叫做ExtraVirt的项目,它的研究重点是通过虚拟化管理瞬时处理器错误。

    But one of the most interesting approaches is a project called ExtraVirt , which focuses on managing transient processor faults through virtualization .

  9. 知识经济时代企业虚拟化管理之探讨

    The Study on Management of Virtual Enterprises in Knowledgeable Economic Times

  10. 自律计算在服务器虚拟化管理中的应用

    The Application of Autonomic Computing in Server 's Virtual Management

  11. 的项目,它的研究重点是通过虚拟化管理瞬时处理器错误。

    Which focuses on managing transient processor faults through virtualization .

  12. 中间件的元素在虚拟化管理器映像中作为部件交付。

    The elements of the middleware are delivered in the hypervisor image as parts .

  13. 人力资源虚拟化管理

    On the Virtual Mangement of the Human Resource

  14. 市场营销过程的虚拟化管理

    Virtual Mode Management in Marketing Processing

  15. 根据以上目标,作者参与设计并实现了具有虚拟化管理的高可用性的虚拟操作环境系统。

    I take part in the research and development of the VOES with high availability and virtualization management .

  16. z/VM虚拟化管理程序代表的是有硬件协助的实际嵌套虚拟化的首次实现(为性能)。

    The z / VM hypervisor represents the first implementation of practical nested virtualization with hardware assists for performance .

  17. 您可以在一个由集成虚拟化管理器管理的系统上创建逻辑分区和安装操作系统。

    You can create logical partitions and install operating systems on a system that is managed by the Integrated Virtualization Manager .

  18. 您如何看待桌面管理中的虚拟化管理?金道有计划推出相关的产品或服务吗?

    What do you think about the Virtualization in Desktop Management ? Which products and services would Gamutsoft plan to provide about it ?

  19. 为所有的网络设备,存储,服务器,虚拟化管理器,操作系统和其包含的基础设施服务做一个清单。

    Make an inventory of all the networking equipment , storage , servers , hypervisors , operating systems and infrastructure services that it contains .

  20. 尽管服务器管理在过去问题重重,但虚拟化管理简化了一些问题,却放大了另一些问题。

    Also available in   Chinese   Japanese   Portuguese Although server management is historically problematic , virtualization management simplifies some problems but amplifies others .

  21. 通过对虚拟化管理框架的实验测试可以看出,该算法可以实现系统的高可用性,提供一个稳定良好的运行环境。

    Through testing the virtualization management framework , we can conclude that the algorithm provides the high availability and a stable operating environment for the system .

  22. 经测试表明,虚拟化管理中心实现了用户对虚拟化服务器的统一管理以及高可用性要求。

    According to the recent testing reports , Virtualization Management Center could satisfy the request of unifying management of virtualized servers and realizing high availability at meanwhile .

  23. 对海量异构存储资源进行规范化描述,以支持海量异构存储资源的发现、资源信息的维护和资源状态的监测,形成在这些存储资源上进行虚拟化管理的基础。

    This standardization method supports the isomerous mass storage resources discovery , resource information maintenance and resource status monitoring . All of these formed in the base of storage virtualization .

  24. 我们尽最大努力简化和集成系统管理和虚拟化管理的各个方面;下一个版本会在更短的时间内用更少的用户操作完成相同的任务。

    We 're working very hard to simplify and integrate various aspects of the system management and virtualization management ; the next release will require fewer user steps to accomplish the same tasks in far less time .

  25. 在此基础上,根据交易成本理论、核心竞争力理论、合作竞争理论作为理论指导,结合煤炭企业自身特点,提出了煤炭企业虚拟化管理模式。

    On this basis , according to transaction cost theory , core competence theory , theory of cooperation and competition as a theoretical guidance , combined with the characteristics of the coal companies , coal companies made virtualization management .

  26. 虚拟化软件管理来自IBM和其他供应商的中间件和硬件。

    Virtualization software manages the utilization of middleware and hardware from IBM and other vendors .

  27. 基于LDAP的广域网存储虚拟化目录管理

    Directory management of wide-area virtualized storage based on LDAP

  28. 位于WebSphereIntegrationReferenceArchitecture的所有功能之下的是安全性、目录、系统管理和资源虚拟化的管理服务。

    Beneath all the capabilities of the WebSphere Integration Reference Architecture are the management services for security , directory , system management , and resource virtualization .

  29. Sun公司最近发布了一个虚拟化和管理工具集&xVM平台,主要包含xVMOpsCenter和xVMServer两个产品。

    Sun Microsystems recently released xVM platform , a virtualization and management tool suite which includes two products : xVM Ops Center and xVM Server .

  30. 该文提出了一种虚拟化资源管理服务模型VMA,它适用于构建计算机系统资源的统一管理平台。

    This paper presents a service model for virtual resource management , VMA , which be applicable to build enterprises ' uniform management infrastructure of information system resources .