
jīng fèi
  • funds;outlay;overheads
经费 [jīng fèi]
  • [funds] 经常支出的费用

  • 节约经费

经费[jīng fèi]
  1. 研究工作因经费不足而受限制。

    Research has been constrained by a lack of funds .

  2. 高校及其他研究机构抱怨经费不足。

    Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds .

  3. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending .

  4. 在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。

    Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding .

  5. 教育经费通常以用于每个学生的开支表示。

    Educational expenditure is often expressed in terms of the amount spent per student .

  6. 虽然有些重大的经费问题,这所学校一年来还是很成功。

    Notwithstanding some major financial problems , the school has had a successful year .

  7. 他从事的社会运动已经因缺乏经费而难以为继了。

    His campaign is already hurting for money .

  8. 他得到一笔研究经费。

    He has been awarded a research grant .

  9. 没有新建的发电站,主要是因为经费问题。

    No new power stations have been built , principally because of the cost .

  10. 报告充分阐明了增加医院经费的理由。

    The report makes out a strong case for spending more money on hospitals .

  11. 由于他呼吁增加教育经费,代表们向他报以热烈的欢迎。

    Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education .

  12. 教育经费来自纳税人。

    Finance for education comes from taxpayers .

  13. 目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

    The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory .

  14. 我的薪水大约是9,000英镑,还有一辆车和业务经费可支配。

    My salary was around £ 9,000 plus a car and expenses

  15. 法国总统许诺为法国明年的援助经费拨款1.5亿美元。

    The French President is pledging $ 150 million in French aid next year

  16. 他们得到一笔用以鼓励科研的特别经费。

    They 'd got a special grant to encourage research

  17. 外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。

    Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems

  18. 1987年65%的预算经费被用于核武器的研究和生产。

    65 percent of the 1987 budget went for nuclear weapons research and production .

  19. 大多数成年人都认为公立学校经费不足。

    Most adults believe state schools are underfunded .

  20. 大学科研经费向科学家极大地倾斜。

    University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists .

  21. 许多学院的经费都遭到了削减。

    Many colleges have seen their funding cut .

  22. 自1978年以来,可用于采购图书的经费已经减少了17%。

    Since 1978 , the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17 %

  23. 你有可维持3年的研究经费去做自己想做的事。

    You 've got three years ' worth of research money to do what you want with

  24. 他们正在削减教育经费。

    They 're cutting funds for education

  25. 部分经费被指定用于受污染区域群众的重新安置。

    Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the resettlement of people from contaminated areas .

  26. 资金紧张的市政会不得不削减主要社区服务项目经费,我们眼看就要陷入危机。

    We are heading for a crisis , with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services .

  27. 我要弄到开设言语治疗课程的经费了。但问题是,我不知道自己是否还想做下去。

    I 'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course . But the thing is , I don 't know whether I want to do it any more .

  28. 他在筹集宣传活动经费方面遇到了困难。

    He met difficulties in raising campaign funds .

  29. 我们手头没有经费。

    We have no funds in our hands .

  30. 那所学校因经费不足而暂时停办。

    The school suspended for lack of finances .