
  • 网络Business failure;operation failure
  1. 即使经营失败也会被认为是学习的机会。

    Even business failure can be accepted as an opportunity to learn .

  2. 产品结构与市场需求不平衡的发展,经营失败或延迟的一个重要问题。

    Product structure and market demand imbalance is the development of business failure or delay an important problem .

  3. 那店主经营失败,心力交瘁而死。

    When his business failed , the owner just curled up and died .

  4. 并从对多元化战略的认识、人力资源、组织结构、企业竞争力、资源运用几个角度,归纳出CJ公司多元化经营失败给我们的启示。

    Also according to the understanding to strategies of diversification , human resource , organization , competitiveness , resources using and so on , it sums up the enlightenment from the failure of diversification of CJ Company .

  5. 这间工厂用虚假的财务报告书企图掩盖其经营失败。

    The factory tries to disguise its failure in false statements .

  6. 金融风潮也暴露了导致钱庄经营失败的内部原因。

    The financial agitation showed the internal reason for its failure .

  7. 1981年,默多克买下了经营失败但却久负盛名的《伦敦时报》。

    In 1981 Murdoch bought the failing but prestigious London Times .

  8. 安然事件是公司经营失败的结果,为了掩盖这种失败,公司采取了一系列的具有欺诈性的会计方法。

    Result Business Enron 's debacle is the result of business failure .

  9. 是否曾经历生意经营失败?如是,请介绍。

    Have you ever had a business failure ? If so , explain .

  10. 合并后经营失败,1970年铁路公司被迫破产。

    The merger failed , and the railroad was forced into bankruptcy in1970 .

  11. 经营失败后,父亲就得缩减开支。

    After the business failed , Father had to pull in his horns .

  12. 同时由于低效率企业的经营失败是对社会资源的有效节约。

    Meanwhile , the failure of inefficient enterprises operating effectively save social resources .

  13. 上市公司经营失败的预警系统研究

    The Research of the Prediction System to the Management Failure of Companies List

  14. 对多元化经营失败的分析&以巨人集团为例

    Analysis on Pluralized Management Failure & Regarding " Juren " Group as an Example

  15. 这看起来就像是对经营失败的奖赏。

    This looks like a reward for failure .

  16. 在威斯通固定增长模型的基础上,建立了考虑未来经营失败概率的估值模型;

    This article presents a valuation model with failure probability based on Weston fixed growth model .

  17. 对现代经济学的一知半解是导致他经营失败的原因之一。

    His haphazard knowledge of modern economics is one of the reasons why he failed in his business .

  18. 周二时,百思买宣布将会重估其战略计划继右国经营失败后。

    On Tuesday , Best Buy announced it will re-evaluate its strategy following the failure of its operation in China .

  19. 乔叔叔为买下一个商店花了他一生的积蓄,但他经营失败,赔了所有的钱财。

    Uncle Joe spent his life savings to buy a store , but it failed , and he lost his shirt .

  20. 本文结合危机管理理论,对企业经营失败的全过程规避提出了对策。

    On the basis of the theory of crisis management , This paper presents the countermeasures enterprises to avoid business failure .

  21. 他表示,米高梅之所以经营失败,原因就在于该公司试图以影片制作为基础,建立一个电影帝国。

    He said the fact that MGM had failed was because it tried to build a Movie Empire based on film production .

  22. 企业内部也存在风险管理的内在动力:诈骗和盗窃都会减少利润,甚至导致经营失败。

    Businesses have internal motivations for risk management as well : fraud or theft can lead to reduced profits and even business failure .

  23. 管理失当会导致企业绩效的下滑,但经营失败会导致企业生命周期的结束。

    Mismanagement will lead to a decline in corporate performance , but business failure will lead to the end of the corporate life cycle .

  24. 但在市场经济竞争机制下,尤其在市场经济发达国家,商业银行因经营失败而破产的现象非常普遍。

    It is very popular that the commercial banks failed because of its bankruptcy in the market competition mechanism , especially in some developed countries .

  25. 为了尽可能缩小未来拯救行动的成本,监管者正谋求获得广泛权力,以有序的方式结束经营失败的银行。

    In an effort to minimise the cost of future bail-outs , regulators are seeking far-reaching powers to close failing banks in an orderly way .

  26. 经营失败是市场竞争中的普遍现象,因而有效的破产制度是经济持续健康发展的重要组成部分。

    Operation failure is becoming a common phenomenon ; hence the efficient bankruptcy system serves as an important part of healthy and sustainable economic development .

  27. 如果文化冲击得不到有效控制和缓冲,就会演变成文化冲突,进而导致跨国经营失败。

    If the culture shock is not effectively controlled and alleviated , it will evolve into cultural conflict , which led to failure of international operations .

  28. 银行业作为一个特殊的高风险行业,从它诞生之日起,银行经营失败,以及由此产生的金融危机就周而复始地影响着世界经济的发展。

    Banking is one of the specific high-risk industries , and bank failure and financial crises influence world economy in cycle when banking came into being .

  29. 对中小企业问题特别是中小企业经营失败问题进行深入的研究,对于在中国经济转型时期,推动我国中小企业健康快速发展和活跃经济理论研究,有着十分重要的理论和实践意义。

    So the research about this issue has significant theoretical and practical meaning to push China economy development and activate economy research at this economy transition period .

  30. 在经济环境和市场环境发生变化时,要对财务战略进行相应的评估和调整,以避免坚持原有不合时宜的财务战略导致的经营失败。

    On the other hand , when economic and market environments change , the enterprises should make relevant evaluation and adjustment in financial strategy to avoid business failure .