
  • 网络Economic utility;economic effects;economic effectiveness;economic value
  1. 规则优化模型从经济效用的角度来分析安全成本与收益之间的平衡关系。

    Tradeoff between security cost and yield will be evaluated from the economic utility in the model for rule optimization .

  2. 本文阐述了产权经济学所涉及的交易费用和外部性,运用这些理论分析了知识产权的交易费用和知识产权资源的优化配置,并深入探讨了专利权的经济效用。

    This paper describes the economics of property rights involved in the transaction cost and external effects , using the theory of intellectual property rights intellectual property rights transaction cost and the optimal allocation of resources , and probes into the economic utility of patent right .

  3. 利用K-T条件可以求出一个经济效用的最大化,能充分考虑费用分摊的合理性的全局最优解;

    It can seek for optimal solution that can maximize the utility and consider the rationality of expense separate by using the K-T condition .

  4. 劳动力市场、效率工资博弈模型及其经济效用分析

    Labor Market 、 Efficiency Wages Game Model and Its Economic Effects

  5. 江西省国际劳务输出的经济效用与发展对策研究

    The economic effects and development strategies on labor export of JiangXi Province

  6. 企业投入的安全经济效用及边际效用

    Safety Economic Effects and Boundary Effects of Enterprises ′ Investment

  7. 循环经济效用函数的构建

    A Utility Function of Circular Economy

  8. 越来越多的人赞同银行应重新评估自己的社会及经济效用,这真是罕见至极。

    The growing chorus that banks should reassess their social and economic usefulness is downright peculiar .

  9. 中国农地发展权制度构建及预期社会经济效用

    Discussion on Building the System of China 's Agricultural Land Development Right and Its Expected Socio-Economic Effect

  10. 贸易壁垒的减少或消除将最终带来经济效用的最大化或贸易创出。

    Such reduction or elimination would ultimately lead to the maximization of economic benefits or trade creation .

  11. 指独立存在,与同属于一人的它物合并使用而起主要经济效用的物。

    Point to self-existent , incorporate with its content that belongs one person together the thing that use and has main economy effectiveness .

  12. 市场主体为了最大限度地发挥物之经济效用,往往会在同一房地产上设定抵押权、租赁权、典权等多项权利,由此导致了权利冲突的产生。

    In order to maximize the economic effectiveness of materials , market players often set mortgage rights , leasing rights , pawning rights etc in the same real estate , which resulting in the emergence of the conflicts of rights .

  13. 而该问题的明确对于更好地保护所有权以及充分发挥物的经济效用,甚至是整个社会主义市场经济的建设都意义匪浅。赃物,主要是刑法学上的一个术语,是一个程序性概念。

    And clearly the issue for the better protection of property ownership and full economic utility , and even the building of a socialist market economy , meaning a great deal . " Stolen property ", is mainly a term on the criminal law , is only a procedural concept .

  14. 广西产业结构对经济增长效用的差异性分析

    Analysis of Guangxi industry structure 's difference on economy growth effect

  15. 当前我国信用担保机构的经济杠杆效用发挥并不理想。

    At Present , utility of economic leverage in our country is unsatisfactory .

  16. 海外捐赠及其对广州城乡经济的效用

    Utility Analysis on the Donations from Overseas Chinese and Its Contribution to the Urban and Rural Economy in Guangzhou

  17. 近几年,产业集成因其自身明显的经济功能效用越来越被业界人士及学者们所关注。

    In recent years , integrated industry is concerned more and more by scholars and correlated persons because of its obvious economic utility function .

  18. 传统经济学把财富视为经济人效用函数的唯一变量,这早就受到历史学派和制度学派的批驳。

    Traditional economics regards fortune as the only variable of utility function , which has been critiqued by new historical school and institutional economic school .

  19. 市场经济中效用最大化的实现,除需有市场机制的调节和政府的宏观调节外,还需要道德力量的调节。

    Apart from regulation by market forces and macro adjustment by the government , moral power is necessary for a market economy so as to achieve the maximum of efficiency .

  20. 互助担保资金通过委托专业化担保机构运作,或由银行直接介入互助担保机构的运行则能够最好地发挥信用担保的经济杠杆效用。

    In order to improve leverage utility , mutual guarantee fund should be directed by professional organizations or banks should get involved in the operation of mutual guarantee organizations directly .

  21. 我们又知道,随机序作为随机过程占优理论中的基础在经济的效用理论,保险和可靠性也有广泛的应用。

    As we all know , stochastic orders as the foundation of the dominant theory of stochastic processes has a wide range of applications in economic utility theory , insurance and reliability .

  22. 同时,在存在代理人道德风险的情况下,阻碍资本外流契约所规定的撤资高额违约金会妨碍区域经济总效用最大化的实现。

    While the agents ' moral risk exists , the high amount of fine for breach of contract determined by the contract of preventing capital effusion will prevent the realization of utmost total utility of regional economy .

  23. 首先对债券市场理论进行梳理,讨论债券市场对宏观经济的效用和其自身的微观运行机理,同时也介绍中国理论界对债券理论的关注和探索。

    Begin with the theory of bond market , the chapter discusses the function of bond market to macroeconomic and its Mechanics and Operation as well as the introduction of the attention and exploration of China bond theory field .

  24. 在此基础上,构建城市突发事件经济安全效用函数,通过支出最小化分析和案例分析探讨不同性质和规模城市突发事件下银行业资金动员需求。

    On this basis , I structure the economic security utility function of the urban accident , minimize through expenditure analysis probe into with case analysis different nature and scale bank 's fund mobilize the demand under the urban accident .

  25. 文章的讨论与结果在连续的情形已证实可应用于g_上鞅的非线性Doob_Meyer分解的讨论,及不完全金融市场的期权定价及经济理论的效用函数的讨论中。

    What the paper introduced in the case of continuity has been proved that it can be applied to the discussions for g-supermartingale of the nonlinear Doob-Meyer decomposition , to the contingent claims pricing in the incomplete markets and to the utility functions in economic theory .

  26. 知识经济、边际效用递增现象与新商业规则

    Knowledge Economy , Increasing Marginal Utility and New Business Rules

  27. 这里的成本和效用包括非经济成本和效用。

    There costs and utilities include the noneconomic costs and utilities of children .

  28. 选址决策正确与否主要取决于选址决策后能否带来经济利益、效用、个人或社会的满足以及社会价值等。

    The location strategy lies on its economic profit , personal or social satisfaction and social value .

  29. 计及设备寿命折损的配电变压器经济运行方式效用分析

    A Study on Effectiveness of Economical Operation Mode of Distribution Transformer Considering Life Expectancy Loss of Electric Equipment

  30. 根据经济性中效用原理,建立了计算各种运输方式运输广义费用的模型。

    According to the efficiency in effectiveness principle , a model was established to calculate transportation generalized expense of each kind of transport mode .