
  • 网络management;Management and Administration
  1. WTO与中国舞蹈教育&关于舞蹈经营与管理专业设立的构想

    WTO and Chinese Dance Education & Conception of the Foundation of Dance Management Major

  2. 21世纪,是以信息技术为代表的全球经济互动时代,ERP是当今世界企业经营与管理技术进步的代表。

    The 21st century , information technology is represented by the times of global economic interaction . Now , ERP is the behalf of enterprise operations and management of technological progress .

  3. 我国已是WTO成员国,畜牧业的标准化生产经营与管理,是畜牧业经济走向世界的前提,是实现经济、社会、生态效益的保障。

    As being a member of WTO , standardization is the prerequisite of world-wide livestock husbandry , and it is the assurance of economic and ecological profits as well .

  4. 其次,主要从功能定位、经营与管理、运作体系、运作机制、运作平台、运作方法等方面来探讨PMC运行管理模式。

    As far as the basic work which PMC is based on , It is expounded trough the orientation to function , operation and management , operating system , operating base , operating measure and so on .

  5. 高尚全力主民本经济浅析大型体育场馆的经营与管理

    Primary Analysis on Economy and management of Large Stadium and Gym

  6. 自控单元中的锂电池《电池》广告的经营与管理

    Li Cell in Automatic Control Unit Advertisement management in Battery Bimonthly

  7. 云南德宏州森林资源可持续经营与管理

    Discussion on the Forest Resources sustainable Management in Dehong of Yunnan

  8. 民办高校经营与管理新探

    New Investigation in the Management and Administration of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities

  9. 市场经济条件下铁路施工企业提高经营与管理水平的思考

    Consideration of Raising Level of Management and Administration of Railway Construction Enterprises

  10. 休闲经济背景下博物馆的经营与管理

    Operation and Management of Museums in the Leisure Economy Background

  11. 浅谈市场经济下煤炭企业的经营与管理

    On the Management and Administration of Coal Enterprises in the Market Economy

  12. 高职高专生物制药专业(药品经营与管理方向)课程建设的探索

    Explores of the Curriculum Construction in Bio-pharmacy Major of the Higher Professional Education

  13. 加拿大森林经营与管理考察见闻

    Review and Reflection of Canadian Forest Management and Conservation

  14. 论开封市夜经济的经营与管理

    The Operation and Management on Kaifeng City Night Economy

  15. 第二部分专门分析论述了我国商业银行集约化经营与管理的必要性。

    The second parts analyses the necessity of our commercial bank intensive management .

  16. 施工企业固定资产的租赁经营与管理

    Leasing and management of fixed assets in construction enterprises

  17. 国有企业经营与管理问题研究

    Study on Management and Administration of State Enterprise

  18. 中国民营食品企业品牌资产的经营与管理(一)品牌资产

    The management of brand assets of the Chinese civil food establishments A. Brand assets

  19. 青岛旅游产业经营与管理改善措施探讨

    A study on improving the measures on management and administration of Qingdao tourist industry

  20. 企业经营与管理的相关基本概念。

    The relationship between Business Operation and Management .

  21. 森林资源与环境的可持续经营与管理&对新西兰、澳大利亚两国的考察与学术交流

    Sustainable running and management of forest resources and environment in New Zealand and Australia

  22. 对现代企业经营与管理的战略思考

    Strategic Consideration on the Mangement of Modern Enterprise

  23. 探讨工程经营与管理现代化

    Discussion on Modernization of Project Operation and Management

  24. 为平原地区农田林网的经营与管理提供了很好的依据。

    This provides a good base for managing the farmland shelterbelt networks in plain regions .

  25. 奥运北京的城市经营与管理

    City Operation and Management of Olympic Beijing

  26. 谈建筑企业的现代化经营与管理

    Modernization management and operation in construction enterprises

  27. 匈牙利的林业经营与管理经验初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on the Experiences in the Management and Administration of Forestry in Hungary

  28. 城市基础设施的经营与管理

    Management and administration of urban infrastructures

  29. 上海体育场馆的经营与管理创新&借鉴上海大剧院经验

    Operation and Management Innovation of Shanghai Sports Facilities & On the Experience of Shanghai Grand Theatre

  30. 中小型电信企业的管理诊断试论企业的经营与管理

    Management dignosis for the telecommunication enterprise