
  • 网络Sales agent
  1. 代理销售批发德国耐而优NEY轴承。

    German wholesale sales agent resistance and excellent NEY bearings .

  2. 代理销售国内外各类船舶、游艇、帆船和水上游东设施。

    Sales agent of boats , yachts , sailboats and water amusement equipments .

  3. ABC公司是一家从事进口纸张、木浆代理销售的贸易公司。

    ABC company is the import pulp & paper trading company .

  4. 在涂料油墨领域,公司代理销售的产品有:弹性漆树脂,UV漆树脂,塑胶漆树脂,烤漆树脂,氯醋树脂以及多种添加剂。

    In paint ink field , our products include : elastic rubbery paint resins , UV curing resins , plastic paint resins , baking enamel resins and multifunctional additives .

  5. 本论文借鉴跨国公司的市场进入理论及产业组织理论的相关研究方法,为X集团进入西南地区专用车市场设定了三种可能的市场进入方式:代理销售、技术与生产许可转让和直接投资。

    The paper draws references from the relative research methods of the multinational corporation market entering theory and industrial organization theory , and designs three possible market entering ways : agent sale , technology and production permit , direct invest for X Group .

  6. 伟能集团在香港及中国独家代理销售以色列SATEC公司生产的电能表及电测仪等一系列配套设备。

    Wei could Group sales in Hong Kong and China , exclusive agents of the Israeli production company SATEC electric watt-hour meter and a series of devices equipment .

  7. 如果贵方同意的话,我方可以代理销售你们的化工产品。

    We can represent your chemical products if you agree .

  8. 渠道上选取了开发商直接销售及委托代理销售两种形式。

    Channel select developers direct sales an agent sales in two forms .

  9. 我是代理销售经理。

    This is the lost and found department .

  10. 本公司是一家专业从事进口五金工具代理销售的贸易公司。

    This is a company specialized in imports of hardware sales agent of the trading company .

  11. 我公司代理销售,各种卡尺,数显卡尺,带表卡尺,测量工具。

    I Corporation sold all calipers , a few Caliper , Caliper table with measurement tools .

  12. 正因为如此,目前我国银行柜台代理销售保险业务的模式所存在的各种问题日趋明显。

    This is why more and more problems become occurring in the Chinese bancassurance business model .

  13. 房地产中介服务机构可以代理销售不符合销售条件的商品房吗?

    Real estate agent intermediary service agencies can not meet the conditions of sale of commercial housing sales ?

  14. 文章第三章承接上文,基于特许经营的本质特征,侧重与讨论特许经营的法律特征,同时将特许经营与传统商业模式,如代理销售、连锁经营进行比较。

    Franchise is compared with other traditional business modes in the views of law in the third chapter .

  15. 注于国际著名品牌半导体元器件在亚太地区的代理销售和推广。

    Note semiconductor components in the international famous brand in the Asia Pacific region sales and marketing agent .

  16. 我方很高兴委托贵方在你们城市独家代理销售我方的产品。

    We are glad to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your city .

  17. 公司长年备有现货库存,并与欧、美、日、韩及台湾等生产厂家及销售代理销售机构建立了良好的合作关系。

    With an abundant stock , we have established a good cooperative relationship with manufacturers and distributors in Europe , the U.

  18. 珠海高尔乐文具有限公司成立于2002年,是一家生产、代理销售美术用品的专业公司。

    Kuelox ( Zhuhai ) Stationery Co. , Ltd was launched in2002 and located in a beautiful coastal garden city & Zhuhai .

  19. 公司主要业务包括全球范围内固定翼飞机、直升机及航材的买卖、租赁及代理销售;

    The Company 's services include buying , selling , leasing and brokering aircraft , helicopters and aviation materiel to global clients .

  20. 在商业领域中,代理销售模式是大型公司广泛采用的一种比较成功的销售模式。

    In the business area , the model of sale agent is widely adopted by large companies as a more successful sale model .

  21. 代理销售保险产品:代理收取保险费;根据保险公司委托,代理相关业务的损失勘查和理赔。

    Acting sales of insurance products : Acting charge premium ; According to insurance companies , agents prospecting and adjustments related business losses .

  22. 主营业务为进口销售国外品牌葡萄酒及代理销售国产优质白酒,兼营茶叶及饮料。

    Operating sales for the import of foreign brands of wine and liquor quality of domestic sales agents , run and drink tea .

  23. 我国目前的银保合作还处在银行保险的最初发展阶段&银行代理销售保单。

    The cooperation of the bank and insurance in our country still in the primary phase : the bank sells insurance policies as agent .

  24. 除自有设计生产之产品外,还代理销售JAE&MOLEX等国际知名品牌连接器。

    In addition to its own design and production of products , but also sales agent JAE & MOLEX connectors and other international well-known brands .

  25. 目前我国保险所采用的是银行柜台代理销售保险业务的模式,这是由我国金融环境的现状和银行保险的发展阶段所决定的。

    Because of the Chinese financial environment and present situation , the pattern of counter sale is the bancassurance business model generally adopted by china .

  26. 本公司代理销售全套进口小型开平线、等离子切割机(日本),性能优越,简单实用。

    Our company act as the agent of complete set import small-scale to turn on flat line ( Japan ), superior performance , simple and practical .

  27. 公司不但有自己的生产实体而且还常年代理销售其他及相关石油物资设备。

    Our company not only has its own production entity , it has also been the sales agent for other related oil materials for many years .

  28. 同时欢迎各地区市有资力的日用陶瓷批发商合作代理销售。

    The day which welcome everyplace area City to have property dint in the meantime act for sale with the porcelain and ceramics cooperation of wholesale dealer .

  29. 是一家专门从事计算机软件研发、应用、服务及代理销售知名计算机软、硬件设备的高新技术企业。

    Are a company specializing in computer software research and development , applications , services and sales agent well-known computer software and hardware equipment , high-tech enterprises .

  30. 我公司大量供应医药原料药,代理销售全国知名品牌原料药产品及配套的药用辅料,质优价廉。

    Large number of pharmaceutical raw materials supply company , the sales agent of the famous brand products and pharmaceutical raw materials supporting the medicinal materials , quality and cheap .