
dài xiè píng héng
  • metabolic balance;metabolic equilibrium
  1. 方法:用双盘法在3d自由进食条件下对36名空勤人员进行了硒代谢平衡的研究,并以36名地勤人员作为对照。

    Methods : Selenium metabolic balance studies were carried out in 36 male pilots eating self-selected diets for three consecutive days by duplicated plate diet analyses , and 36 male ground crew served as control .

  2. 温阳益心活血化痰法通过降低血浆ET-1含量,调节TXA2/PGI2代谢平衡,保护内皮功能,抑制血栓形成。

    Decrease the content of the plasma ET-1 , adjust the metabolic balance of TXA2 / PGI2 , protect the endothelial function and suppress the form of thrombus ;

  3. SOD、POD、CAT参与清除自由基活性氧,维持机体自由基活性氧代谢平衡。

    SOD , POD and CAT were involved in active oxygen scavening and retain balance of active oxygen metabolish .

  4. 性激素通过影响骨代谢平衡对BMD起作用。

    By influencing the balance of bone metabolism sex hormones take effects on BMD .

  5. 脂肪组织不仅是甘油三酯(TG)的储存库,也是一个活跃的内分泌器官,在机体能量代谢平衡中发挥重要作用。

    Adipose tissue is not only a triglyceride repositories , but also an active endocrinal organ in energy metabolism of whole body .

  6. Leptin(瘦素或消脂素),是一种广泛存在于机体脂肪组织中调控体重平衡及能量代谢平衡的关键激素。

    Leptin , the circulating hormone secreted primarily by adipose tissue , is an important regulator for weight balance and energy homeostasis .

  7. SOD比值反映了组织中氧化和抗氧化的能力,也是反映机体自由基代谢平衡的重要指标。

    The ratio of MDA / SOD reflected the ability of idation and anti-idation It was also an important index to reflect metabolism of free radical in body .

  8. 上述结果提示,amylin可以通过激活糖原磷酸化酶活力,加强小鼠肝细胞的糖原分解过程,促进肝细胞对葡萄糖的释放,从而对肝细胞内糖原储量及糖代谢平衡进行调节。

    Amylin could enhance glycogenolysis by activating glycogen phosphorylase and thus influence glycogen metabolism .

  9. APOB是低密度脂蛋白(LDL)颗粒的主要蛋白成分,在血浆LDL胆固醇代谢平衡中具有重要作用。

    Apo B is the sole component of the low-density lipoprotein ( LDL ) particles and is thought to play an important role in the homeostasis of LDL cholesterol in plasma .

  10. 方法40例脑瘫患儿和30例正常对照儿测量Ca、P代谢平衡指标及血清Ca、P、骨钙素(ALP)、BGP浓度和骨密度(BMD)。

    Method The measurement of the metabolism balance of Ca , P and the levels of the serum Ca , P , ALP , BGP and bone density in 40 children with CP and 30 normal children .

  11. 脂联素是由白色脂肪组织(WAT)特异性分泌的胶原样蛋白,在维持能量代谢平衡、调节胰岛素敏感性上起了重要作用。

    Adiponectin , a protein secreted especially by white adipose tissue , has been reported to have an important role in regulating energy balance and the sensitivity of insulin .

  12. 骨的代谢平衡决定不同时期骨量的变化,妇女骨密度(BMD)与体内性激素含量密切相关,决定日后骨折的危险性。

    Bone mass correlates with the balance of bone metabolism . The changes of bone mineral density ( BMD ) are in association with sex hormones in women body , which is a determinant to the future bone fracture risk .

  13. 该研究进一步证实了CYP18A1基因与昆虫体内蜕皮激素代谢平衡相关联。

    This further suggests orthologous CYP18A1 gene in insects is closely related to ecdysteroid homeostasis .

  14. Ghrelin由胃底部粘膜泌酸腺X/A细胞合成并分泌,其参与机体的能量代谢平衡,是启动进食并促进食欲的重要调节因子。

    Ghrelin synthesized and secreted by X / A cells whin the oxyntic glands of gastric fundus mucosa is an important orexigenic peptide involved in the regulation of meal initiation and the energy balance of the body .

  15. 自由基清除剂(FRS)的应用能有效地抑制伤害子叶膜脂质过氧化作用,并有利于保持较高的膜保护酶活性和维持活性氧代谢平衡。

    Application of free radical scavengers could inhibit membrane lipid peroxidation . and maintain a higher level of activities of membrane protecting enzymes , and a balance situation of the activated oxygen metabolism .

  16. 结果腹部外科术后EEN安全、有效,能维护机体代谢平衡,保持组织、器官的结构和功能的完整,特别在维护肠黏膜屏障完整,减少或避免术后感染性并发症方面有一定优势。

    Results EEN after abdominal surgery seems to be safe and effective , produces a positive nitrogen balance , keeps the integrality of structure and function of the apparatus , protects gut barrier , and reduces or prevents septic complications .

  17. H-FABP是FABP家族成员之一,在长链脂肪酸的吸收和代谢平衡中发挥关键作用,但它对猪IMF含量的影响还知之甚少,对中国西部地区的猪种更是如此。

    H-FABP ( Heart fatty acid-binding protein ), a member of FABP family , plays an essential role in long-chain fatty acid uptake and metabolic homeostasis . Its role in pig intramuscular fat content remains poorly understood , especially in local pig breeds in western China .

  18. 蛋白、糖、脂代谢平衡及其在疾病诊断中的价值

    Integration Metabolism Balanced of Proteinum-Glucose-Cholesterol and Value of in Diagnosis Disease

  19. 代谢平衡实验未观察到锌的生物利用率受到抑制。

    Metabolic balance study indicated that zinc bioavailability was not inhibited .

  20. 空勤与地勤人员硒代谢平衡的研究

    Studies on the selenium metabolic balance in pilots and ground crew

  21. 糖尿病患者治疗前后锌铜代谢平衡的研究

    The metabolic balance of zinc and copper in diabetes mellitus

  22. 云锡矿工膳食砷摄入量与代谢平衡研究

    Arsenic intake and excretion in miners of Yunnan Tin Corporation Dietary fiber

  23. 51例糖尿病患者治疗前后钙磷代谢平衡结果分析

    Studies on metabolic balance of calcium and phosphate in 51 diabetic patients

  24. 盖天力与乳酸钙对健康成人钙代谢平衡的影响

    Effect of Gai-tian-li and calcium lactate on calcium metabolic balance in healthy adults

  25. 胆固醇代谢平衡调控的分子机理

    Molecular Mechanisms in the Regulation of Cholesterol Metabolic Homeostasis

  26. 2型糖尿病患者锂代谢平衡研究

    A Study on Metabolic Balance of Lithium in Normal Controls and Type-two Diabetes Mellitus

  27. 大骨节病病区儿童硒代谢平衡的研究

    Study on selenium metabolic balance in children from an endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease

  28. 正常成人摄入相对低钙时的钙代谢平衡研究

    Study of Calcium Metabolic Balance in Normal Adults with Relative Low Doses of Calcium Intake

  29. 人体内的生物转化和物质代谢平衡研究需要给予放射标记性化合物服入。

    Biotransformation and mass balance studies in man require an administration of the radiolabeled compound .

  30. 骨细胞生物学功能(成骨细胞骨形成、破骨细胞骨吸收)对机体骨代谢平衡和骨骼的健康发育至关重要。

    Osteocyte 's biological function is very important to metabolic balance and health of bone .