- 名metabolic balance;metabolic equilibrium

Methods : Selenium metabolic balance studies were carried out in 36 male pilots eating self-selected diets for three consecutive days by duplicated plate diet analyses , and 36 male ground crew served as control .
Decrease the content of the plasma ET-1 , adjust the metabolic balance of TXA2 / PGI2 , protect the endothelial function and suppress the form of thrombus ;
SOD , POD and CAT were involved in active oxygen scavening and retain balance of active oxygen metabolish .
By influencing the balance of bone metabolism sex hormones take effects on BMD .
Adipose tissue is not only a triglyceride repositories , but also an active endocrinal organ in energy metabolism of whole body .
Leptin , the circulating hormone secreted primarily by adipose tissue , is an important regulator for weight balance and energy homeostasis .
The ratio of MDA / SOD reflected the ability of idation and anti-idation It was also an important index to reflect metabolism of free radical in body .
Amylin could enhance glycogenolysis by activating glycogen phosphorylase and thus influence glycogen metabolism .
Apo B is the sole component of the low-density lipoprotein ( LDL ) particles and is thought to play an important role in the homeostasis of LDL cholesterol in plasma .
Method The measurement of the metabolism balance of Ca , P and the levels of the serum Ca , P , ALP , BGP and bone density in 40 children with CP and 30 normal children .
Adiponectin , a protein secreted especially by white adipose tissue , has been reported to have an important role in regulating energy balance and the sensitivity of insulin .
Bone mass correlates with the balance of bone metabolism . The changes of bone mineral density ( BMD ) are in association with sex hormones in women body , which is a determinant to the future bone fracture risk .
This further suggests orthologous CYP18A1 gene in insects is closely related to ecdysteroid homeostasis .
Ghrelin synthesized and secreted by X / A cells whin the oxyntic glands of gastric fundus mucosa is an important orexigenic peptide involved in the regulation of meal initiation and the energy balance of the body .
Application of free radical scavengers could inhibit membrane lipid peroxidation . and maintain a higher level of activities of membrane protecting enzymes , and a balance situation of the activated oxygen metabolism .
Results EEN after abdominal surgery seems to be safe and effective , produces a positive nitrogen balance , keeps the integrality of structure and function of the apparatus , protects gut barrier , and reduces or prevents septic complications .
H-FABP ( Heart fatty acid-binding protein ), a member of FABP family , plays an essential role in long-chain fatty acid uptake and metabolic homeostasis . Its role in pig intramuscular fat content remains poorly understood , especially in local pig breeds in western China .
Integration Metabolism Balanced of Proteinum-Glucose-Cholesterol and Value of in Diagnosis Disease
Metabolic balance study indicated that zinc bioavailability was not inhibited .
Studies on the selenium metabolic balance in pilots and ground crew
The metabolic balance of zinc and copper in diabetes mellitus
Arsenic intake and excretion in miners of Yunnan Tin Corporation Dietary fiber
Studies on metabolic balance of calcium and phosphate in 51 diabetic patients
Effect of Gai-tian-li and calcium lactate on calcium metabolic balance in healthy adults
Molecular Mechanisms in the Regulation of Cholesterol Metabolic Homeostasis
A Study on Metabolic Balance of Lithium in Normal Controls and Type-two Diabetes Mellitus
Study on selenium metabolic balance in children from an endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease
Study of Calcium Metabolic Balance in Normal Adults with Relative Low Doses of Calcium Intake
Biotransformation and mass balance studies in man require an administration of the radiolabeled compound .
Osteocyte 's biological function is very important to metabolic balance and health of bone .