
mù yù
  • have a bath;bathe;immerse
沐浴 [mù yù]
  • (1) [have a bath]∶洗澡

  • (2) [bathe;immerse]∶蒙受;受润泽

  • 一轮晚月升上天空,仓库的空场沐浴在月光之中

沐浴[mù yù]
  1. 他们告诉我们去沐浴。

    They tell us to have a bath .

  2. 月光下的乡村沐浴在一片银辉之中。

    The moon bathed the countryside in a silver light .

  3. 她沐浴时在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。

    She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils .

  4. 城堡沐浴在月光里。

    The castle was bathed in moonlight .

  5. 我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。

    I saw her sitting at a window table , bathed in sunlight .

  6. 用舒缓沐浴油洗个热水澡吧。

    Try a hot bath with some relaxing bath oil

  7. 整个房间沐浴在柔光之中。

    The whole room is bathed in soft lighting .

  8. 琥珀沐浴油有镇静安神效用。

    Amber bath oil has a sedative effect .

  9. 皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。

    For super-soft skin , lather on a light body lotion before you bathe .

  10. 竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。

    The arena was bathed in warm sunshine

  11. 这种精油用来给肥皂、沐浴液和香水添加香味。

    The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps , foam baths , and scents .

  12. 《有弯弯河流的风景》(1827年)是一幅近乎单色调的绘画,描绘的是沐浴在银色光线里的一片树林。

    ' Scene with a Winding River ' ( 1827 ) is a near-monochrome portrayal of a wood infused with silvery light .

  13. 百里油田沐浴着金色的朝晖。

    The vast oilfield was bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun .

  14. 海湾沐浴着阳光,离岸150米左右有一群皮划艇运动员。

    The bay was bathed in sunshine , and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore .

  15. Showerthought(浴中哲思)其实是一个泛指,可以用来指代你在沐浴、开车或者做白日梦等一些常规事物的时候产生的一些想法。以下是Reddit网站推出的showerthought页面上,网友留下的一些奇思妙想:

    Shower thought is a loose term that applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering , driving , or daydreaming .

  16. 含有对皮肤有益的植物精华的沐浴凝胶

    shower gel containing plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on the skin

  17. 孩子们沐浴时间的程序包括:泡泡浴、无泪配方的洗发露和塑料玩具鸭。

    The bath time routine – bubble bath , no-tear shampoo , plastic duck .

  18. 这种深度沐浴体验似乎正在成为一种新的浴室潮流。

    This is the deep bathing experience and it appears to be a budding bathroom trend .

  19. 晚上又沐浴着温馨柔和的夜色。

    The melting tenderness of night .

  20. 在海滩上沐浴着阳光的游客

    tourists sunbathing on the beach

  21. 当你的生活沐浴在爱之中,爱就无处不在。

    You will find that when you live your life in love , you will find love everywhere .

  22. 来自瑞士的研究人员花了11周的时间,测试了一系列沐浴玩具,但却无法证明其中的任何一种玩具是健康而卫生的。

    The Swiss researchers spent 11 weeks testing a range of bath toys and could give none a clean bill of health .

  23. 我隔壁摊位的女士说卖沐浴节水器的,当她向一位过路人推销淋浴电器时,她提到了这个节水器每年可省下2.5万加仑的水。

    Next to me was a woman demonstrating a shower saver . As she was telling a passer-by the qualities of the device , she mentioned that it saved 25000 gallons of water a year .

  24. 那个宋国人,为了慎重起见,熏香沐浴,清心静气,修养了七天,然后穿上大礼服,恭恭敬敬地请出匣子,小心翼翼地把那块石头从匣子里取出来。

    To be prudent1 , this man of Song took a bath , burned incense2 , cleansed3 his mind , calmed his mood , and went in for self - cultivation4 for seven days . Then be put on ceremonial robes , respectfully took out the box , and carefully took the stone out of the box .

  25. 还有房间供休息和沐维他命E羊脂沐浴露

    There are also comfortable rooms for sleeping , showers . Lanolin body Wash With Vitamin E

  26. 不同沐浴方式(盆浴或淋浴)对两组沐浴状态无影响,P值>0.05。

    Bathing style , i.e.in basin or in shower , did not have an effect on the postures ( P > 0.05 ) .

  27. HBV感染孕妇所生的新生儿出生后立即沐浴,停止母乳喂养与母亲隔离4周。

    Infants with HBV-infected mothers should take a bath immediately after birth , then stop breast feeding and keep them apart from their mothers for 4 weeks ;

  28. 本公司是专业生产SPA,按摩缸,沐浴房等卫浴配件的厂家。

    This company is specialized production SPA , massages the cylinder , showers health bath fitting and so on room factories .

  29. 几天前,可口可乐(coca-cola)数字沟通主管亚当布朗(adambrown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。

    A few days ago , Adam brown , the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola , got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta .

  30. 本周,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)董事长马云沐浴着美国南加州的灿烂阳光,马不停蹄地会晤好莱坞的公司高管们,希望能购得更多可供手机和平板电脑播放的内容。

    Alibaba CEO Jack Ma is soaking up the southern California sunshine this week as he meets with Hollywood executives in a bid to acquire more content for phones and tablets .