
mù yù lù
  • Shower Gel;bath lotion;shower jell
  1. 十二烷基甜菜碱对香皂润肤性的研究梦,一步之遥&论奥妮进军香皂、沐浴露

    Study of effect of the dodecyl betain to the emollient character of the toilet soap Dream will be come true & talking about Olive toilet soap and bath lotion

  2. 还有房间供休息和沐维他命E羊脂沐浴露

    There are also comfortable rooms for sleeping , showers . Lanolin body Wash With Vitamin E

  3. 洗澡时,可以一边哼唱,一边用AlexandraSoveral推出的MenGreenTeaandLimeHairandBodyWash(男士有机绿茶与洗发沐浴露售价35英镑)。

    Get into shower . Rub self with Alexandra Soveral for Men Green Tea and Lime Hair and Body Wash ( £ 35 ) , yodelling happily .

  4. AlexandraSoveral的男士洗发沐浴露35英镑

    Alexandra Soveral Hair and Body Wash £ 35

  5. 一个DIY的去角质方法是在你的沐浴露中加些糖,伴着丝瓜的泡沫轻松完成。

    For a quick DIY exfoliant , add sugar to your body wash and lather with a loofah .

  6. 由于Boots旗下一款名叫Armpits&Undercarriage的价廉物美的沐浴露还未上市,因此搓洗身体其它部分也使用海飞丝浴液。

    Rub rest of self with Head & Shoulders too , owing to Boots not yet offering for sale a competitively-priced product called Armpits & Undercarriage .

  7. 最近出现了一些新的趋势,比如联合利华(Unilever)的沐浴露销量不断上升,这些趋势证实,出于省钱省水的考虑,公众正从泡澡转向淋浴。

    There have been some recent trends , such as the rise in shower-gel sales by Unilever , that confirm a money-and water-saving-inspired shift from bathing to showering .

  8. 沐浴露瓶盖注射模设计

    Design of the Injection Mould for the Lid of the Lotion Bottle

  9. 洗发精和沐浴露功能评价法

    The Evaluation Methods for Functions of Shampoo and Bath Lotions

  10. 法拉,告诉他们,当时您推销的是哪种沐浴露。

    Tell them what kind of lotion you were selling , Farrah .

  11. 我喜欢用肥皂,她喜欢使用沐浴露。

    I like to use soap , she likes to use body wash .

  12. 安姆博特老是用爱马仕的沐浴露诶!

    Sunny : Ambert always uses hermes body wash !

  13. 单烷基磷酸酯在沐浴露中的应用研究

    Study on application of monoalkyl phosphate in shower bath

  14. 我们也用香波和沐浴露清洁头发和身体。

    Shampoo and body lotions are also used to wash our hair and body .

  15. 本文介绍了日本洗发精和沐浴露的功能性评价方法。

    The evaluation methods for functions of shampoo and bath lotions in Japan were introduced .

  16. 仿生乳霜呵护沐浴露

    Bio - mimetic Cream Nursing Shower Lotion

  17. 我们的茶树&熏衣草洗发沐浴露也一定会成为家庭的最爱!

    Our Tea Tree Lavender Shampoo Bodywash is sure to become a family favorite too !

  18. 适用于香皂、洗面奶、洗手液、沐浴露等个人洗涤护肤用品当中。

    Such as fancy soap , facial washing milk , hand cleanser and bath preparation , etc.

  19. 每天都有房间清洁服务,还有香皂,沐浴露,茶点每日更新。

    Rooms were cleaned and stocks of soap , shampoo , tea coffee etc replenished daily .

  20. 全球沐浴露市场趋势

    Trend of the global bath market

  21. 应用于洗发香波,沐浴露,泡沫洁面乳过敏性皮肤制剂及儿童洗涤制品中。

    Applicable to shampoo , body wash products , sensitive skin agent & baby cleaning products .

  22. 我现在和牛奶泡沫沐浴露及身体乳一起用。

    I am using this soap in combination with the foaming milk bath and the body butter .

  23. 我一直在浴室里用沐浴露瓶子练习这段演讲

    I 've been practicing this speech into a shampoo bottle in the shower my entire life .

  24. 混合型沐浴露

    Mixed Type Shower Cream

  25. 可应用于沐浴露,洗发香波,泡沫洁面乳,婴儿沐浴制品,剃须膏等产品中。

    Applicable to body wash products , Shampoo , facial cleanser , Baby Wash products , Shaving Paste etc.

  26. 不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。

    Don NOT use saliva , creams , oil , Vaseline , soap or shower gel as lube .

  27. 把沐浴露和热水混合,将双手放在其中浸泡5分钟。

    Mix shower gel with the warm water and soak your hands in the solution for five minutes .

  28. 我一直有很糟糕的后背痤疮,这个沐浴露几周的时间就把它们去除了。

    I used to have real bad back acne and it took it away in a matter of weeks .

  29. 洗发水与沐浴露中使用的所有清洁剂必须符合欧盟的生物降解能力要求,以防止对环境的破坏。

    All detergents used in shampoos and shower gels must comply with European biodegradability requirements to prevent environmental damage .

  30. 我们这款温和洗发沐浴露被证实是真正的纯净的洗发沐浴产品。

    Our Mild Baby Wash & Shampoo is truly a pure baby wash that proves that less is more !