
  • 网络powder;Loose Powder;Face Powder
  1. 扫上羽柔蜜粉来固定遮瑕膏和粉底以使它们效果持久,并确保照片中的皮肤不会泛油光。

    Set concealer and foundation with sheerfinish loose powder to make them longer-lasting and to ensure that skin doesn 't shine in pictures .

  2. 有没有蜜粉可以掩盖我的雀斑?

    Is there some face powder to hide my freckles ?

  3. 基于WEB的中国主要蜜粉源植物信息导航系统的构建

    The Construction of WEB-based Information Navigation System of Foraging Plants in China

  4. 材质极其细致与柔软的黑色粉扑,特别适用于HD微晶蜜粉,或其他蜜粉。

    A fine , soft and handy black powder puff particularly suited to the application of HD Powder and other loose powders .

  5. 湘西野生蜜粉源植物资源的研究

    Study on Wild Nectar and Pollen Plant Resources in Western Hunan

  6. 豫北地区蜜粉源植物的考察研究

    Investigate and Study on Nectar and Pollen Plants in North Henan

  7. 蜜粉源资源是人类的宝贵财富。

    The nectar and pollen plants are precious wealth to mankind .

  8. 河南蜜粉源植物的研究

    Study on the nectar and pollen plants in Henan Province

  9. 海南岛不同开花类型的蜜粉源植物

    Different type of blossom of nectar pollen plants in Hainan

  10. 去年圣诞节收过一盒蜜粉。

    Got a box of Honey Dust last christmas .

  11. 枣庄蜜粉源植物与物候

    The nectari & polliniferous plant and phenology in Zaozhuang

  12. 新蜂王在蜜粉源丰富季节产卵量高。

    The new queen had a high fecundity during nectar and pollen-rich season .

  13. 山西省优良蜜粉源植物资源&青麸杨

    Rhus Potaninii Maxim is a Fine Nectar and Pollen Plant Resource in Shanxi Province

  14. 山东蜜粉源植物资源现状及养蜂业可持续发展研究

    Present Situation of Nectariferous and Pollen Plants and Sustainable Development of Beekeeping in Shandong

  15. 浙江省蜜粉源植物名录

    A catalogue of honey plants of Zhejiang Province

  16. 此款粉扑可以填充蜜粉在内,也可以不用。

    Product Description : The Circle-Shape Powder Puffs can fill Powder inside or not .

  17. 辅助蜜粉源植物47科、132属、217种;

    Wild auxiliary nectar and pollen plants 47 families , 132 genera , 217 species ;

  18. 有毒蜜粉源植物12科、17属、20种。

    Wild poisonous nectar and pollen plants 12 families , 17 genera , 20 species .

  19. 对新乡市蜜粉源植物资源进行了调查。

    Preliminary investigation on nectar and pollen plant resources in Xinxiang City was carried out .

  20. 固体糖蜜粉的研制

    Development of Solid Molasses Meal

  21. 这是我第一次只扑蜜粉,涂腮红,擦唇蜜就出门了耶!

    This was my first time to go out with just face powder , blush , and lip gloss .

  22. 对眼部进行修饰之前,先在面部涂抹粉底,遮瑕膏和透明蜜粉,让肤色看上去更加均匀。

    Apply foundation , concealer and translucent powder over the face to even out the skin tone before starting the look .

  23. 青麸杨是山区优良的蜜粉源植物资源,也是五倍子蚜虫的寄主植物。

    Rhus potaniinii Maxim is a fine nectar and pollen plant resource in the mountains and is a host plant of Chinese gall .

  24. 通过对贵州省蜜粉源植物资源的调查研究,发现贵州蜜粉源植物资源丰富,共有92科、287属、512种、67个变种。

    Through investigation abundant nectar plants were found in Guizhou province . There are 512 species and 67 varieties belonging to 92 families , 287 genera .

  25. 在调查、收集、整理的基础上,初步筛选出蜜粉源植物1176种及变种,隶属于106科426属,以刺槐、枣树、荆条、油菜等植物组成主要蜜源。

    On the basis of investigation , collection and sifting , 1 176 species and varieties of nectar and pollen plants , belonging to 426 genera and 106 families , were found .

  26. 并在此基础上,经过正交试验,研制出最大吸附糖蜜量的糖蜜粉产品配方&糖蜜50%,大豆粕5%,玉米芯粉35%和麸皮10%。

    The obtained molasses meal formula with the maximum absorptive capacity of molasses consists of 50 % molasses , 5 % soybean meal , 35 % corn-cob meal and 10 % wheat bran .

  27. 中、意蜂竞争食物资源的争斗高峰主要发生在开花末期,即外界蜜粉源缺少时。

    The competition fight peak of food resource between Chinese bee and Italian bee mainly takes place in latter stage of blooming , namely under the nectar and pollen source lacks external world .

  28. 糖蜜粉的研制结果表明:糖蜜的添加量可以达到50%,最佳的糖蜜载体为玉米芯粉,需加入双乙酸纳等防霉剂,该产品可以满足配合饲料加工的要求并能达到一定的贮存期限。

    For molasses meal trial , the conclusions show that 50 % molasses can well absorbed by corn cob meal in Molasses Meal , and mould inhibitor also required in this kind of product .

  29. 本文调查研究河南北部,黄河北岸地区内蜜粉源植物,初步筛选出蜜粉源植物376种及变种,隶属于81科233属。

    The nectar and pollen plants were investigated in the north Henan Province . There are 376 species and varieties of nectar and pollen plants , belonging to 233 genera and 81 families in this area .

  30. 本文研究了福州中华蜜蜂种群数量动态,重点关注了年龄结构和出生率,并对环境和蜂巢温度、蜜粉源和工蜂采集强度进行连续观测,深入分析了这些因子对种群数量动态的影响。

    We focused on the age structure and natality . Environmental and cluster temperatures as well as worker bees foraging intensity were observed continuously . The influence of these factors on population dynamics were analysised deeply .