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mì fēng
  • bee;honeybee
蜜蜂 [mì fēng]
  • [bee;honeybee] 一种社会群居性膜翅目昆虫( Apis mellifera ),为了生产蜂蜜和作为一个授粉者,经常进行家养

蜜蜂[mì fēng]
  1. 肥大细胞同样也能显著降低蜜蜂毒液诱发疾病的发病率和死亡率

    MC 's also significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality induced by honeybee venom .

  2. EM制剂对蜜蜂中肠围食膜厚度的影响

    Effect of EM Reagent on the Peritrophic Matrix in Honeybee 's Midgut

  3. 花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。

    Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar .

  4. 被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。

    A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious .

  5. 蜜蜂在三叶草丛中嗡嗡作响。

    Bees were buzzing in the clover .

  6. 蜜蜂在花丛中懒洋洋地嗡嗡叫着。

    Bees buzzed lazily among the flowers .

  7. 黑压压的一大群蜜蜂从蜂巢中飞出来。

    A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive .

  8. 蜜蜂之间所用的交流方式是昆虫中最为复杂的方式之一。

    Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect .

  9. 为了防止蜜蜂迷路,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。

    To keep their bees from wandering , beekeepers feed them sugar solutions .

  10. 蜂胶是蜜蜂用植物汁液合成的像树脂一样的物质。

    Propolis is a hard resinous substance made by bees from the juices of plants .

  11. 这种蜜蜂很少蜇人。

    This type of bee rarely stings .

  12. 用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。

    Remove the bee sting with tweezers .

  13. 在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。

    In tests , the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away .

  14. 蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。

    The bees are fluttering among the flowers .

  15. 蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地飞来飞去。

    Bees are humming [ buzzing ] around from flower to flower .

  16. 蜜蜂向花丛中飞去。

    The bees are flying into the flowers .

  17. 蜜蜂忙于采蜜。

    The bees busied themselves at making honey .

  18. 一只蜜蜂在房间里飞来飞去。

    A bee flew about in the room .

  19. 他被蜜蜂螫了。

    He was stung by a bee .

  20. 蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。

    Bees gather nectar from flowers .

  21. 蜜蜂酿蜜。

    Bees make honey .

  22. 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。

    Bees hum .

  23. 一群蜜蜂在花丛中采蜜。

    A swarm of bees was gathering nectar among the flowers .

  24. 他有时也像蜜蜂一样忙碌。

    He is as busy as a bee once in a while .

  25. 蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去。

    Bees are flitting from flower to flower .

  26. 蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞。

    Bees are buzzing all around .

  27. 蜜蜂使花受精。

    Bees fertilize the flowers .

  28. 蜜蜂给花授粉。

    Bees pollinate the flowers .

  29. 蜜蜂由于在蜂群中分工的不同,可分为三种:蜂后、工蜂和雄蜂。

    Honey bees have three castes for the division of labour in a hive : queens , workers and drones .

  30. 蜜蜂一直很忙。

    The bees have been busy .