
  • 网络The Honeymooners;Honeymoon Phase;Honeymoon Period;honeymoon;Honey Moon
  1. 蒙莫斯大学心理学家盖里•W•勒万多维斯基表示,充满“高度激情的爱”、“强烈的吸引力和狂喜的感觉,同时对配偶理想化”的蜜月期并不会永远持续下去。

    The honeymoon phase with its " high levels of passionate love " and " intense feelings of attraction and ecstasy , as well as an idealization of one 's partner , " doesn 't last forever , according to Monmouth University psychologist Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. 3 .

  2. 她们还在蜜月期。

    They 're in the honeymoon phase .

  3. 这届政府的蜜月期现在已经过去了。

    The honeymoon period for the government is now over .

  4. 布雷特和报界及公众之间都正处在蜜月期。

    Brett is enjoying a honeymoon period with both press and public .

  5. 奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。

    Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum , but the honeymoon is definitely over

  6. 朱莉娅和杰克的蜜月期可是真的结束了。

    The honeymoon is well and truly over for Julia and Jack2 .

  7. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)与华盛顿之间的蜜月期似乎将要结束。

    The honeymoon between Goldman Sachs and Washington DC appears to be over .

  8. 然而世事难料,谁会想到扎克伯格的“蜜月期”就已经光速结束,Facebook周一破发(跌破38美元的发行价),公司市值跳水至千亿美元以下,而扎克伯格的个人资产则急剧缩水13亿英镑(约合129亿元人民币)。

    It meant Mr Zuckerberg 's personal fortune had fallen by £ 1.3billion in the middle of the day 's trading , as he saw his company 's share price tumble well below its £ 24 opening on Friday .

  9. 毫无冲突的企业全球扩张的10年蜜月期已然结束。

    A honeymoon decade of frictionless business expansion worldwide is over .

  10. 诱导2型糖尿病的蜜月期&治疗糖尿病的新策略

    Induction of " Honeymoon Stage " in Type ⅱ Diabetes-New Therapeutically Strategy

  11. 但是她对她的蜜月期没有任何幸福的回忆。

    But she has no happy memories of her honeymoon .

  12. 如今,越来越多的迹象显示,蜜月期结束了。

    Today , there are growing signs that the honeymoon is over .

  13. 观察急性期患儿进入蜜月期的百分率。

    Percentage of patients from acute period to honeymoon period was calculated .

  14. 急性期患儿65.7%进入蜜月期。

    There were 65.7 % of acute period patients entering honeymoon period .

  15. 我把这个阶段称为“屁的蜜月期”。

    A period I like to call the " fart honeymoon " .

  16. 有趣的是,婚姻带来的幸福远比蜜月期更长久。

    Intriguingly , marital happiness long outlasted the honeymoon period .

  17. 这份工作不会有蜜月期。

    There will be no honeymoon in this job .

  18. 蜜月期发生于治疗后第3~12周;

    Honeymoon period appeared in 3 ~ 12 weeks .

  19. 因此,等待很重要&要同居最好还是等到蜜月期过了之后。

    After all , shacking up is a serious and sometimes controversial step .

  20. 即所谓糖尿病患者的蜜月期。

    " honeymoon period " of the patients .

  21. 蜜月期一过,人民开始批评新政府。

    The honeymoon is over & people are starting to criticize the new government .

  22. 美国开始有意疏远台湾,美台之间结束了蜜月期。

    The United States alienated Taiwan intentionally .

  23. 他拥有一个短暂的蜜月期。

    He had a brief honeymoon .

  24. 但一些分析人士质疑,柏林与北京的蜜月期能够维持多长时间。

    Yet some analysts question how long the honeymoon phase between Berlin and Beijing can last .

  25. 话虽如此,但奥巴马还是能享有旷日引久的政治“蜜月期”。

    Despite all this , the chances are that Mr Obama will enjoy a lengthy honeymoon .

  26. 中苏经济关系蜜月期专论(1953-1959)

    The Economic Relations of Soviet Union and China in " Honeymoon Period " ( 1953-1959 )

  27. 如果你想要体验的一个伟大的蜜月期,您可以尝试预订邮轮。

    If you want to experience a great honeymoon , you can try booking for a cruise .

  28. 恋情度过蜜月期之后,我应该怎样做才能让他对我保持兴趣呢?

    How do I keep him interested when the relationship is past the ' honeymoon ' phase ?

  29. 他们的友情很快进入“蜜月期”,后来菲茨杰拉德把海明威介绍给了他那位著名的编辑——麦克斯·珀金斯。

    They quickly became close friends and Fitzgerald introduced Hemingway to his famous editor , Max Perkins .

  30. 这里的多数员工工作还未满一年,但蜜月期不可能永远持续下去。

    Most staff have yet to complete a full year ; the honeymoon is unlikely to last forever .