
  • 网络Olympic Torch Relay
  1. 星期四上午8:10北京奥林匹克火炬接力在海南省首府海囗的海景平台开始。

    The Beijing Olympic torch relay in Haikou , capital of Hainan Province started at8:10 a.m.on Tuesday at the Sea View Platform .

  2. 在星期一开始的为期三天的全国哀悼期间,奥林匹克火炬接力活动中断,取消一切公共娱乐活动。

    Monday marks the beginning of three days of nationwide mourning . During this time , the Olympic torch relay has been suspended and all public entertainment has been canceled .

  3. 在奥林匹克火炬接力中,火炬手们将奥运圣火从希腊的古奥林匹亚传递到奥运会开幕式举办城市的体育场。

    During the Olympic torch relay , torch runners pass the Olympic flame from ancient olympia , greece , to the stadium of the city hosting the opening ceremony of the games .

  4. 奥林匹克圣火是奥林匹克精神的最高象征,奥林匹克火炬接力是全人类和平友谊的庆典。

    Olympic Torch is the highest symbolization of Olympic spirit and the Olympic Torch Relay is the celebration of peace and friendship of all human beings .