- Sons and Lovers

The Ethical Thoughts and Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers
On the Symbolic Meanings of Flowers in Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers has a deep connotation of the biblical culture .
On Lawrence 's Dualism of Rationality and Sensuality in Sons and Lovers
Deconstructing the Patriarchal Authority-In Sons and Lovers and the Rainbow
Mrs. Morel : The Real Destroyer in Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers is one of the most famous novels of Lawrence .
Sons and Lovers is not to Expound Oedipus Complex
On the Philosophy Embodied in Sons and Lovers
The structure and style of the novel Sons and Lovers symbolizes the theme .
There is a serious fracture in the narrative structure of Sons and Lovers .
Jesus in the Industrial World & The Exploration of Paul in Sons and Lovers
The Life Illuminating Flame & Interpretation of the Artistic Structure in Sons and Lovers
On the Symbolic Meanings in Sons and Lovers
Affection for Odipuse & A Criticism of Mythology on Sort and His Lover by David Lawrence
Narrative Fracture in Sons and Lovers
This dual power is easily found in Gertrude Morel , a mother figure in Sons and Lovers .
Sons and Lovers ( 1913 ), based partly on his own life , is one of his finest novels .
From the Split of Spirit and Flesh to the Combination of Them & On D.H.Lawrence s Sons and Lovers ;
Unfortunately , no respectable publisher is interested in putting out your account of D.H. Lawrence 's ' Sons And Lovers . '
The conflict between mother and son which is reflected in Sons and Lovers written by Lawrence is the permanent theme in literature .
In Sons and Lovers , the harmony , peace and full of love relationship between women and nature is the ideal relationship .
Sons and Lovers , in exploring the path to ethical freedom , challenges the absolute dominance of reason in the modern world .
The Performance of Soul and Flesh in One and Human and Heaven in One & A Review of Lawrence s Sons and Lovers ;
Since its publication , Sons and Lovers has received voluminous interpretation and comments from diverse perspectives , which reflects the inclusive nature of the novel .
In the first chapter , the author states that Lihuishan is deeply influenced by Lawrence 's primative vitalism and accepts Lawrence 's artistic technique to create RED BUTTERFLY .
This thesis will combine their famous novel Sons and Lovers and Sinking with their life experiences , effects of society on them , and discussion of their worldviews .
In his life time , he had created a great number of excellent works . Sons and Lovers is one of his most important novels and a semi-autobiographical one .
In the novel Sons and Lovers , there is a kind of unusual love between mother and son , which is , in Freud 's term , Oedipus Complex .
The surprising consistency with Oedipus Complex in Lawrence 's autobiographical novel sons and lovers , reveals the author 's personality characteristic of " murder father , marry mother " .