
  • 网络Child Ticket;children ticket
  1. 给我一张成人票和一张儿童票。

    Give me one adult and one child ticket .

  2. 呃请给我一张大人票两张儿童票

    Um , can I have one adult , two children

  3. 去多弗的儿童票是多少钱?

    What is the fare for children to dover ?

  4. 呃两张儿童票两张大人票

    All right . Uh , that 'll be two kids , two adults

  5. 每一成人旅客只能有一个婴儿享受这种票价,超过的婴儿数应购买儿童票,提供座位。

    For each adult passenger can only have one baby to enjoy this fare , more than the number of babies should buy tickets for children and provide seats .

  6. 购买儿童飞机票有何规定?

    Are there any policies for purchase Child air tickets ?

  7. 我买两张去底特津的儿童来回票。可以吗?

    May I have two child returns to DETROIT ?

  8. 一张去华。顿的二等儿童来回票。

    A second-class child return to Washington .

  9. 华纳兄弟公司知道,他们不可能光从卖给儿童的电影票中捞回传闻的1亿美元拍摄成本。

    Warner Brothers knows it can 't hope to recoup its reputed $ 100m costs through ticket sales to children alone .