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  • data view
  1. 下面介绍如何创建自定义的SystemHealth数据视图,这个视图比较读取的行数与选择的行数。

    Here is how to create a customized System Health data view that compares the number of rows read to the number of rows selected .

  2. Web服务协议数据视图能使您查看形成Web服务调用和消息返回的XML文档。

    The Web service protocol data view enables you to view the XML documents that form Web service calls and message returns .

  3. 将数据视图中选中项的数据发送给另一个web部件。

    Send data for a selected item in the data view to another web part .

  4. 有与Notes视图相似的数据视图。

    There are views for data similar to Notes views .

  5. 以HTML格式创建数据视图报告

    Creating data view reports in HTML format

  6. 最后,刷新数据视图,ping从Web服务获取数据的控件。

    Finally , to refresh the view of your data , ping the component that retrieves data from the Web service .

  7. 这一部分解释了如何充分利用PerformanceExpert,更改服务器历史配置的默认设置,设置提醒,以及使用SystemHealth数据视图。

    It explained how to get the most out of Performance Expert by changing your default settings for server history configuration , setting up alerts , and using your System Health data views .

  8. 以EXPRESS模型映射技术为基础,实现了STEP数据视图的自动生成与多应用协议间信息共享。

    With the help of the EXPRESS model mapping technique , we achieved the automatic generation of STEP data view and the interoperability among multiple application protocols .

  9. 这项技术现在已经被扩展到Java™ServerPages,使用一项简单的、基于向导的拖放技术来创建数据视图和数据库查询。

    This technology has now been extended to Java ™ Server Pages to create data views and database queries using a simple , wizard-based , drag-and-drop technology .

  10. XAware项目的构建、测试和调试XML数据视图都使用一个基于Eclipse的设计器完成。

    XAware project uses an Eclipse based Designer for building , testing and debugging XML data views .

  11. 一个树型小部件,比如Tree和TreeGrid,显示一个分层数据视图。

    A tree widget , such as Tree and TreeGrid , presents a view of hierarchical data .

  12. 例如,如果通道包含一个提供更新业务数据视图的Web应用程序,那么应该优化数据的传输,使之仅返回和更新视图中提供的数据。

    For example , if the channel comprises a Web application that provides views of business data for update , then the transfer of data should be optimized to return and update only that data provided in the view .

  13. 该方法基于CORBA和FDBS技术,向应用层提供全局统一的数据视图。

    A global consistent data view is provided based on CORBA and FDBS technology .

  14. 对ODV这一海洋数据视图应用软件包作了介绍。

    The application software package of Ocean Data View ( ODV ) is introduced in this paper .

  15. 配置文件报告是JSON格式的,可以轻松将其导入您自己的应用程序中,然后您可以生成表形和基于图表的数据视图。

    The profile report is produced in JSON format , which allows you to easily export results into your own applications , where you can produce all sorts of tabular and graph-based views of the data .

  16. 通过创建一个企业数据视图,LDM有助于降低数据冗余、改善数据质量、加速集成,以及开发新(green-field)项目。

    A LDM creates an enterprise view of data , helps to reduce data redundancy , improve data quality , and speed up integration and green-field projects .

  17. 有趣的是,这两类枚举恰巧由所有数据视图控件(GridView、DetailsView和FormView)共享。

    Interestingly enough , these two enum types happen to be shared by all of the data view controls & GridView , DetailsView , and FormView .

  18. 产品BOM在其生命周期中的不同应用领域有着不同的数据视图,如何确保各BOM视图之间的数据完整、正确及一致性,是产品全生命周期模型实现的关键。

    Product BOM , in different application domain , has the different data view in its life cycle , how to ensure the integrity , accuracy and the uniformity of data between different BOM views , is the key to product life cycle model .

  19. 为满足信息处理的多层次需求,为企业日常决策分析者提供即时准确的全局数据视图,出现了DB-ODS-DW3层体系结构,其中ODS承担了承上启下的重要作用。

    To satisfy the multi-level requirements of information process and supply the up to the second and exact global data view for decision-maker and analyzer in enterprise , the three-leveled architecture DB-ODS-DW in which ODS takes a connecting link functions between the preceding and the following is come forth .

  20. 参见参考资料,了解关于创建自定义数据视图的更多信息。

    See Resources for more information about creating customized data views .

  21. 查询和概要功能可以提供更加简单的数据视图。

    Lookup and summary functions can provide simpler views on your data .

  22. 此时显示更新记录后的数据视图。

    The data view with the updated record appears .

  23. 探讨了基于抽象数据视图的全局查询以及查询分解的策略。

    Explore the query interface and query decomposition strategy .

  24. 使用预定义的数据视图定义您的系统健康图

    Defining your system health charts using predefined data views

  25. 为什么要以表单形式插入数据视图?

    Why insert a data view as a form ?

  26. 在“数据视图预览”列表中,单击“编辑模板”或“插入模板”。

    In the data view preview list , click Edit template or insert template .

  27. 更改为实时数据视图将重新设置视图的布局。

    Changing back into Live Data View will reset the layout of the view .

  28. 打开含有要筛选的数据视图的页面。

    Open the page that contains the data view that you want to filter .

  29. 您可以使用这些系统健康数据视图来诊断和修复性能问题。

    You can use these system health data views to diagnose and tune performance problems .

  30. 应用服务器上也保存了用于动态构建数据视图的逻辑。

    The application server also holds the logic to dynamically build views of the data .