
  • 网络Sci-Tech report;Technical Report;report
  1. 为农业科学研究人员提供了几种农业科学信息资源的检索工具:检索刊物、科技报告、国内出版和国外出版的检索工具,具有很高的实用价值。

    This paper has provided several retrieval tools in agricultural sciences for agricultural research workers : retrieval periodicals , sci-tech report , retrieval tools published both China and abroad , that are of high practical value .

  2. 美国能源部科技报告管理和服务现状分析

    Analysis on the Status of DOE Technical Report System in America

  3. 一九六三年nasa科技报告选题目录。

    A selected listing of NASA scientific and technical reports for1963 .

  4. 美国NRC的报告&《今后五年的科技报告》

    Report of nrc 《 outlook for science and technology the next five years 》

  5. 中国核科技报告文摘(1990)

    China Nuclear Science & . technology report abstracts ( 1990 )

  6. 科技报告全文数据源建设初探

    Building a Full Text Data Source of Sci Tech Report

  7. 学术论文、科技报告的构成及规范编写进行阐述。

    Compiling standards of academic papers and scientific reports are brought forward .

  8. 关于建设中国科技报告体系的思考

    Research on Developing Scientific & Technical Report System of China

  9. 关于航天国防科技报告工作的思考

    Think of the Work in Aerospace Scientific and Technical Reports

  10. 互联网上科技报告资源的分布与获取

    Distribution and Retrieval of Science and Technology Reports Information Resources in Internet

  11. 美国国防科技报告的发展概况

    The Development Survey of Defence Scientific and Technical Reports

  12. 科技报告的特点及作用

    The Feature of the Report of Science & . Technology and its function

  13. 把航空科技报告征集工作纳入科研工作程序之中

    Bringing the Chinese Aeronautical Science & Technology Documentation Collection Work into Research Manage-ment Procedure

  14. 国防科技报告是国防科技发展的重要资源

    Defence Scientific and Technical Reports is Important Resource of Defence Science and Technology Development

  15. 核科技报告编写规则

    Writing guidelines for nuclear scientific and technical reports

  16. 科技报告电子出版的设计方案初探

    Designing an Electronic Publishing System for Science Report

  17. 论科技报告编辑的全方位能力

    Manifold capabilities for an editor of sci-tech reports

  18. 网上科技报告信息资源财务报告信息的质量分析

    Quality Analysis of Financial Report Information

  19. 就在去年,一份政府科技报告公开展示了这一雄心。

    Its ambition was publicly laid out as recently as last year in a government science and technology paper .

  20. 文章介绍我国及国外科技报告收费与免费的检索途径与方法,同时介绍了科技报告原文获取的途径。

    The paper introduces detailedly how to retrieve science technical reports of China and foreign countries , and introduces the obtaining methods for original text of the science technical reports .

  21. 以核工业西南物理研究院向核工业总公司核情报中心呈交的核科技报告的标引为例,论述了核科技报告标引的步骤、原则和方法,指出了主题标引中常见的错误。

    Through the study on reports of nuclear science and technology presented by Southwestern Institute of Physics , illustrates the indexing steps , principles and methods , and mistakes often made .

  22. 美国政府科技报告的调查分析&关于近几年来发行数量减少问题船舶科技报告工作八五回顾与九五设想

    Investigation on US Government Scientific and Technical Report Review of ship scientific and technical report work in the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan and its conception in the period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan

  23. 改进与加强科研项目和资金管理,实行国家创新调查和科技报告制度,鼓励科研人员创办企业。

    We will improve and strengthen the management of research projects and their funding , introduce the system of national innovation surveying and science and technology reporting , and encourage researchers and engineers to set up businesses .

  24. 黑龙江垦区大豆科技考察报告

    Investigation report on Soybean in Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Region

  25. 阿根廷花生科技考察报告

    Argentina Peanut Scientific Investigation Report

  26. 《自然》杂志社论指出,国际农业科技评估报告的秘书处和主席们需要自问,孟山都和先正达这两个创始成员如何走到了退出这一步的。

    Nature says the assessment 's secretariat and chairs need to ask themselves how two founding members reached the point of walking out .

  27. 通过对《中国科技期刊引证报告》(CJCR)的了解分析其优点与不足,提出单纯以CJCR来对科研工作者进行绩效评价应慎重。

    By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of CJCR , the author indicates that to evaluate the performance of researcher only by CJCR should be careful .

  28. 也请提供给我们的成都科技的审计报告。

    Please also provide us the Audited Report for Chengdu Technologies .

  29. 吉林省农民文化科技素质调查报告

    Investigating on the Peasant 's Culture and Scien-tech Diathesis in Jilin Province

  30. 2003年度海南省高校科技活动研究报告

    A Survey of Scientific and Technological Research at Colleges of Hainan in 2003