
  • 网络scientific law;law of science
  1. 这些活动并不是由永恒不变的正确的科学定律所决定的。

    These events are not determined by timelessly valid scientific laws .

  2. 古德曼和亨佩尔等人在一定程度上指出科学定律和偶适概括的区别,即:(1)前者可以支持反事实条件句而后者却不能;

    Goodman and Hempel and others have pointed out the differences between scientific laws and accidental generalizations as follows : 1 . The former can supports counterfactual conditionals but the latter can ' t.

  3. 嗯,这不是一个真正意义上的科学定律,

    Um , it isn 't really a scientific law ,

  4. 真正的科学定律不允许有例外。

    A true scientific law admits of no exception .

  5. 这段至理名言更变而为科学定律了。

    This gospel truth was transformed into scientific law .

  6. 均变说原理,象其它任何科学定律一样,是以客观环境作为根据的。

    The uniformitarian principle , like any other scientific " law ", rests on the objective circumstance .

  7. 帕金森科学定律:科学的进程与发表的科学论文数目成负相关。

    Parkinson 's Law of Sience : The progress of science varies inversely with the number of journals published .

  8. 在这种情况下,宇宙可能完全遵照科学定律进行自我包含和自我抉择。

    In that case , the universe could be self contained , and determined completely by the Laws of Science .

  9. 随着时间流逝,这个系统将按照科学定律演化,而且它的状态将改变。

    As time goes by , the system will evolve according to the laws of science and its state will change .

  10. 嗯,这不是一个真正意义上的科学定律,并不在预测重力数值之类的层面,

    Um , it isn 't really a scientific law , not in the sense of predicting gravitation mathematically or something ,

  11. 蓝绿海藻或细菌究竟有没有自由意志,它们无意识的行为是否纳入科学定律的范畴?

    Do blue-green algae or bacteria have free will , or is their behavior automatic and within the realm of scientific law ?

  12. 讨论自然科学定律的形式是否适用于历史,都不能直接证实或否证历史必然性的存在。

    Discussing whether the form of natural science law is applicable to history can not directly confirm the existence or nonexistence of the historical law .

  13. 他把人择原理应用到宇宙理论中,推知宇宙的初创条件及相应的科学定律。

    Applying the principle of human choice to the theory of cosmos , he deduces the original conditions of cosmos and the corresponding scientific law .

  14. 然而,在最近几年,这一事实慢慢显现,即科学定律甚至适用于宇宙产生之初。

    However , in the last few years , it has emerged that the Laws of Science may hold even at the beginning of the universe .

  15. 我们所知道的科学定律包含许多基本常数,就如电子的电荷大小,质子与电子的质量比值,等等。

    The laws of science , as we know them at present , contain many fundamental numbers , like the size of the electric charge of the electron and ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron .

  16. 论人文、社会科学中的定律解释

    On Nomological Explanation in Human and Social Science

  17. 根据科学技术发展定律对科研管理的要求,提出科研管理的新目标和新内容。

    Based on the rules of science and technology development , new target and content of science research are put forward .

  18. 这些方法、论或假设一旦被实践或实验所证实,就将成为科学的有效定律。

    These methods or theories or hypotheses , once verified or validated through practice and experiments , will become working principles of science .

  19. 文章依据作者发现的科学技术发展定律认为,真正影响科学技术发展的因素是相对难度。

    Based on the law of development of science and technology discovered by the author , it is believed that true factors affecting the development of science and technology is the relative difficulty .

  20. 本文提出了惯性定律的新表述法,从能量转移的观点来理解惯性定律,从而把自然科学置于惯性定律的基石上。

    In this paper , we cast a new light on the inertial law , and in the view of energy transfer . the natural science can be build on the base of inertial law .

  21. 今天,在《科学时刻》,我们要来弄清科学理论和科学定律的不同。

    Today , on " A Moment of Science ," we clear up the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law .

  22. 科学、技术与社会通过涌现生成一个复杂系统,于是科学产生了不等于科学自身的性质,使科学定律渗透了价值。

    Science , technology and society form a complex system , which makes scientific laws is laden-value .