
  • 网络logical deduction;logic inference & deduction
  1. 由此逻辑推演强调中国艺术文化是人类文化重要的一极:第三极中国艺术文化。

    This logical deduction stresses that Chinese art and culture is an important pole of human culture .

  2. 本文目的在于通过这种回顾和分析,说明一种成功的理论,只是分析方法的逻辑推演和具体化。

    Through the review and analysis , it tries to prove that a successful theory is merely logical deduction and concretion of an analyzing method .

  3. 概念、范畴的圆圈式发展或逻辑推演过程。

    Circle type development or logics process of the concept , category .

  4. 农村公共品供给的理论假定与逻辑推演

    Theoretic Hypothesis of Rural Public Goods Supply and Logic Reasoning

  5. 界面矛盾运动规律的逻辑推演

    A Logistic Illation of the Evolution Law of Interface Contradiction

  6. 通过逻辑推演,可以证明也表达为一阶语句的一致性约束与公理的逻辑一致性关系,从而验证一致性约束的正确性。

    The correctness of consistency constraints can be validated through formally proving their logical consistency with the axioms .

  7. 眼下的弊端主要是以西代中(以逻辑推演代替纲目网络),因此难以走上规范的研究道路。

    That the Western logic deduction takes place of detailed outline in China is the malpractice of our study .

  8. 当前在这些领域的体育学研究,大都表现为现状调查、逻辑推演,而缺乏脚踏实地的系统研究。

    Now most research only focus on investigation on status quo and logical inference , and are lacking of systematic researches .

  9. 与此同时,实现了一些数学(群论)定理的机器证明,命题的逻辑推演等。

    At the same time implemented machine proof of some mathematical theorems ( Group theory ) and logical Inference of statements .

  10. 以“本体论”言说庄子则忽视了本体论重视逻辑推演的特征与庄子之“圆”的乖离;

    Ontology cant be used to describe Chuang-tzu since the logistic characteristic of ontology is inconsistent with Chuang-tzu 's " circularity " .

  11. 当然,这一态度的获得并非逻辑推演的结果,而是历史学智慧的馈赠。

    Such an attitude , of course , is not the logical result of inference , but the gift of historical wisdom .

  12. 法官根据证据获取案件事实,并以法律为标尺,作逻辑推演,据此得出裁判结论。

    Judges conclude the judgments from the facts by evidences , using the scale by laws , and making the deduction by logic .

  13. 探索数学结论(数学发现和数学创新),使缜密的逻辑推演变成合情的归纳、联想和类比。

    To explore mathematical conclusions ( mathematical discovery and innovation in mathematics ), so that the logic of deduction becomes a careful experiment-oriented induction , association and analogy .

  14. 这正是本文论证的重点,笛卡尔之所以提出直观的基础方法,乃是因为传统单一逻辑推演方法在理论上与实践上的缺陷。

    Rene Descartes thought that he proposed the intuition is the foundation of method , is because the traditional logic deduction in theoretically and in the practice in flaw .

  15. 如果从这里分析,其合理的逻辑推演就是经济的发展应该以自然界的存在作为前提和基础,经济发展要遵循生态规律。

    Analyzing from this , the reasonable logical deduction is economic development should be based on the existence of nature . Economic development should follow the laws of ecology .

  16. 兵棋作为一种对战争过程进行逻辑推演研究和评估的军事科学工具,已有近两百年的历史。

    Wargame , as a military scientific tool in research on the logical gaming and in evaluating the course of war , has a history of nearly 200 years .

  17. 综合运用实际观察、教育经验总结、文献查阅、调查分析等方法,在理论分析研究方面重在对逻辑推演方法的运用。

    The synthesis utilization actual observation , the education experience summarize , literature consult , diagnosis methods and so on , applying logic utilization in the theoretical analysis research aspect .

  18. 本课题研究和论文写作,在跨学科的视域中,将规范研究法与实证研究法有机结合,既注重逻辑推演,更注重案例分析。

    The subject study and the thesis combine the normative and empirical research in the vision of interdisciplinary . It not only puts stress on logical deduction , but also on cases analysis .

  19. 通过对理论逻辑推演得知,不同的收购环境和中介机构行为表现决定了作用大小不同的三种对管理层收购中介机构的理论定位:积极中介、消极中介、中间中介。

    The author finds out that the three different theoretical orientations of intermediaries , that is , active intermediaries , midway intermediaries and passive intermediaries , are determined by the buy-out environment and intermediaries ' behaviors .

  20. 因此,企业战略选择决不仅仅是纯理性的逻辑推演结果,而是以一定的价值观为基础的理想追求和使命驱动。

    Therefore , the choice of business strategy is not only a logic inference of pure rationality , but also is a pursuit in " ideal " and a motive of " mission " based on certain value .

  21. 从实践上为济南体育事务的管理者提供一手资料,并通过逻辑推演得出的结论为济南市高职类院校课外体育锻炼的发展提供对策建议。

    In practice , this study brought a lot of firsthand material to the managers of city sports affairs , and the study conclusion provided countermeasures and advice for the development of extracurricular physical exercise of higher vocational colleges in Jinan .

  22. 文章第一部分从思想渊源和逻辑推演论证了政府的本质只能是公共性,对公共性价值的追求和守护构成了现代政府存在的合法性基础;

    In the first section , this paper proved in terms of the history of thoughts and logic demonstration that the governmental essence is public nature . Pursuing and protecting the value of public nature become the legality foundation of the existence of modem government .

  23. 一个命题用公理进行逻辑推演,却既不能证明,也不能证伪,所以,对于希尔伯特的问题来说,哥德尔已经证明,算术是不完备的。

    Nor could it be proved false , for the same reason . It was an assertion which could not be proved or disproved by logical deduction from the axioms , and so Gdel had proved that arithmetic was incomplete , in Hilbert 's technical sense .

  24. 在吸收前述成果的基础上,先对发展中的新闻和形成中的精品作定义梳理,后作逻辑推演,导出新的定义:新闻精品是指内容精确、体式精炼、有精神张力的新闻作品。

    Based on the previous works , refined definitions of the news and elite products in development are given before logical deductions are made to result in a new definition : the elite news is the type of journalist works with accurate content , succinct style , and spiritual intensity .

  25. 这种进展就是逻辑的推演,或者按照逻辑次序加以阐述的思维过程。

    This advance is the logical deduction and the movement of thought exhibited in the sequel .

  26. 推演概念的建立基于两个因素:逻辑和推演的定义方式。

    The notion of deduction is determined by two factors : the underlying logic and how is defined .

  27. 另外,怀疑主义只能在经验中寻求有限的形式,而且只能接受这些形式作为给予的材料,而不能加以逻辑的推演。

    Skepticism , besides , could only get hold of the finite forms as they were suggested by experience , taking them as given , instead of deducing them scientifically .

  28. 无论是西方的传统哲学还是近现代的西方哲学,总体上都只是注重以纯粹逻辑去推演世界,坚信现实世界之外有一个更高层次的本体存在。

    Regardless of the traditional Western Philosophy or the philosophy after modern vergence , west philosophy goes to deduce world with pure logic , firmly believe that the outside in the real world still has a higher level .

  29. 本文的第二部分是康德在他的三大批判中对自由理论进行的逻辑论证和推演。

    The second part is the logic proved and deduced of freedom in Kant 's critical philosophy .

  30. 本章在静态层面上的证据合法性审查标准的语境之下逻辑性地推演分析行政诉讼证据排除规则。

    This chapter in static level of evidence under the context of legitimacy censorship standards of administrative litigation progressed logically deduction analysis evidence eliminating rule .