
  • 网络Reasoning;Mathematical reasoning;mathematics reasoning
  1. 正是由于完全不同的方法,Haskell才能在很多应用程序中提供无以匹敌的简洁性和表达力,在那些要求进行数学推理的应用程序中,这一点更是表现突出。

    Thanks to that radically different approach , Haskell 's conciseness and expressiveness is unmatched in many applications , particularly in those requiring mathematical reasoning .

  2. 休漠主张,只有经过数学推理获得的知识才是可靠的。

    Hume contended that only knowledge obtained by mathematical reasoning was certain .

  3. 经过数学推理,导出裂步Fourier法真振幅偏移和Fourier有限差分法真振幅偏移的算子方程,并给出其具体的实现过程。

    Moreover , the Split Step Fourier ( SSF ) and Fourier Finite Difference ( FFD ) migration operators with true amplitude are derived by mathematical inference and specific steps are given .

  4. 这种严谨的演绎推理过程,是可以和数学推理比美的。

    The careful process of reasoning can be comparable to mathematic reasoning .

  5. 中小学生数学推理能力培养探析

    On the Development of Mathematical Reasoning Ability for Primary and Middle School Students

  6. 匈牙利培养学生数学推理能力的经验及借鉴

    Experience and Pattern of Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Hungary

  7. 我学到的是已经被数学推理和实际经验所证明的公式。

    I learn the formulas that have been proved by mathematical logic and empirical evidence .

  8. 擅长推理的哲学家.数学推理的逻辑分析。

    The logical analysis of mathematical reasoning .

  9. 高中2年级学生数学推理能力的实验研究

    Experimental Research of the Inference Ability in Mathematics of Students of Senior High School Second Grade

  10. 而熵值法有严密的数学推理,使评价结果更加客观。

    Entropy method is strict mathematical reasoning , and its evaluation will be much more objective .

  11. 本文阐述了农作物生产管理决策系统中的数学推理方法。

    The mathematics reasoning methods of decision system for crop production management were expounded in this paper .

  12. 本文经过严密的数学推理,实现了当前我国资产重组中资产价格估计的优化。

    The paper achieves optimization of assets value estimation of our country assets recombining by rigorous math reasoning .

  13. 在考虑市场风险分担的情况下,运用数学推理构建了确定特许期长度的数学模型,并对此模型进行了应用研究。

    Under considering the distribution of market risk , this paper constructs a math model calculating concession period length .

  14. 因为我有工科背景,所以我可以很好的理解这些理论,并且对理论背后的数学推理十分的着迷。

    It made sense to me and given my engineering background , I found the math around these theories fascinating .

  15. 重点学校的学生比普通学校的学生日常推理更加倾向于使用数学推理。

    The logic in daily lives of students in point school inclines to mathematical logic morethan the students in common school .

  16. 平均说来,每逢在测试数学推理、机械修理的能力,测试解决问题的技巧时,男性的总分总是高于女性。

    On the average , males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning , mechanical ability , and problem-solving skills .

  17. 通过数学推理,得出了我国列车活载的发展曲线,并预计了到2000年时列车活载的大小。

    The developing curve of living load is found by mathematical deduction . And the train living load in 2000 is calculated .

  18. 通过查找文献,实地调查,数理统计,数学推理等方法收集和确定了相关研究数据。

    After that , relevant data is being collected by ways of searching literature , investigation , mathematical statistics , and mathematical deduction .

  19. 改革的宗旨是力求减轻学生负担、提高学习兴趣、改善教学方式,但在如何处理数学推理证明、学生学业负担、教师业务培训、民族教学传统等方面仍有争议。

    Its aim is to lighten the students ' burden , motivate the students ' interest in learning and improve the teaching methods .

  20. 这一轮的季后赛,我们输掉了第一场比赛,按照基本的数学推理,显而易见,我们将在第五场比赛中拿下西决。

    In this round , we lost the 1st game ; basic math will say that we will win this series in 5 .

  21. 方法:在传统的曝光指数方程的基础上,运用了数学推理和物理中的杠杆平衡理论。

    Method : On the basis of the difference of exposure index , lever principle that normally applies to mathematics and physics is employed .

  22. 我国教育界常常认为数学推理主要是指高度形式化的、抽象化的演绎推理。

    The educational circle of our country is usually considered as " mathematical inference " which refers to the highly formalized and abstract deductive inference .

  23. 通过严密的数学推理计算,详细地分析了抓斗的切入阻力、推压阻力、摩擦阻力、齿杆插入阻力以及悬臂的受力。

    Cut resistance 、 push Resistance 、 friction resistance 、 gear lever into the resistance and Cantilever force are analyzed by rigorous mathematical reasoning computation .

  24. 本文运用理论阐述、实证分析和数学推理等方法,从企业最关心的成本和收益角度对三种融资方式做了分析。

    In this paper , we research the cost and benefit of the three financing model using the theoretical explanation , empirical analysis and mathematical reasoning .

  25. 本文主要运用计算机计算与数学推理证明相结合的方法,针对支配边临界图,研究其哈密顿性质和最小边数性质。

    This paper mainly uses the combine of computer 's computation and mathematic ratiocination , aims at Hamilton and minimum edges properties on domination edge-critical graph .

  26. 应用严格的数学推理方法,将径向基函数神经网络的再学习问题转化为矩阵求逆的附加运算。

    Applies the strict mathematical reasoning , translates the problem of relearning algorithm of redial basis function neural network into the problem additional operation of matrix operation .

  27. 应用数学推理表达经验知识,得到参数化分割面,为快捷准确的设计与制造导向器类零件精铸模具奠定了基础。

    Gained parameterized parting plane of guiding device through expressing experience knowledge by mathematic reasoning and established stable foundation for machining guiding device part swiftly and exactly .

  28. 本文最后基于浙江电力市场提出了无功补偿定价模型,并对无功实时电价方法进行了数学推理。

    Based on Zhejiang province electricity market , the paper proposes the pricing model of reactive compensation , and derivate the spot pricing of reactive power in math at last .

  29. 形式验证方法使用严格的数学推理来证明设计满足规范的部分或全部属性,引起学术界和产业界的广泛关注。

    Formal verification uses rigorous mathematical reasoning to show that a design meets all or parts of its specification , and has attracted dramatically the interests of both academic and industrial fields .

  30. 本文在阐明统计物理熵的定义的基础上,采用了一种便于接受的数学推理证明统计物理中定义的熵与热力学中定义的熵是同一个物理量。

    Based on the exact explanation of the definition of the entropy in statistical physics it is proved that the entropy in statistical physics and the entropy in thermodynamics are identical physical quantity by means of mathematical reasoning method .