
  • 网络Schumacher;Michael Schumacher;Shumacher;E.F.Schumacher
  1. 维特尔的轶事我知道不多,不过伟大的舒马赫连参加足球赛都乐意让他一起去,这能说明一些东西。

    I know few anecdotes about Vettel , but great Michael Schumacher enjoys his company even when take part in football match , it can tell something .

  2. 这个短语可能是詹姆斯邦德创造的,但耶用在F1车手上,特别是七届世界冠军迈克尔舒马赫。

    The phrase may have been coined for James Bond , but the same also goes for a Formula One driver , especially when that driver is seven-time Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher .

  3. 舒马赫非常轻松地适应了新环境。

    Schumacher adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings .

  4. 在巴黎召开的令人瞩目的世界汽车运动理事会会议使冠军归属充满各种可能,因为舒马赫也被扣了6分。

    The dramatic World Motor Sports Council meeting in Paris blew the championship wide open as Schumacher was also docked six points

  5. 但是如今,舒马赫决定在本赛季结束时彻底退出F1!

    But now , Schumacher decided to end his F1 career again !

  6. 汉密尔顿在2007年赢得了首个F1分站冠军,并在次年夺得了首个年度总冠军。他在2013年接替退役的舒马赫,加入梅赛德斯车队,这时才是他事业的起飞时刻。

    Hamilton won his first F1 race in 2007 and first championship the following year .

  7. 舒马赫在其19年的F1比赛生涯中曾获得七次世界冠军,赢得了91场车赛。

    Schumacher won seven world championships and secured 91 race victories during a 19-year career in Formula 1 .

  8. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家德克•舒马赫(DirkSchumacher)表示:这一降幅如此之大,以至于我们开始时怀疑这些数字是否出了问题。

    This was such a dramatic drop , said Dirk Schumacher , economist at Goldman Sachs , that we first wondered whether there was a mistake in the figures .

  9. 消息称舒马赫已经准备好回归F1,并且将在接下来的几天内进行训练确保他能适应F1比赛。

    The statement said that Schumacher was'ready'to make his F1 return , and would undertake a training programme over the next few days to ensure he was up to full fitness for an F1 race .

  10. 国际汽联主席莫斯利和F1掌门人伯尼·埃克莱斯通共同向已退役的舒马赫颁发了这一荣誉。

    Schumacher , who retired from Formula 1 at the end of last season after a record-breaking career , was presented with his award by FIA president Max Mosley and F1 commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone .

  11. 不仅是F1历史中最有争议性的人,退役三年的舒马赫已经41岁,是赛道上年纪最大的车手。然而,如果看他在梅赛德斯的测试,足以证明他还是宝刀未老。

    Not just the most controversial man in F1 history , Schumacher , at41 years-old , is also the oldest driver on the2010 grid , with a full three years'absence from the sport to make up for .

  12. 海森堡面包房的舒马赫太太&你记得她?

    Heisenberg Frau Schumacher in the bakery - you remember her ?

  13. 迈克尔-舒马赫按计划将在周三和周四加入到测试中来。

    Michael Schumacher is scheduled to test on Wednesday and thursday .

  14. 如果舒马赫看见,他会笑话我的。

    If Schumacher saw this , he would laugh at me .

  15. 舒马赫:我想我知道的和你知道的一样多。

    MS : I think I know as much as you .

  16. 舒马赫说道那就是比赛的一部份。

    Schumacher says it is all part of the sport .

  17. 迈克尔-舒马赫:我骑自行车玩了玩。

    Ms : I 've had a nice ride with some bikes .

  18. 舒马赫:一般来说,是和包括发展中国家市场。

    MS : In general , yes and including a developing market .

  19. 赛道纪录是由舒马赫在去年创造的。

    The lap record was set last year by schumacher .

  20. 舒马赫的赛车轮胎爆裂,他在赛道上停下来。

    Schumacher 's tyre blows and he pulls off track .

  21. 舒马赫仍然领先2秒。

    Schumacher is still in front with a two-second lead .

  22. 如果你知道舒马赫,他不是一个感情用事的人。

    If you know Michael , he 's not an emotional man .

  23. 那么有关舒马赫-布朗梦之队的谣言呢?

    Q : What about the rumours of a Schumacher-Brawn dream team ?

  24. 那可是舒马赫在中国的最后一场比赛啊。

    Well , It was Michiel Schunlacher 's last race in China .

  25. 在意大利人找到抓地力的地方,队友拉尔夫-舒马赫却没有。

    Where the Italian found grip , team mate Ralf Schumacher could not .

  26. 舒马赫开出了雷诺预想不到的速度。

    Schumacher had found speed that Renault did not expect him to find .

  27. 迈克尔-舒马赫:你知道,我来这项运动是为了赛车。

    MS : You know , I came into that sport to race .

  28. 在匈牙利,阿隆索取得杆位和胜利,在比赛中还套了舒马赫的圈。

    Takes pole and victory in Hungary , lapping Schumacher in the process .

  29. 迈克尔-舒马赫:车队为我敞开了任何一扇大门。

    Ms : the team left me every opportunity and every door open .

  30. 舒马赫于2006年退役,但又于2010年回归梅赛德斯车队。

    The German retired in 2006 , but returned in 2010 with Mercedes .