
  • 网络Schulte;HA Schult
  1. 舒尔特警告政府和业界领袖说,哪怕只是动动大规模裁员念头的人都是在玩火。

    Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire .

  2. 这种无法专注是现代人忙碌状态的副产品,有关它的著述不少,它会引起作家布里吉德•舒尔特(BrigidSchulte)所说的淹没感。

    Such an inability to focus is a well-documented byproduct of the modern busyness , leading to what writer Brigid Schulte described as the overwhelm .

  3. 这种无法专注是现代人“忙碌”状态的副产品,有关它的著述不少,它会引起作家布里吉德•舒尔特(BrigidSchulte)所说的“淹没感”。

    Such an inability to focus is a well-documented byproduct of the modern " busyness , " leading to what writer Brigid Schulte described as the " overwhelm . "

  4. 舒尔特认为这是浪费时间。

    That would be a waste of time , says Schulte .

  5. 舒尔特说,现在不是进行正常贸易的时候。

    Schulte says now is not the time for business as usual .

  6. 舒尔特在北京与中国官员就伊朗以及其他国家的核问题进行磋商。

    Schulte is in Beijing for consultations with Chinese officials on Iran and other nuclear concerns .

  7. 但舒尔特不这样认为。

    Not so , insists Schulte .

  8. 北京一直不太愿意支持联合国对伊朗实施更加严厉的制裁措施。美国驻国际原子能机构大使舒尔特星期一对媒体表示,伊朗的核项目对中东地区的稳定构成威胁。帮助结束伊朗核项目也符合中国的利益。

    The U.S. Ambassador to the IAEA , Greg Schulte , told journalists Monday Iran 's nuclear program is a threat to stability in the Middle East and that it is in China 's interest to help end the program .

  9. 美国驻联合国维也纳机构以及国际原子能机构代表舒尔特大使在伦敦接受采访时说,伊朗在那次会议上做出的反应是进行“伊朗的历史和文化的说教”。

    Greg Schulte is the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in Vienna and the International Atomic Energy Agency , the IAEA . Speaking with VOA in London , Ambassador Schulte said Iran 's response at that meeting turned into a " meandering lesson in Iranian history and culture . "