
  • 网络The Museum district;Museum Quarter
  1. 景德镇博物馆区是一个历史名城保护项目。

    Hence the museum zone is included in an overall preserved area of historic city .

  2. 到了博物馆区,你也许想要从运河巴士上下来开始步行。

    You might also want to jump out of the canal bus at the Museum Quarter and start walking .

  3. 尽管该区距布鲁塞尔的欧洲区和博物馆区仅有10分钟车程,但文化上感觉差异很大。

    But although the district is a 10-minute drive from the European quarter and the museum district in Brussels , culturally it feels distant .

  4. 建筑博物馆保护区“Olessky城堡”是Lviv艺术馆的一个分馆。在这里陈列着五百余件出自乌克兰西部地区大约十到十八世纪期间的艺术珍品,包括绘画、雕塑、装饰艺术品等。

    Architectural Museum-Reserve " Olessky castle , " a division of the Lviv Art Gallery - a unique treasure where collected more than five hundred works of painting , sculptures , decorative art of western Ukrainian lands X-XVIII cc .

  5. 确定博物馆陈列区内无光害照明作为研究课题。

    The paper sets damage-free lighting in the museum exhibition area as the focus of study .

  6. 据说梵蒂冈博物馆埃及区的前任主管阿尔贝托·图利发现了这张草纸。

    The papyrus is said to have been found by the former director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum , Alberto Tulli .

  7. 一定要找到公园,博物馆和购物区。

    Be sure to locate the parks , museums , and shopping areas .

  8. 没人认领这幅画,所以馆长决定的把它挂在博物馆抽象艺术品区。

    No one claimed the painting , so the director decided to hang it in the abstracted division of the museum .

  9. 这座遗址性博物馆位于先临潼区以东5千米处。

    The on-site museum is located five kilometres east of Xi'an , in Lintong County .

  10. 新中国成立前,新疆没有一座公共图书馆和博物馆,现自治区有公共图书馆81个,博物馆23个。

    Before the founding of New China , Xinjiang had no public library or museum to speak of . Today , it boasts 81 public libraries and 23 museums .

  11. 看你能不能认出我。我的历史可以追溯到名叫詹姆斯·史密森的英国科学家。但是我的大部分建筑都位于华盛顿特区。我是世界上最大的博物馆及综合研究区。我就是由19个博物馆,画廊及国家动物园组成的史密森学会。

    See if you can I.D. me.My history can be traced back to an English scientist named James Smithson.But most of my buildings are located in Washington , D.C.I 'm the world 's largest museum and research complex . I 'm the Smithsonian Institution comprising 19 museums and galleries and the National Zoo .

  12. 在中国,美国建筑公司帕金斯威尔事务所采用生物气候学方法设计了新的上海自然历史博物馆,尽管博物馆在画廊区开空调以保护艺术品不受潮,但是博物馆也设有自动窗户和天窗,让公共区域可以自然通风。

    In China , American architecture firm Perkins & Will took a bioclimatic approach to the new Shanghai Natural History Museum -- while the building provides air-conditioning in gallery areas to protect the artwork from humidity , it also has automated windows and skylights to naturally ventilate public areas .

  13. 通过对国内一些大型博物馆的实际考察,在所的得出的判断和结论的基础上结合相关的理论,力求系统的总结出博物馆陈列区的无光害照明设计的技术方法和原则。

    Combined with proper theories , the paper attempts to propose systematically the damage-free illumination technologies and principles for the museum exhibition area through on-the-spot observation in several large museums in China and the subsequent judgments and conclusions .