
  • 网络Boulder County
  1. 博尔德县为受灾最严重地区,洪水导致泥石流及山体滑坡,当地人民被迫从家中撤离。

    Boulder County was hit the hardest , as the flooding forced people from their homes and caused mud and rockslides .

  2. 美欧监管者正要求金融机构更多的披露金融结构内部的资产类别,比如,使博尔德县遭受损失的通常被认为安全的货币市场基金。

    Us and European regulators are demanding better disclosure of the type of assets that lie inside financial structures such as the supposedly safe money market fund that tripped up Boulder County .

  3. 这进而又会让博尔德县赫林豪斯特这样的人感到明显的不满和恐慌。

    That in turn leaves men such as Mr hullinghorst in Boulder feeling distinctly cynical and alarmed .

  4. 结果他所选择的那只基金持有雷曼的票据博尔德县因此损失了近70万美元。

    The fund he had chosen turned out to be holding Lehman paper and boulder lost almost $ 7 00000 .