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  • 网络boxing;Boxing county
  1. 博兴县地热资源的开发前景

    Exploration and Utilization of Geothermal Resource in Boxing County

  2. 博兴县集中式预防接种中婴儿伤害危险因素调查

    Investigation on Risk Factors to Infants in Centralized Preventive Inoculation in Boxing County

  3. 本文结合博兴县污水处理厂实行BOT融资模式,有的放矢的探讨了环保基础设施建设引入BOT机制的积极作用与风险。

    Besed on the carrying out of BOT model of Boxing Sewage Treatment Factory , this article discusses the active effect and risk of BOT model for the environmental protection infrastructure .

  4. 博兴县南部浅层地下水水环境问题及防治对策

    Hydro-environmental Problems and Protection Countermeasures of Shallow Underground Water in South of Boxing County

  5. 博兴县地热资源为低温地热资源,温热水型,地下热水主要赋存在新、古近系碎屑沉积岩中,属层状孔隙-裂隙热储。

    Geothermal resource in Boxing county belongs to low-temperature type which mainly occurs in fragemental sedimentary rocks in Neogene and Paleogene System .

  6. 博兴县南部浅层地下水具有埋藏分布广泛、补排径条件稳定、水化学特征复杂等特点。

    Shallow underground water in south of Boxing county has the characteristics of wide distribution , stable reentry and alimetation condition and complicated hydrochemical characteristics .

  7. 博兴县是山东省主要的粮食、棉花和蔬菜生产基地,无公害蔬菜示范基地。

    Bo Xing County is one of the main yielding areas of grain , cotton , and vegetables as well as the demonstration base of green vegetables .