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  • 网络Li Lu;New Petchburi Road;ALL THESE YEARS;Lillo
  1. 顶着倾盆大雨走三英里路,我可不认为是好玩的事。

    Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun .

  2. 她才走几里路就叫苦,未免太娇了。

    She started grumbling after walking only a few li . She 's really too soft .

  3. 离这儿约莫有三公里路。

    It 's about three km from here .

  4. 还有Betty我一清二楚穿着这鞋子走半里路鞋底半里能磨成什么样

    Oh , and , Betty , I know what those soles look like with a half mile on them

  5. 油价这么高,还开耗油的车,花钱多了,当然不高兴啦。对了,你这个gasguzzler每加仑汽油能跑多少里路啊?

    And looking at the price on the gas pump , I am not too happy to be driving a gas guzzler right now .

  6. 我的家离Spaceport只要多少里路。

    My house is only a few miles from Spaceport .

  7. 一个父亲告诉他的儿子:“当林肯在你这个年纪的时候,他每天走lo里路去上学。”

    A father told his son , " When Lincoln was your age he walked ten miles to school every day . " The kid replied , " Well , when he was your age , he was president ! "

  8. 在艾佛里路尽头的废车场里,一群小狗在绿色的拖车里不安地张望。艾佛里先生的母亲多洛雷斯·艾佛里(DoloresAvery)表示,她已经无力再做更多访谈了。

    At the auto salvage yard , along dead-end Avery Road , tiny , jittery dogs watch from a green trailer where Dolores Avery , Mr. Avery 's mother , says she is too tired for more interviews .

  9. 他知道他甚至连半里路也爬不完了。

    He knew that he could not crawl half a mile .

  10. 滑了5里路后,什么也比不上一杯热烘烘可口的巧克力。

    Nothing tastes quite like good hot chocolate after a5-mile ski .

  11. 你能坚持吗?还有十里路呢。

    Can you last out ? It is ten li yet .

  12. 他每天走几英里路去听他的讲座。

    Each day he walked several miles to attend his lectures .

  13. 我家离城半英里路。

    My house is half a mile from the city .

  14. 反正离大马路没几里路。

    It 's only a couple of miles up the road so .

  15. 他租车后开了几里路?

    How many miles did he drive after he rented the car ?

  16. 有必要吗?我再半里路就到家了。

    Is that necessary ? I 'm half a mile from here .

  17. 天啊!我们仅仅走了九里路。

    Jesus christ ! We 're only going nine miles .

  18. 你愿意仅仅为了看一场电影而走五里路吗?

    Will you walk five Li just to see a film show ?

  19. 接下来的半里路特别累人。

    The next half-mile of the journey was particularly troublesome .

  20. 行千里路,读万卷书。

    Read ten thousand Books , travel ten thousand miles .

  21. 我们离目的地还有五英里路。

    We are still five miles short of our destination .

  22. 别左拐到普里奥里路,要一直往前走。

    Don 't go left down Priory road , keep straight on .

  23. 半里路,为何那么难以追逐。

    Road in the half , why so hard pursue .

  24. 离这不到两英里路

    It 's less than two miles away from here ,

  25. 你一天能走多少里路?

    How many miles can you cover in a day ?

  26. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。

    Her family lives three li away from her school .

  27. 现在他们离这儿有三百里路。

    They will be300 leagues from here by now .

  28. 那个小偷已经跑了四十多里路。

    The thief had run more than forty miles .

  29. 我的家乡离这里有一百英里路。

    My hometown is 100 miles away from here .

  30. 他们来回上班要走很多里路。

    They go many miles to and from work .