
  1. 你不可以一个人去里诺。

    You can 't go all the way to Reno by yourself .

  2. 她和吉恩?里诺出任主角。

    She starred with Jean Reno in the professional .

  3. 由于广播节目资金状况不佳,NBC计划启用杰.里诺,一个脱口秀主持人,做一个在晚上十点播出一周五次的节目,以替代E.R留下的空缺。

    With its broadcast network faring poorly , NBC plans to run Jay Leno , a talk-show host , five nights a week at 10pm - the slot where dramas such as " E.R. " once reigned .

  4. 又怎么了?我还以为我得开车去里诺呢。

    What happened ? I thought I 'm supposed to drive to reno .

  5. 最近知道的住处是内华达州的里诺。

    Last known address is reno , nevada .

  6. 我们这周末去里诺吗?

    Want to go to Reno this weekend ?

  7. 然后我在里诺离婚。

    And then I got divorced in reno .

  8. 样本送去了里诺的实验室。

    We sent a sample to the Reno lab.

  9. 几年前,我在里诺的旧货店找到的。

    Years ago , I found it in a little junk shop outside reno .

  10. 法律教师和法庭律师宝拉•塞维里诺任命为司法部长。

    Paola Severino , a law teacher and courtroom advocate , is the justice minister .

  11. 在里诺的一场火灾中,至少造成1人死亡,超过30人受伤。

    At least one person is dead , more than thirty injured in a fire in Reno .

  12. 里诺主修的是化学,格林斯潘学的是音乐;而马丁取得的是哲学学位。

    Reno was a chemistry major , Greenspan studied music and Martin earned a degree in philosophy .

  13. 职业保龄球员协会1997赛季首场比赛布伦瑞克世界冠军赛在内华达里诺拉开帷幕。

    The Professional Bowlers Association opens its 1997 season in Reno , Nevada , with the Brunswick World Tournament of Champions .

  14. 但是她的父亲将在看台上,里诺承认他不清楚他的岳父将会支持哪方。

    But her dad will be in the stand and Rino admits he doesn 't know who his father-in-law will support .

  15. 里诺设备管理软件是一款通用性极强的设备管理软件,软件界面设计简洁,美观。

    Reno equipment management software is a strong commonality of equipment management software , software interface design is simple and attractive .

  16. 内华达州的一些城市,像里诺、卡森,都是牧场城市、西部城市,在这些地方的背后有着某些历史的诫命。

    Nevada cities like Reno and Carson are ranch towns , Western towns , places behind which there is some historical imperative .

  17. 鲨鱼黑帮老大里诺(伯特·尼罗配音)儿子遭人杀害,奥斯卡被发现在案发现场出没。

    The son of shark boss Lino ( Robert DeNiro ) is found dead , and Oscar is discovered at the scene .

  18. 意大利球星里诺?加图索相信本土教练将热情重新带回了苏格兰队的更衣室,也唤起了国家队比赛的灵魂。

    Italian ace Rino Gattuso believes home-grown bosses have put the spirit back into Scottish dressing rooms-and the soul back into our national game .

  19. 我告诉你一个事实吧!里诺原本有意在本周末前往电视台录制一档电视节目,他将会因此得到不菲的出场费。

    I can tell you that Rino was meant to guest on a television programme this week , which also pays very well for appearances .

  20. 我和我的“全明星”乐队正在里诺的哈罗兹俱乐部进行为期三周的演出。

    Myself and my ' All Stars ' are ' Playing here at the ' Harrods ' Club ( Reno ) for ' Three weeks .

  21. 我要放很多佩科里诺干酪,当然你也可以用帕尔马干酪,不过佩科里诺奶酪的味道更赞哦。

    I 'm going to be quite generous with pecorino , of course you can use parmesan , but the pecorino 's got an amazing tang .

  22. 米兰-科里戈利亚诺。卡拉布罗正在为当地英雄里诺。加图索筹办一个为期四天的庆功会,在帮助意大利队赢得世界杯的红黑球星回来度假时举行。

    MILAN-Corigliano Calabro is preparing a four-day party for home-town hero Rino Gattuso when the Rossoneri star arrives for his vacation after helping Italy to win the World Cup .

  23. 他和哥哥里诺合住一栋房子。里诺也是一名不错的柔道手,经常充当瑞安的陪练。

    Ryan and his older brother Reno , a decorated judoka in his own right , share a house there and Ryan was often his brother 's sparring partner .

  24. 去年,内华达州也争取到了特斯拉去该州,在里诺附近投资50亿美元,修建被其称作超级电池工厂(Gigafactory)的电池生产厂。

    Last year , Nevada was also able to woo Tesla to the state to build a $ 5 billion battery production plant near Reno that it calls the Gigafactory .

  25. 一年之后他回到里诺他登上舞台献上了一曲惊世的独奏

    And a year later , he goes back to the Reno and he steps up on that stage , and plays the best motherfucking solo the world has ever heard .

  26. 哈伯和沙城之间的摩擦尤其严重,经常是因为贸易权和商队路线的原因。当然新里诺还是处在数个犯罪集团利益范围的控制中。

    There is much friction between the states of Hub and Shady Sands , usually related to trade rights and caravan routes , while New Reno remains dominated by various criminal interests .

  27. 他同克利夫兰帮和西部帮关系密切,是对内华达州的开放城市韦加斯和里诺也感兴趣的少数几个精明能干的人物之一。

    He had close ties to Cleveland and the west coast and he was one of the few men shrewd enough to be interested in Las Vegas and reno , the open cities of nevada .