
  1. 而在全球范围内,通用汽车正在与丰田(Toyota)和大众(Volkswagen)争夺头把交椅。

    Globally , GM competes with Toyota and Volkswagen for the top spot .

  2. 随着SOA和EDA的不断融合,在SCA中引入对事件的支持,巩固了其作为SOA编程模型中头把交椅的位置。

    With continuing convergence between SOA and EDA , the introduction of events support in SCA strengthens its position as a premier SOA programming model .

  3. 至于谷歌为什么失去头把交椅,《财富》说,这家位于加州山景城(MountainView)的互联网企业没有什么不好的,就是它取消了下午茶和年度滑雪旅行这些花架子。

    Asto why Google lost its usual No.1 spot , Fortune says nothing bad about the Mountain View , Calif. - based Internet concern-except that it hascut frills like afternoon tea and an annual ski trip .

  4. 少数顶尖课程仍保持着前5的排名,而emba的头把交椅并未易主。

    The leading handful of programmes has maintained its top-five status and the number one EMBA remains the same .

  5. 过去两年,戴尔销量出现大幅下滑。去年,该公司将个人电脑市场头把交椅的位置,拱手让给了其最大竞争对手惠普(HP)。

    Over the past two years , the company has suffered from slumping sales and last year , it lost its place at the top of the PC market to arch-rival Hewlett-Packard .

  6. 这一大堆数字说明,在可预见的将来,中国不会让出发展中国家中在吸引FDI方面的头把交椅。

    What this barrage of numbers suggests is that China 's place at the very top of the league tables of inbound FDI among developing countries is not about to be vacated in the foreseeable future .

  7. 集高端手机与低廉价格于一身的小米在中国获得了极高人气,去年它在中国市场的销量超过了苹果(Apple)。如今,它正在全球最大的智能手机市场与三星争夺头把交椅。

    Xiaomi 's combination of high-end handsets with bargain basement prices has proved hugely popular in China , where sales overtook Apple last year , and it now vies with Samsung for top spot in the world 's largest smartphone market .

  8. 尽管与去年同期的156万台相比有所下降,但仍让公司重新坐上了美国LCD平板电视销售榜单的头把交椅。

    And while this is a drop from the 1.56 million sold in the same quarter a year earlier , the company reclaimed the top spot for sales of the flat panel LCD sets in the United States .

  9. 例如,被称为中国版Twitter的新浪微博(SinaWeibo)曾是微信的竞争对手,但在大规模引入广告之后,便向微信让出了社交媒体头把交椅的位置。

    Sina Weibo , for example , China 's version of Twitter , was once a competitor , but lost the social media crown to WeChat after it introduced advertising on a large scale .

  10. 凭借着为美国电话电报公司(AT&T)390亿美元收购T-Mobile的交易提供咨询服务,摩根大通(JPMorganChase)在2011年并购市场头把交椅的地位进一步得到巩固。

    With its role advising at & T on its proposed $ 39 billion purchase of T-Mobile , JPMorgan Chase has solidified its lead atop the mergers and acquisitions league tables in 2011 .

  11. 小米手环低于20欧的售价大大低于行业头把交椅Fitbit。

    The Mi Band significantly undercut the market leader Fitbit on price , costing under £ 20 .

  12. 在发展战略上,Google奉行多元化战略,凭借自己的技术优势,把触角伸向了各个相关技术、商业领域;而百度则专注于中文搜索,为此稳坐全球中文搜索引擎的头把交椅。

    Regarding the development strategy , Google pursues diversification strategy , relying on its own technology advantage , reach out for all related technologies , business field ; while baidu focus in Chinese search , which make baidu take the first place among the Chinese search engines in the world .

  13. 虽然游戏已成为移动市场非常流行的元素,而且许多开发者也已在这个领域赚到不少真金白银,但Rovio显然仍牢牢占据移动游戏头把交椅。

    Although games have proven extremely popular in the mobile market and other developers have made some cash with their creations , Rovio has emerged as the dominant force in mobile gaming .

  14. 这款西装成了世界上最贵的西装,轻松击败Amosu曾占据头把交椅的、价格10.3万美元的西装。

    That makes it the world 's most expensive suit , easily topping the $ 103,000 suit from Amosu that used to hold the top position .

  15. 工行的头把交椅似乎坐得很稳当。

    Its grip on the top spot looks strong .

  16. 属兔的富豪自从1999年胡润富豪榜发布以来一直都占据着头把交椅。

    Rabbits have dominated the list almost every year since it began in 1999 .

  17. 而他预言将继续崛起并占据头把交椅的日本,则停滞不前。

    Japan , which he said would continue its rise to the top , stagnated .

  18. 经历了金融危机后,深圳工业企业谁坐“头把交椅”?

    Experienced a financial crisis , industrial enterprises in Shenzhen who ride the " top spot "?

  19. 2009年,中国超过德国、坐上了头把交椅&而且中国将继续保持这一地位。

    In 2009 China overtook Germany to become number one & and it will stay there .

  20. “复仇女神”与“湮没”的搭档如此完美,从而在我们的统计排名中赢得了头把交椅。

    Nemesis and Oblivion make perfect partners and earn a place at number one in our countdown .

  21. 即使参考总体的图书销量,亚马逊也能以极大的优势占据头把交椅。

    Even if you look at total book sales , Amazon is by far the largest player .

  22. 让我们从一个明显的标志开始&美国正在失去世界头把交椅。

    We begin with the obvious downside that the US will no longer be the world 's # 1 .

  23. 他曾想坐上高盛的头把交椅,希望藉此能摘取华尔街的桂冠,达到自己职业的顶峰。

    He had hoped to crown his career on Wall Street , where he coveted the top job at Goldman .

  24. 德克萨斯A&M是在一个很好的公司,磨边大学密歇根大学和佐治亚理工学院的头把交椅。

    Texas A & M is in good company , edging out the University of Michigan and Georgia Tech for the top spot .

  25. 这使得雅虎的展示广告收入也停滞不前,而雅虎在这个领域曾长期占据北美头把交椅。

    That has kept display advertising revenue , where Yahoo had long been the top player in North America , hobbled as well .

  26. 印度曾在1992年成为最大的武器购买国,但头把交椅随即被中国占据,一直到2010年。

    India last held the title of biggest arms buyer in 1992 , but was de-throned by China which retained the title until 2010 .

  27. 和苹果公司竞争可穿戴设备市场头把交椅的小米公司现在的竞争方法更有趣了。

    Xiaomi , which competes with Apple for the top position in the wearable market , today made the competition a little more interesting .

  28. 在有权对医改进行表决的参议院委员中,格拉斯利占据了头把交椅的位置,医改的命运尽在他的掌握。

    Mr Grassley , through his position on the most important of the Senate committees considering health reform , holds its fate in his hands .

  29. 尽管更多的人开始通过网络观看视频,但是电视机仍然稳坐家庭娱乐产品的头把交椅。

    And despite what you may have heard about video entertainment migrating to the Web , the TV set is still the king of the home entertainment universe .

  30. 这标志着亚马逊首次问鼎市值榜首,结束了微软自去年11月底超越苹果后短暂占据头把交椅的局面。

    It marks the first time Amazon has held the top spot and ends Microsoft 's brief return to the pinnacle after it surpassed Apple in late November .