
  • 网络Cephalic position;Pole position;LOA;ROA;LOP;ROP
  1. 目的:探讨孕期体重指数(BMI)与头位难产的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship body mass index ( BMI ) during pregnancy and head presentation dystocia .

  2. 头位、手位和手形数据送到主控计算机,进行人机交互、碰撞检测计算和控制,并把头位、手位和手形数据以及交互控制标志量传送到实时图像系统及3D音响系统;

    Third , main-control computer carries out the controls and calculations of collision detection and interaction of human and computer , and send data to real time image system and 3D sound system .

  3. 目的:研究在自然头位下头影测量分析诊断与错牙合畸形的关系,前颅底平面(SN)与Ⅲ类畸形的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between malocclusion and diagnosis of Cephalometric analysis in natural head posture , between SN and three malocclusion .

  4. 研究涉及了头位跟踪及PSD的理论、头位跟踪模型及相应的实现技术。

    It is involved with the theory of helmet tracking and PSD , mathematical model of helmet tracking , and corresponding practical implement technology .

  5. 材料与方法:收集头位分娩时羊水混浊的患儿43例(其中窒息史的36例),均经CT扫描和Apgar评分。

    Meterials and Methods : Collected 43 new-borns of cephalic presentation with amniotic opacity ( include 36 asphyctic cases ) . All applying CT scanning and Apgar evaluation .

  6. 说明头位难产时新生儿脑干听神经功能可能受损,表现为BAEP异常。

    The results indicated that cephalic dystocia might cause damage to neonatal acoustic nerves which could be represented by abnormal BAEP .

  7. 结论:BMI与头位难产呈正相关,孕期控制体重及合理营养有助于减少头位难产的发生率。

    Conclusion : BMI during pregnancy was positively correlated with head presentation dystocia . Control weight and rational natrition during pregnancy are conducive reduce incidence of head presentation dystocia .

  8. 论文以基于PSD的头位跟踪系统实现方案为宗旨,从理论和实践两个方面研究了实现过程中所涉及的关键问题和技术。

    The key techniques and problems to realize the helmet tracker are studied in theory and practice , while the implement scheme of helmet tracker is the aim of the research .

  9. UCLP患者头位、颈椎位置的头影测量研究

    A Cephalometric Study of Natural Head Position and Spinal Position in UCLP Subjects

  10. 方法:分析1146例足月、单胎、头位分娩的产妇产程中CST评分和异常胎儿监护图形。

    Methods : To analyse the CST score and abnormal types of fetal heart rate patterns in 1 146 cases of singleton term pregnancy with head delivery .

  11. 方法选择79名错牙合患者,年龄12~16岁,按ANB和NSL-MP分组,比较各组自然头位和颈椎位置的差异,并与颅面形态指标进行相关分析。

    Methods 79 malocclusions aged from 12 to 16 were divided to several groups according ANB and NSL-MP .

  12. 结论静态头位倾斜可以诱发出OCR反应,可用来评价耳石器功能。

    Conclusion The static OCR reflex induced by different head tilt positions in roll plane was observed and recorded , and it is feasible to use it for the otolith function evaluation in practice .

  13. 目的:比较UCLP患者与无唇腭裂的错(牙合)患者头位、颈椎位置的差异。

    Objective : To compare the difference of NHP ( natural head posture ) and spinal position between UCLP and mal-occlusions .

  14. 目的观察人体于不同的头位倾斜条件下诱发的OCR反应特征,为建立其检测方法和实际应用提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the characteristics of ocular counterrolling ( OCR ) reflex induced by different head tilt positions in humans and provide experimental evidence for establishment of its test routine and application in practice .

  15. 结果:脐带脱垂的发生率为0.14%,其中臀位脐带脱垂的发生率为3.04%,头位为0.03%,两者比较差异高度显著,P0.001。

    Results : The incidence of prolapse of umbilical cord was 0.14 % , with 3.04 % for breech presentation and 0.03 % for cephalic presentation respectively ( P0.001 ), which was statistically significant .

  16. 对异常头位≥30°者,则增加改良Kestenbaum法手术量的40%-60%。

    For patients with abnormal head turn ≥ 30 °, we used a 40 % - 60 % augmented modified kestenbaum procedure .

  17. 眼球震颤患者头位30°的采用Parks法矫正,头位30°者手术量增加40%~60%;

    For patients with congenital nystagmus whose abnormal head turn were less than 30 degrees , we used the Parks method . For those abnormal head turn were more than 30 degrees , the increased amount of surgery from 40 % to 60 % were applied .

  18. 1岁内患儿有代偿头位,垂直斜视,且Bielschowsky歪头试验阳性,全身状况良好者,可即行手术矫正。

    Children with compensative head station , vertical strabismus and positive result of Bielschowsky test should undergo operation if the whole body conditions are good .

  19. 结论:用改良kestenbaum法和增加手术量的改良kestenbaum法治疗先天性眼震患者的异常头位具有显著疗效。

    Conclusion : The augmented kestenbaum procedures and the augmented modified kestenbaum procedures produce a marked correction for abnormal head positions in patients with congenital nystagmus .

  20. 先天性SOP和后天性SOP有代偿头位者分别为:160/293例(546%)和47/62例(758%),P<001;

    The presentations and the results of several examinations in the patients with congenital SOP and acquired SOP were respectively as follows : compensatory head posture : 160 / 293 cases ( 54.6 % ), 47 / 62 cases ( 75.8 % );

  21. 结论:与无唇腭裂的错(牙合)患者相比,UCLP的患者的头位相对于垂直平面更伸展,第一颈椎更后倾。

    Conclusion : The UCLP subjects presented a significant increase in extension of the head relative to the vertical plane and backward inclination of the first vertebra comparing with the malocclusions without cleft .

  22. ILIB组患者仰卧于检查床上固定头位,先做SPECT基础脑灌注显像,随即行半导体激光血管内照射,时间30min,治疗后再做SPECT脑灌注显像。

    For the group of intravenous irradiation ( ILIB group , 18 cases ), the patients lay on the bed with their heads fixed and were treated with intravenous laser irradiation for 30 min. Both before and after the therapy they received a SPECT cerebral perfusion imaging separately .

  23. 目的对先天性眼震(CN)病人的手术疗效进行定量评估。结论:用改良kestenbaum法和增加手术量的改良kestenbaum法治疗先天性眼震患者的异常头位具有显著疗效。

    Objective To assess quantitatively the therapeutic effects of surgical intervention on congenital nystagmus ( CN ) with electronystagmography . Conclusion : The augmented kestenbaum procedures and the augmented modified kestenbaum procedures produce a marked correction for abnormal head positions in patients with congenital nystagmus .

  24. 头位脐带脱垂的临床探讨

    The Peripartum Clinical Course of Umbilical Cord Prolapse with Vertex Presentation

  25. 头位难产剖宫产手术指征及时机选择

    Indication and Timing of Surgery in Cesarean Section with Cephalic Dystocia

  26. 头位分娩评分法预测分娩方式的探讨

    Study of cephalic presentation score in predicting the mode of labour

  27. 在成人安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)患者中高角与低角组之间头位变量也存在显著性差异。

    The same difference existed in adults with class III malocclusion .

  28. 代偿头位的矫正率在注药后一月为80%。

    The corrective rate of corresponding head position is 80 % .

  29. 先天性眼球震颤合并异常头位的手术治疗

    Surgical Treatment of Congenital Nystagmus Associated with Abnormal head Position

  30. 头位难产126例临床特点及分娩方式选择

    Clinical features and delivery mode selection in 126 cases of cephalic dystocia