
  • 网络Hard bed;platform bed
  1. 阿拉斯泰尔背部有毛病,所以我们睡硬板床。

    Alastair has a bad back so we have a hard bed .

  2. 方法156例患者,诊断明确,采用卧硬板床、骨盆牵引、推拿按摩,中西药物、针灸、功能锻炼的方法。

    Methods 156 patients were treated with lying on lamina dura , pelvic traction , massage , western medicines and Chinese herbs , acupuncture , function traning and so on .

  3. 本病治疗,目前西医主张睡硬板床、功能锻炼和对症处理;中医治疗包括针灸、推拿等。

    Treatment of this disease , the current Western medicine suggests sleep hard board beds , do functional exercises , and give symptomatic treatment ; Chinese medicine treatments include acupuncture , massage and so on .

  4. 两组患者均予卧硬板床制动,早期复位,背部垫枕,1周后开始行腰背肌功能锻炼,6周后下床。

    Two groups of patients were therefore correspondingly lying hard bed , early reset , cushions of pillows on back , the back muscle functional exercise one week later , got out of bed six weeks later .

  5. 结论:1.卧硬板床休息、牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效确切。2.梅花针叩刺能改善腰椎间盘突出症的腰腿痛和临床症状,在治疗腰椎间盘突出症起到辅助作用。

    Conclusion : 1.Lying hard board rest , traction therapy had definite clinical effect in treating Lumber Intervertebral disc Herniation.2.Plum-Blossom Needle therapy could be used to improve and the symptoms of backache and leg pain and clinical symptoms of Lumbar Intervertebral disc Herniation .

  6. 结论平卧硬板床加减压动作,是持续仰卧位预防压疮发生的有效方法之一,可减轻护理工作量、有利于骨折愈合,缩短住院日。

    Conclusion Lying on the hard bed with the exercise of decompression was one of the effective decompression methods preventing the bedsore with supine posture , which can decrease the nursing amount , facilitate the healing of bone fracture and shorten the hospital stay .