
  • 网络Lagena
  1. 为澄清这个争议,本研究分析成年信鸽瓶状囊耳石磁性元素的含量是否比内耳球囊和椭圆囊耳石更丰富。

    To clarify this issue , we carried out a study to determine whether or not otoliths in the lagena of homing pigeons are richer in magnetic elements than those in the saccule and the utricle .

  2. 哺乳动物只含有球囊和椭圆囊两种耳石器官,而非哺乳动物中还存在另外一种耳石器官&瓶状囊。

    The macula lagena is another otolithic organ in the inner ear of non-mammals , and the lagena of more advaced birds develops better than that of lower animals .